
Victorious Prodigies

In the lively corridors of Hollywood Arts High School, there are two prodigies whose names are known throughout the entire school. Jason, a singer carrying past wounds, starts to stagnate in his pursuit towards his musical dreams, haunted by past experiences. Meanwhile, Kevin, the ambitious actor and director, aspires to make his mark on Broadway. Tori, a new face in Hollywood Arts, is a sweet, kind, and supportive girl, who later becomes Jason's anchor, offering solace amid his struggles. In contrast, Jade, Kevin's girlfriend for nearly two years, grapples with the turbulent emotions of jealousy and anger. Their close-knit group includes Robbie, a nerd with a passion for tech, André, another musical talent known for his smooth tunes, Beck, the easygoing actor with a laid-back demeanor, and Cat, a whimsical and spontaneous presence. Within this circle of unlikely friends, they navigate the highs and lows of high school life, forging connections, chasing aspirations, and discovering the strength of camaraderie and love as they weave their musical stories together.

InfinityLight · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
11 Chs

Tori the Zombie

"Ready? Action." Directed Marty, the director in charge of Hollywood Art's production of "Uptown Downtown."

The stage lights came in, illuminating Robbie and Tori as they both stood on stage next to each other holding their scripts.

"Uh, I don't know." Tori said in character as Penny, a beautiful girl who's been caught in a love triangle between herself, a rich man and a meager servant.

"Oh, come on!" Robbie said in his character, the rich man. "Why can't you admit that you're in love with me?"

"Why are you in love with me?" Tori asked back.

"Because you're beautiful. Look at you face in the moonlight." Robbie answered.

"I can't." She said.

"You can." He replied.

"No, a person can't look at their own face. It's impossible." She told him.

"Then marry me, and I'll buy you a thousand mirrors." Robbie told her.

"But that's so many!" She said in shock.

"My father's a billionaire." He said. "I can give you everything you've ever wanted, and I'm very good looking."

"Mm... yeah..." Tori muttered, giving him a once over.

"Think." Robbie said, pointing his finger at her before walking off stage.

"And lights go." Marty said.

Sinjin, who was working the lights, sounds and effects, turned off the light shining on Robbie and turned on another light that shone Kevin, who was standing on Tori's stage right.

"I don't know." Tori said, the same line repeating from the start of her conversation with Robbie.

"It's okay that you don't know." Kevin replied.

"But you deserve an answer." She said.

"I can wait. For you, I would wait a thousand years." Kevin told her.

"But that's so many!" She said in shock, again.

In the crowd, Jade and Jason could be seen on their phones, barely focusing on the play in front of them. Jade rolled her eyes at the scene while Jason felt a strange sense of irritation, but chose to deliberately ignore it as he didn't know where it stemmed from.

"I know I'm poor. I know I don't have much to offer, but... I do love you." Kevin said to her.

Tori let out a sigh and turned away from the boy, "Because I'm beautiful?"

"I don't love you because you're beautiful!" Kevin said as he reached for Tori's shoulder and turned her back towards him. "You're beautiful because I love you."

"Whoa..." Tori muttered.

This time, both Jade and Jason rolled their eyes at the scene before them. The latter of the two sucking his teeth and causing the former to look at him with a raised eyebrow.

She recognized that irritated face anywhere, because she's had it on her's almost every single day for two years. Jason was jealous. She knew that something wouldn't happen today. Jason may be showing jealousy now, but he knows Kevin won't do anything. But all she has to do is wait, and when he finally blows his top, she will make sure to have front row VIP seats to that slaughter waiting to happen.

A dastardly smile grew on Jade's face that was soon wiped away when disco music suddenly started to blast over the speakers of the Blackbox Theatre. Everyone looked towards Sinjin, who was scrambling trying to shut it off.

"What up with the disco?!" Jade yelled as she stood up out of her chair and glared at Sinjin.

Letting out a sigh, Jason grabbed his water bottle from his backpack and started to drink from it. So far, he's been nothing but bored the entire time he's been here. The only reason that he was here in the first place was because he could get out of class if it was under the guise of him being André's backup in case something went wrong.

Apparently you can get out of pretty much every class if you're helping out with a school production, no matter how little your role is. With that being revealed to him in his freshman year, it was something that he did regularly, as it was pretty much a get out of jail free card since André has never needed a backup.

"I'm sorry! hit the wrong thing!" Sinjin replied.

"No, fifteen years ago, your mother gave BIRTH to the wrong thing!" Jade yelled.

Her reply instantly made Jason spit out the water he had in his mouth, spitting it directly at the back of Robbie's head.

"Really?!" Robbie shouted.

He turned to look at Jason, who was currently coughing and laughing at the same time. Beck, who was sitting beside Jason, started to pat him on the back.

