
Aegis of the Arctic Deity's Form

"I wasn't expecting your visit, Village Chief Brane," the Princess of the Garden remarked, her brow arching in surprise. 

It was unusual for the Village Chief to come to the Garden, so she was taken aback by his sudden appearance.

"I apologize for not informing you beforehand, but I heard Orion is in the Garden. I've come to meet him because an urgent matter requires his attention," the Village Chief explained solemnly.

Upon hearing his words, the Princess felt a headache starting to form. Orion had only been in the Garden for a day, and the Village Chief was already seeking him out. If she hadn't known better, she might have thought the Chief was Orion's parent, coming to find him because he hadn't returned home the previous night.

The Princess of the Garden collected her thoughts and explained the situation to the Village Chief.

As the Princess elaborated, the Village Chief's expression grew increasingly serious before he nodded in understanding.