

Viktor Redwood is a very famous rap artist in the world is also Viktor Redwood is a professional dancer and does parkour is Viktor Redwood is not afraid to speak his mind, Viktor Redwood is also not afraid of strong men is people who fight martial arts, Viktor Redwood is your style of wrestling and dancing,Viktor Redwood he also doesn't make efforts to beat women is that they don't obey him, Viktor Redwood gets excited about an abusive relationship and wants to have a woman who does what he says all the time

senhordogamerplay · เกม
20 Chs


don't know."

"You're crazy! You say you don't know, but you know exactly how it feels. You know it's going to pass and that you'll be forced to give it up one day. When you do that, you'll realize how much you wanted fame, you'll realize you've gotten used to it. Then you'll stop living in vain. You'll realize that the moment that fame disappears, you will begin to feel empty."


"No, stop interrupting me. You talk too much." Yuri interrupted him.

"Okay, okay, I get it. I will leave you alone, then."

"Good. Now go write those lyrics." Yuri ordered him.

Viktor stood up from the bed and went back to the kitchen to continue writing. He was writing some pretty heavy lyrics, and he wanted to make sure that the words were perfect. He had to ensure that they were flawless. He didn't want to mess anything up. He took a deep breath before starting to write, trying to focus on his lyrics.

"Is it really okay to let Yuri read all of these lyrics?" Viktor asked himself as he finished writing. "These words aren't mine, they are his, his words are beautiful and powerful, but these are not my words. I wrote them because it's Yuri. So I should have written them about him. No, it's the wrong thing to do. I'm supposed to write about Yuri. The whole point of writing is to create beauty and inspiration, right? But Yuri doesn't need me to write his lyrics anymore. He can do it perfectly just fine on his own. Why do I have to be the one to do all of the hard work? Why can't he? I hate this. I hate writing. I hate being anonymous, I hate the constant exposure that comes with it. I just want to live my life quietly. Why can't he understand that?"

After writing for another hour, Viktor finally decided that he had done enough. He had written his lines and he thought he had written them really well. His lyrics seemed to reflect his feelings.

"I hope this song makes Yuri happy." Viktor sighed as he looked at Yuri. The blonde boy was sitting on the floor, leaning against the side of his desk, with his head resting on his arms, sleeping peacefully. He looked peaceful. Viktor watched the boy for a little while longer. He couldn't believe that Yuri was actually sleeping. Yuri never sleeps. Ever since he was a kid, he has never fallen asleep early. He never falls asleep until two in the morning or three in the afternoon. But Yuri's sleeping face made Viktor smile.

It was weird to wake up in the middle of the night and find your boyfriend sleeping next to you. Sometimes Viktor would stay awake until five in the morning. Other times he would fall asleep after midnight. Yuri stayed up late every night.

Viktor smiled, closed the notebook he had been writing in, and walked over to the sleeping boy.