"All right, why don't we take a break?" Marty said as he hit the button on his stopwatch.

Sinjin turned off the music and put all the lights back on their normal setting.

"Tori, Kevin, you guys were great. Really nice stuff." He told the two.

Kevin gave the man a nod while Tori let out and audible, "Thanks."

"How was I?" Robbie asked Marty as he passed by.

"I've seen worse." He replied.

Robbie nodded excitedly before his face dropped when he realized that what he said wasn't a compliment at all.

"Uh, guys, guys, everyone shut up a second." Jade called out.

"What's up?" Kevin asked.

"An e-mail from Principal Eikner." She said.

"That says?" Tori asked.

Jade looked at Tori with an annoyed stare before gazing back at her phone and reading the e-mail she had received.

"To all students involved in our school's production of Uptown Downtown, Sofia Michelle will be in Los Angeles the weekend of the 17th and will be personally attending your opening-night performance." She read aloud.

Hearing this, everyone, barring Jason and Tori, became excited at the prospect of their play being seen by Sofia Michelle herself. Especially Kevin, who had extensive knowledge about anything Broadway.

"Oh, my God..." Marty muttered before grabbing his stomach and rushing out of the theatre.

"Who's Sofia Michelle?" Tori asked, getting groans from everyone except her boyfriend.

"Oh, no, no, no..." Jade groaned as she grabbed Kevin by the hand and pulled him towards her seat.

She sat down on the chair and Kevin walked around and stood behind her, leaning on the back of her chair.

"What?" Tori asked, not seeing why everyone was reacting the way they were.

"She gets to be the lead, and she doesn't even know who Sofia Michelle is." Jade announced to basically everyone.

"To be honest, I don't know who the bitch is either." Jason said, standing up from his chair and sitting down where Marty was sitting, kicking his feet up on the table.

"Yeah, but you're you." Robbie said.

"Mhm, you don't care about anything." Rex added.

Jason took out his phone, pointing it towards the duo and saying, "That is true."

He turned his attention to his phone, basically ignoring everything around him as he played Werewolf Survivors.

"Wait, is she the lady who does those infomercials with the vibrating hairbrush?" Tori asked excitedly.

"I love that hairbrush!" Sinjin suddenly spoke, making everyone look at him with confused stares before ultimately ignoring him and moving on.

"Look at the cover of your script." Robbie told her.

Doing as he said, Tori finally realized why everyone was reacting the way that they did when she saw the name "Sofia Michelle" written in the cover.

"Oh, Sofia Michelle wrote the play we're doing." She realized.

"Ohhh." Jade mocked the girl.

Tori gave Jade a stare, but didn't say anything about it.

"She's like the biggest playwright on Broadway." Robbie explained.

Right after he said that, Marty had walked back into the theatre, now holding a bottle of water that he had already drunken more than half of.

"All right, you guys, we knew we had to be great. Now we have to be perfect." He said to the whole class. "We are not going to disappoint Sofia Michelle."

"And you're sure you want Robbie in this play?" Rex asked, getting an offended look from the boy in question and a chuckle from Jason.

"I'm good!" Robbie exclaimed.

"At what?" Rex retorted, this time getting a laugh from Jason.

"I have to go take another nerve pill." Marty said before leaving again.

Just as he left, Sinjin started to play disco music again, this time on purpose.

"Will you kill the disco?!" Jade yelled at the curly-haired boy.

"No one can kill disco!" He retorts, pulling out one of those vibrating hairbrushes that Tori had mentioned before and brushing his hair as he danced along to the music.

Everyone looked at him weirdly, not really knowing what to do in this situation.


Later that day, Tori and Jason walked into the makeup studio looking for a certain red-head.

"Cat? Cat?" Tori called out for the girl.

Not seeing here anywhere, Tori went up to a guy and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Hey, have you seen Cat?" She asked.

The boy turned around and faced the two, showing them his face, which looked like it had been mauled and mangled in a fight with a Grizzly Bear.

"Aah!" Tori shrieked.

Jason raised an eyebrow, more curious than shocked by the man's face.

"It's just special effects makeup." The boy told her.

"Oh... well, that is special..." Tori said. "And I have been affected..."

Jason chuckled at Tori's response, rubbing her shoulder in a sort of comfort before leading her toward the red-head he had spotted towards the back of the room just a few seconds ago.

"Sup, cat?" Jason greeted the girl, who was currently applying makeup to some guy he doesn't recognize.

"Oh, hey, Jason. Hey, Tori." She greeted the couple.

"We doing lunch?" Tori asked.

"Uh, yeah, just a sec. I'm almost finished with my assignment." She told them.

"Ooh, what's the assignment?" Tori asked.

"To transform a human face into a terrifying monster." Cat replied. "Wanna see?"

"Terrify us." Jason replied.

