
pilot chapter

I awake and the first thing I see being a beautiful chandelier with gold rims and the sun reflecting on the dazzling diamonds…

Where am I?

"Ahhh sir your finally awake". I look around trying to find the origin of that voice and see many women standing around me most of them lined up by the door. Then I see a lovely lady standing in the the corner of the room and as soon as I look at her she starts kneeling then I realize she's most likely the person who said it . As I look at her I'm entranced by her beauty. Her silky hazel hair, enchanting dark crimson eyes, and large asset which are being tightly squeezed by the tight fabric she is wearing. The fabric is mostly dark which brings out a slight rosy undertone in her eyes. And It has occasional white ruffles to instantiate her figure.

Could this be a hospital room? Wait no it it can't be this is way to fancy to be a hospital room. And as I was trying to figure out where I am a screen popped up in front of me I look at the lady she was still kneeling unmoved in the same position the I see the others are still standing in the same stiff yet elegant position so I assume that only I can see it. Then three categories pop up and the first option says

Respectable noble :

Skill(s) acquired for choosing: None

Risk of choosing: 45%

Fate of role : stepping Stone for leads.

Fate change possibility: 10%

Possibility of death : 25%

Reward for choosing: 2,900 platinum gold, 25 gold bars , basic knowledge of world, and anyone in your aura with always treat you with the utmost respect even after they leave

Then the second option said

protagonists :

Skill(s) acquired for choosing: angles eye light manipulation and the worlds protection [+2]

Risk of choosing: 55%

Fate of role : if chosen have a deadly battle with the male antagonist and then live happily ever after with the female protagonist

Fate change possibility 30%

Possibility of death : 50%

Reward for choosing :basic knowledge of this world, fast leveling system, 50 gold bars (+3)

And the last option read:

Antagonist :

Skill(s): mind control, aura of attraction, aura of fright, dark and shadow manipulation (+5)

Risk of choosing: 60%

Fate of role: fierce battle against the four female leads or male protagonist and gets executed at a trial

Fate change possibility: 92%

Death possibility: 96%

Reward for choosing: skill system, 5,000 platinum gold, basic knowledge of this world, unknown????, Unknown???, advanced knowledge,unlock inhabits memories, and (+3)

Unknown?? Huh well that's weird. Wait before I try to figure that out I need to figure out where I am and who these people are.

" umm excuse me where am I?"

Are you talking to me young master?

("Young master??? Never mind that")

"Yes and why do you keep acting so formal.?"

"Huh??? Young master it's one of the only ways to talk to you while showing the respect fitting of your status."

"Status?? What do you mean status??"

Oh no you there go get sire and the madam! She said as she was pointing at a girl by they door. And as soon as she finished her sentence the girl ran off.

Huh I wonder why she would call them for me. "Why would you need them?"

And please hurry. she whispers to herself

Huh well I won't worry about that right now first I need to choose. Well the respectable noble would be good if I wanted to lay low I don't want to be stepping on and used to make someone look good. So if we eliminate that option then the only ones left are the antagonist and the protagonist. But for me just hearing about the options I knew which was the best option. The antagonist.
