
Villain's Survival: I refuse to be the Mc's stepping stone

''Life gave me nothing, all that I achieved was from my might alone'' ---------------------- One of the most pitiful thing I can think of , is not being in control of your life, all of my existence played around the need to survive from the mistakes of people I never knew ,talked or even saw. I was stuck repaying a debt I didn't even know existed. My life took a dark turn as I did whatever it took to fill my stomach—blackmailing, stealing, extorting—anything to survive. Yet one day as I woke up , what closed in from my eyes were not the cockroaches of my apartment but a luxurious room. Countless servants, meals that seemed like feasts, and elegant clothes awaited me each day. Yet not everything that shone was gold, as I soon discovered that I had transmigrated inside the body of Favian Delecroix, the first and weakest villain of the novel '' The Call's of Narain''. Unfortunately for me , the damage was already done , as upon myself I had invoked the ire of the main character of the novel, someone I had no hope to beat if I was to remain as I was. Nonetheless, I was determined to overcome the challenges presented by this unexpected opportunity, and I vowed to do everything in my power to survive the perils and make the most of this second chance at life. [I kindly request readers to Reach at least the First ten chapters , before deciding wethever to give It a chance or not ]

Allevatore_dicapre · แฟนตาซี
88 Chs

Chapter 72: Battling with the mc(3)

The knights charged towards Lucas, their armor glistening in the hazy light that seeped through the thick smoke-filled forest. Their swords were raised high, glinting with deadly intent as they closed in on their target. The ground trembled beneath their heavy footsteps, each one echoing like thunder in the tense atmosphere.


But I knew it was a hopeless battle for them, lambs marching towards the slaughter.


With an agile movement, Lucas reached behind him and unslung the crossbow from his back. A moment of consideration flickered across his face before he discarded the weapon with a contemptuous toss, letting it clatter to the ground.


Instead, he drew his trusty sword from its scabbard with effortless grace. The blade shone in the flickering firelight, reflecting the burning forest around them.


"Damn it all!" I cursed, my voice ringing out over the chaos. "Stay close, you lot! Form a square, each facing a different direction!"

The five knights, their faces tense with determination, nodded in understanding and quickly fell into position around me, their swords at the ready. With a swift command, I directed each of them to a cardinal direction, ensuring our defense covered all angles, that was the best we could do, after all if the bastard could appear behind us it would be better to have that side covered as well....


Meanwhile, Lucas's body hummed with the rush of adrenaline and the fire of determination as he sprinted forward with astonishing speed. His muscles, tense and straining, propelled him forward in powerful strides as he closed the distance between himself and the charging knights. With a primal roar, he swung his sword in a wide arc, the sharp blade slicing through the air with deadly precision.


Caught off guard by Lucas's sudden burst of speed, the knights struggled to react in time. One by one, they fell under the onslaught of his relentless attacks, their armor no match for the ferocity of his blows, each time Lucas would sprint getting behind them before striking at their back or neack. Each swing of his sword was like a dance, fluid and graceful yet deadly efficient. The enemy soldiers could not keep pace with his lightning-fast movements, and soon more of them crumpled to the ground, unable to defend themselves.


Despite their numerical advantage, the knights found themselves outmatched by Lucas's unmatched agility and skill. With each passing moment, their numbers dwindled as Lucas pressed his advantage.


''YOU FOOLS," I bellowed over the chaos of battle, trying to salvage a sinking ship. "COME BACK INTO FORMATION IF YOU DON'T WANT TO DIE!You are not match against him " It was only when more than half of the knights lay wounded or dead on the ground that they finally understood the gravity of my words and retreated back toward me.


Of the 85 knights in just a few minutes of fighting , only 21 remained standing. Lucas, one of the survivors, immediately unsheathed his daggers and threw them with deadly precision, taking down enemies with each strike.