Cat spun the guy around and revealed her model's face, which looked like a recoloring of what Mike Myers looked like in the live action Cat in the Hat film. So yes, it was pretty terrifying.

Jason and Tori gave each other confused glances, wondering what was supposed to be scary about this.

"Isn't he scary?" Cat asked.

"Not really." Jason stated bluntly.

"No, he's kind of adorable." Tori said.

Confused, the model looked into the mirror and saw what Cat had done to his face.

"Aw, man, you made me look cute!" He exclaimed.

"Ain't no amount of makeup you put on is gonna be able to pull off that miracle..." Jason muttered, getting a nudge in the side from his girlfriend.

"You're the worst!" The model told Cat.

"Well, let me try again after school!" Cat said.

"No, no, no, no, no, I'm done with you!" He said, going to walk out of the class.

"No, but wait! You can't just--"

"Done with you!" He repeated, stopping Cat from following him any further and walking out.

Jason chuckled at the scene before him. He didn't know what he expected from today, but at least it was shaping up to be entertaining.

"Oh, that's the third model who's quit on me." Cat said as she walked back towards her friends. "I'm gonna get an "F" in makeup."

"Aww, that bites. Let's go get an "A" in lunch." Tori said, grabbing Cat by the hand and trying to lead her out of the classroom.

"Wait!" Cat said, her tone and face looking as if she had an idea.

"Oh, shit..." Jason groaned as he could already guess what Cat was thinking.

"No!" Tori said, coming to the same realization that Jason did.

"I just need--"

"I am not gonna to be your monster makeup model!" Tori exclaimed.

"But if I don't transform someone's face into hideous monster by Monday, I'm gonna fail this class." Cat told her.

"And if I don't cram a turkey sandwich down my throat, I'm gonna fail not starving to death." Tori retorted before turning to walk away.

"Oh, come on!" Cat yelled as she ran in front of Tori. "We can do it tonight, tomorrow night, whenever you want."

"I'm in a huge play. I have to learn all my lines and five songs--"

"Tori!" Cat whined.

"Cat!" Tori whined back.

The two girls devolved into incoherent arguing that they somehow were able to comprehend. Jason was entirely lost, not being able to understand a word that they were saying.

"Okay, fine, I'll do it!" Tori exclaimed, Jason finally able to understand them again.

"Yay!" Cat exclaimed happily.

"But you're buying my lunch." She told her.

"Aww..." Cat whined.

"Let's go." Tori grabbed Cat by her wrist and led her out of the classroom.

Shaking his head, Jason followed them out and trailed behind the now dejected Cat.


Tori Vega:

Turkey sandwich = YAY! Monster makeup = WHY?!?

Mood = Anxious 😟


"Suddenly, my choice is clear~" Tori sang as André played on the keyboard that was in his lap.

André, Jason, and Tori were all at her house rehearsing for the show. Well, mostly André and Tori. Jason was currently sitting back on the couch as he rested his eyes, fully conscious of what was happening around him, but not caring about it in the slightest.

"Nice, now sing it like an old jazz singer." André chuckled.

"Why?" Tori asked.

"To amuse me." He answered simply.

Going along with it, Tori cleared her throat and started to sing in the raspy tone of a jazz singer.

"Suddenly, my choice is clear~"

"Clear~" André sang in an even deeper and raspier tone.

"Clear~" Tori tried to copy his tone, but she couldn't get her voice to go that low.

"Come on, be a man. Clear~" André told her before singing the word again.

"Cleeaaar~" She tried again.

"Now I'm amused." He chuckled, placing his keyboard on the coffee table.

Tori grabbed her phone and checked the time.

"Hey, it's almost 8:00. You guys getting hungry?" She asked, looking at the two boys.

"Yeah." André answered.

"I could eat." Said Jason, who was still in his relaxed state.

"Want me to go pick up a pizza?" André asked.

"Yeah, sure. Let's get a large pepperoni--"

Tori was cut off by the sound of the doorbell.

"Coming!" She shouted as she got up from the couch and jogged over to the door.

Opening it, she found Cat leaning against the doorframe, smiling and raising both her eyebrows towards her.

"Makeup time." She said.

"Hey, Cat." Tori greeted her with a little apprehension.

Cat turned around and grabbed all of her supplies that were all in a few cases behind her on wheels.

"Where should I set up?" She asked as she walked through the door.

"Kitchen table." Tori told her.

Cat let out a little gasp, "Ooh, I love kitchens!"

Cat walked towards the kitchen, walking by the two boys on the couch. André was currently on his laptop ordering a pizza while Jason didn't change at all.

"Hey, André. Hey, Jason." She greeted the two.

"Yo." Jason said simply.

"Sup, Little Red?" André greeted her with a new nickname.

"What's that supposed to mean?!" She exclaimed.

André and Tori looked at her weirdly.

