
52. Inevitable Defeat

"Why are we here Starsuper?!" A woman in a red costume asked. She was Scarlet Vampire. There's not a boy in existence who doesn't have her poster in his room.

"Yes, Starsuper! I was about to do it with my wife today after so long!" 

The one who revealed that super private information was none other than the principal of Hero Academy, Lightbringer.

"Yeah Lightbringer, no one is interested in your dead marriage's love life," a girl in a red and gold costume said. She was Liberty the strongest American Female Hero. "I stood a good guy up on a date to come here!"

"What? You're dating someone?" A man in an Italian suit asked with a frown. He was Deadeye. His ability is to create Guns out of thin air. That's not it though, the more he's backed up against the corner the stronger his bullets become.

"Yes, and he's a good guy unlike you!" Bursted out Liberty.

"I'm a good guy!" Deadeye retorted.