
Villain: Eavesdropping, The Heroines

1323414 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
100 Chs

Chapter 30: No, the small treasury will not give it to death!

In the office of the president of the Su Group, Su Yanran couldn't hold back, she spit out a sip of coffee and laughed until her stomach hurt.

The little secretary outside muttered to himself: Mr. Su is really becoming more and more neurotic. Was he bullied by Young Master Chu? hey~

Su Yanran never thought that the dignified protagonist would steal 3,000 yuan!

The protagonist in Urban Shuangwen, is 3,000 yuan money?

That's worth less than a hair!

The normal protagonist should take out a black card, with the momentum of contempt of the world, shouting: Just brush!

That's what the protagonist looks like!

Unexpectedly, Ye Fan would actually steal 3,000 yuan!

She really wished she could go to the jade market right away to witness this interesting scene.

But today, the top management of Jiangcheng wants to come to the company to discuss cooperation, and she really has no time to leave.

On the street, Liu Yiyi was shocked.

Three thousand dollars was stolen?

She didn't even know how to do it!

Taking a closer look at some shops on the street, an idea emerged, and I immediately walked to the shop.

After a lot of fiddling, he finally came out, smiling brightly.

Ye Fan didn't know that Liu Yiyi was already on the street, despising the middle-aged man.

{Grab something from the Dragon King with me? Kill you in minutes! }

{This rough stone that Laozi likes is worth at least one million! }

Surprised, is this protagonist going to kill at every turn?

However, losing 3,000 yuan for a million is really intriguing.

The return rate of more than 300 times is really worth it.

The middle-aged man was so popular that his face turned black, he wanted to cut the price, but now he has no choice.

"Boy, count your seeds! I wish you the silicon dioxide!"

"What is silica?"

"Well... it seems to be the main component of granite, right? Damn it, absolutely!"

Are there any academic requirements for reading novels now?

Ye Fan snorted and sneered: "Open your dog's eyes to see clearly! Please help me open!"

He came to a nearby shop and put the original stone directly on it.

Perhaps because of the protagonist's arrogance, someone actually helped him open the original stone.

As the saw blade cut, the stone skin flew, and soon a touch of green appeared in sight.

"Fuck, shipped?"

"It's green, it's green!"

"This water head... is definitely a high-quality jadeite!"

Ye Fan just looked at it lightly, as if he had expected it, but it attracted some people's attention.

Did he already know?

What kind of eyesight is this? !

With the opening of the original stone, the jadeite also fully revealed its true colors.

Jade exudes a faint light, even the boss of Kaishi was surprised.

"This piece of jadeite is estimated to be worth a million. The young man has good eyesight. How many did you get?"

"Three thousand!"

Ye Fan said arrogantly, and sure enough, there was an uproar from the surrounding people.

Three thousand for one million?

If this happens once a day, can't you get rich every day?

[Sure enough, this is the force of the protagonist, the next should be the stone, right? That's a good thing, it's really open, and the conservative value is one billion! ]

Chu Xuan's voice came out again, and Li Yan's mind moved slightly, one billion?

Could this thing fall into Ye Fan's hands?

Sure enough, the protagonist's halo is very scary, just pick up a billion?

On the street, Ye Fan directly sold the jadeite to the shop owner, making a profit of millions!

But soon an old man who was over sixty years old came over, and the people around him quickly retreated.

"Mo Lao!"

"Mo Lao!"

The old man is the boss of the Treasure Pavilion, Mo Yidao.

It is rumored that Mo Yidao is also a top stone gambling master, and no one has been able to break the stone gambling myth he created.

For 10,000 yuan, a giant jadeite worth 900 million yuan was opened!

At present, the giant jade is in the Treasure Pavilion, as the treasure of the town store.

"The young man has good eyesight, are you interested in choosing a few more rough stones?"

Mo Lao saw clearly from the side just now, Ye Fan is very confident, and has extraordinary confidence in his eyesight.

He seems to have judged that the rough stone can turn green early in the morning!

It is a talent, if you can make friends, it may be very good.


Why befriend a hairy boy?

Is it because of his uninhibited temperament that he has a shadow of his coquettishness back then?

Forget it, don't worry about so many details, it seems that it's okay to make friends anyway.

Ye Fan had already inquired clearly before he came. Naturally, he knew the identity of Mo Lao, so he lowered his head slightly and behaved very modestly.

"Mr. Mo's kind invitation, how dare you refuse?"

"Hahaha, the young man is very courageous. It happened that there was a stone gambling event today. The old abbot of the Treasure Pavilion took out a lot of rough stones and tried it?"

"Okay, please!"

Ye Fan's eyes lit up, and the owner of the Treasure Pavilion was also a person with eyes to the sky. If he could get in touch, it would definitely be of great benefit to him.

Anyway, it has already made a million, and it is okay to spend it.

Everyone moved their positions and came to a venue.

The venue is not small, dozens of tables are placed, and there are some rough stones on the tables.

Each rough stone is clearly marked with a price, ranging from a few hundred to tens of millions.

Especially in the middle of a rough stone more than two meters high, the rough stone has opened a window, and the striking green is faintly visible.

Sixty million!

The area of ​​the window is very small, only the size of a fingernail, but that touch of green is breathtakingly beautiful.

Imperial Green!

That's imperial green!

[Yes, right here, Liu Yiyi's silly little treasury was fooled away by Ye Fan, ahaha~]

[60 million rough stones, but it's not a good thing, if you go down with a knife, you will lose blood! ]

Hearing her heart, Liu Yiyi clenched her pocket tightly.


You can't turn in the small treasury without saying anything!

Not even killed!

How could her small money be given to a bastard like Ye Fan? *