
Village Hidden in the cloud.

This a fan fiction novel it is about a ordinary guy from Brooklyn NY . So he ends up dead and transfered into the Naruto universe , he is born into the Hidden cloud , read a find out how his story affects and evolves the Naruto mythology .

Nicko_Tavares · สมัยใหม่
2 Chs


I'm driving down park lawn avenue like any other day , listening to Centuries by fall out boys , its my jam . let's me feel like my life has meaning , so just in my car singing out loud the lyrics to the song , when my phone got a text I just couldn't move . right in front my eyes was an announcement being advertised by the author of Naruto ,Shit !

At New York Comic con we will be giving away the only copy of the hidden cloud gaiden .to win just be in the first 10 in line and you have chance to get this book .

I stated hyperventilating , oh god thank you , please let me get that book ,if I do god I might go to church this Sunday . if you don't know about this book let me tell you , its a book written by the author of Naruto it depicts the life of several known and unknown characters in the village hidden in the cloud . the novel was suppose to get an adaptation but because the books main characters are black no anime adaptation was made . if you watch Naruto you would know the village hidden in the leaf is the strongest but I disagree .In my honest Opinion the Cloud village is better but little is known about the hidden cloud but this book will reveal it all .So I have to get it ,comic con begins in 6 hrs , so I check my watch ,after making up my mind I made the most logical choice not head to work and drive to comic con to get my baby .

After 3 hrs of driving, I'm there with no time to loose , I ran to the Naruto booth. By some miracle I'm there before 10 slots are given away , got my tag number from the Asian looking security guy ,wow I'm 9th ! I almost missed out a place ,I just stood to the side and waited . this skinny guy runs up next he got the 10th position from what I could see. so many came after slim Jim to get numbers but they where all depressed when they weren't in the top 10 . well its there lost .

So I'm there waiting for another hour or so when the booth finally opens ups , after some other stuff regarding the Manga . All 10 of us are been called up on the stage , where each to pick from a box ,each box has a gaiden in it , so I got selected first . I went up choose from the box , ah well just say boi here lucky , I got it , is all that went threw my mind everything else was mute .then it happen. I looked around to see the slim guy i saw before pissed as hell before I could even celebrate , I saw this white boy pulling out a gun from his waist , shit just got real .

He pointed the gun my way ,saying crap about "that's mind you thief hand it over ,"

He was crazy , I swear that's why I don't have friends or go out in public too much stuff always be happening . I was drag back to severity of the matter when I heard a gun shoot was fired in my direction .

I may love this book but not as much I love my life , I was ready to trough the book to him when crazy boi pulled the trigger again , it hurt so bad.

I was shoot in my stomach the book fell to the ground from my hand and I fell down on it .I heard foot steps heading my way , I looked up with what little strength I had a asked for help . but with my vision  getting blurry I could barely see anything, from what could hear police came and arrested slim Jim . classic privileged , so he goes to jail and I die on the floor just for winning a contest ,

Time of death 4:30 pm . death is silent . I could see all that was happening all around me but couldn't interact with anyone , the day at my funeral I looked peaceful in my casket ,  everyone was coming up with condolences , but what surprise the hell out of me is that the author of Naruto came , he walk to my casket and place some thing on my corpse , the shit I was killed over was placed on body . I finally feel at peace. my soul is moving on ah time for me to leave this world .