
Chapter 16: The Warning

Tension crackled in the back seat, the electricity between them crackling at a low ebb. He was far from psychic but new she felt it too. He didn’t make a habit of courting his staff but was willing to make an exception in her case. The feeling he got with her, different from any woman he had ever known. What he’d heard referred to as “love” in the stories and poems.

“It’s just up here,” Polly said, pointing to a building in a row of them.

The place was nicer than he might have expected considering she was basically working retail. Then again, her position was skilled, and one of the things that first drew me to Victory Cupcakes was how generous Lind was with what she paid her staff. Some might say that no good deed goes unpunished, but he had an alternative theory.

Chatterton eased the length of the limo up the curb, mere feet from the door. There was little chance of anything happening to her there.

“Walk me to the door?” Polly asked.