As the remaining knights started to retreat, I called out to them, my voice cutting through the chaos like a clarion call. "Listen up!" I shouted, my tone urgent and commanding. "Our enemy's strength lies in super speed, but it's not permanent! They can only sprint in a straight line at incredible speeds. If we each cover a side, we can anticipate their approach and protect one another's back !"

With a swift nod, the knights fanned out, each taking up a position to guard a different direction. Their swords were held at the ready, poised for any attack.


Caer was among those that survived and were not wounded , seeing me take lead of the situation he turned to me ''How did you figure his ability?''


However I had no response to give him as such I ignored him.


"Our enemy may be fast, but in close combat, their speed is comparable to yours!" I declared, my voice ringing with confidence. "Stay vigilant and work together! We can overcome this!" 

The wounded knights were ushered back inside the protective circle formed by those who could still fight. With renewed determination, they tightened their formation and prepared to face their swift opponents.


As I glanced at Lucas's face, there was a flicker of amazement, quickly masked by determination, as he assessed the situation with a seasoned warrior's intuition. In his eyes, after all in just a few minutes I already understood his skill and weakness , unfortunately that was not the case as if I did not have prior knowledge of the novel I too would have struggled to think of a way to react to his ability.


With a swift motion, Lucas began to circle around us, his movements fluid and precise. From his hidden cache of daggers, he unleashed a barrage of lethal projectiles aimed at our vulnerable spots. Most of the daggers met steel, either deflected by our armors or intercepted by shields held firm by the knights. But a few found their mark, slipping through gaps in our defenses with deadly accuracy, claiming the lives of some of our comrades.


"Gather your wits, men!" I shouted above the clamor of battle, my voice ringing with urgency. "He's running out of daggers! Hold fast and stay focused!"

As if in response to my words, Lucas's onslaught began to slow. The steady stream of daggers dwindled until it ceased altogether, leaving only the echoes of clashing steel and the groans of the wounded in its wake. We stood, battered but unbroken, our resolve unyielding as we braced ourselves for the next phase of the confrontation.


With a snarl, Lucas circled around our group, no longer throwing daggers but instead observing our formation with deadly intent. His eyes scanned the terrain, searching for any weakness he could exploit. Every moment he wasted was one less precious second to complete his mission.


Suddenly, without warning, he sprang into action. Not relying on his ability, he sprinted forward and deftly maneuvered past a knight before pulling back with a sharp turn, probably trying to pull him out from the formation . ''STAY IN FORMATION DON'T TAKE THE BAIT '' . As the enemy drew closer, I urged the knights at the back of our group to conjure their magic and hurl it at the advancing threat.


Two of the ten wounded men obeyed my command, their hands already weaving the most basic spell a fireball , the simplest spell any magic user must have learnt . The air crackled with energy as they summoned their fireballs, aiming for the small gap in our formation where Lucas stood. With a flick of his own ability, he dodged the incoming attack, changing direction at lightning speed. But every time he used his power, I knew that his strength and mana were being drained - an advantage for us in this battle of skill and strategy.


With lightning speed, Lucas darts through the chaos of battle, appearing in front of Caer as if by magic. The veteran knight is caught off guard, his sword swinging too late, as Lucas leaps towards him with a fierce determination.


In mid-air, Lucas reaches out and grabs Caer's helmet with a savage grin on his face. I know that smile....I wanted to help but I knew I could not make it 



In a display of power and dominance, he conjured a massive fireball that engulfed the knight's head within seconds. The smell of burning flesh fills the air, but there was no sound of agony or pleas for help from Caer, just the hissing of the fire against flesh.


The group watched in horrified silence as Lucas proved his superiority, mocking their own pitiful strength and lackluster control over mana.

Caer's lifeless body crumpled to the ground, we did not even had a moment to understand what happened before Lucas quickly withdrew. But not before yanking my master at arms by the leg, dragging him out of formation and leaving a trail of blood in his wake. As he moved, the mangled corpse floundered on the ground, leaving behind a gruesome blend of flesh and grass that stained the peaceful green fields with streaks of crimson.