
The other side of the forest

The group didn't need any indication to realize that they had arrived at their destination. The man turned around and gave them a stern look. "The Vylkr vines in this area have already been cleared. However, the weaker ones were left behind for a reason - to train all of you," he explained.

As the man spoke, Orion took the opportunity to observe his new surroundings. Everything, from the ground to the lifeless trees, was covered in an ashen black hue. Some of the trees were bent to the side, while others remained upright without a single leaf on their branches.

Orion felt Ursa's hand clench tightly against his waist, so he gently rubbed her waist and thighs to soothe her. "I would have said more, but Warrior Tog and Grulm have already covered everything there is to say..." he trailed off.

The man suddenly frowned and his face twisted into a terrible scowl. His eyes became serious as he pierced them at each one of them. "They're here," he declared.