"Uh, I don't know. Little Red: you're little and you hit red hair?" He explained.

"Ooh, that's so creative." She praised, clapping her hands. "Do Jason now!"

"Sorry, already got a nickname." Jason told her.

"What is it?" She asked.

"Depending on who you ask, it's either, Jay, Jace, or asshole." He said, listing off all the names he's been called on a regular basis.

That last one got everyone to look towards him with confusion.

"Uh, I don't think that last one is a nickname..." André said.

"It is if you take pride in it." Jason told him.

Not knowing what to say to that, his friends decided that it was best to move on.

"What about Tori?" Cat asked.

"Can we just get this whole monster makeup thing over with?" Tori asked, wanting to get this show on the road.

"Sure, let's get started." Cat said, resuming her way towards the kitchen. "Hey, can André be my assistant?"

"You can ask him." Tori told her.

"André, you want to help me put monster makeup on Tori's face?"

"Bye." André told her instantly as he walked out of the house.

The two girls looked at the door André walked out of for a moment before turning towards each other.

"Maybe he had to use the bathroom." Cat said.

"In my front yard?" Tori asked.

"Well, sometimes my brother--"

"Makeup time!" Tori exclaimed, not wanting to hear the rest of that story.

"Wait, what about Ja--"

Cat looked over and saw that Jason wasn't sitting in the place he was previously. Matter of fact, he wasn't anywhere to be seen at all. Tori, seeing the confusion on Cat's face, looked to where she was staring and found that her boyfriend was gone.

"Where'd he go?" She asked.

"I don't know..." Cat muttered. "Do you think he was abducted by aliens?!"

Cat looked all around her frantically, trying to find either her friend or the aliens that took him. Meanwhile, Tori was looking at the red-head with a confused expression.


After almost an hour later, Tori's monster makeup was all done. Cat quickly went to go grab a mirror, that was placed off to the side for some reason, and ran back to Tori.

"Ready?" She asked.

"Yup, show me me." Tori said.

Cat placed the mirror on the table, revealing the hideous rotting zombie that was Tori's face. Tori's eyes widened in shock as she placed her hands on her face.

"Wow, look at me. I'm hideous!" She said happily.

"Yeah, you really are."

Turning towards the direction of the voice, the girls saw Jason leaning over the kitchen counter, looking at Tori's face with a curious gaze.

"Look, Tori! The aliens brought him back!" Cat exclaimed, pointing over towards the, now confused, boy.

With a roll of her eyes, Tori asked, "Where were you? You just disappeared out of nowhere."

"Ninja vanish." He replied in a hushed tone.

Tori squinted her eyes at him, causing him to laugh a bit before revealing where he actually went.

"Nah, I went to the bathroom." He told her.

"You were in the bathroom for half an hour?" Tori asked.

"I may or may not have been on my phone..." He replied.

Hearing his response, Tori rolled her eyes at him.

"So you think that I'll pass?" Cat asked the both of them.

"Yeah, you'll definitely pass." Tori told her.

"Yay, I'm not a failure!" She exclaimed happily.

"Well..." Jason trailed off.

"What's that supposed to mean?!" She shouted.

Jason's face grew an amused smirk and Tori immediately knew that he just said that to get a reaction.

"It doesn't mean anything, he's just messing with you." She told Cat.

"Mean..." Cat muttered.

"Oh, hey, let's go scare my sister." Tori suggested to the both of them.

"Okay." Cat nodded.

"I'm down." Jason said.

All three headed towards the living room, with Tori quickly running towards the hallway behead the stairs.

"Trina, come see something!" She yelled out.

"Is it for me?" Trina yelled back.

"Yeah, sure." Tori said, waiting for Trina to come down.

Trina rushed out, looking around for her sister.

"Where's Tori?" She asked as she walked down the stairs. "Did they deliver my vibrating hairbrush?"

"Am I the only one who hasn't seen that commercial?" Jason asked, getting a shrug from Cat.

Tori rushed out of from her hiding place and roared like a zombie from behind Trina.


Trina turned towards Tori, not fazed in the slightest as she wondered what she was doing.

"Oh, come on. How could you not be scared by this?" Tori asked.

"I've seen our grandmother naked." Trina told her. "Nothing scares me anymore."

Tori rolled her eyes and Jason grimaced at the thought before a shiver ran down his back, causing him to physically twitch.

"Come on, let me get some pics of your face." Cat said to Tori.

"'Kay." Tori replied, about to walk over to her when she was stopped by what Trina had to say.

"I want some apple juice." Trina spoke.

"Then, go get some." Tori told her.

"Fine, I'll do it myself." Trina groaned as she walked over to the kitchen.

Cat, unable to hold her excitement, ran over to Tori to take her pictures.

"Okay, come over here into the light." She told her.

"Okay." Tori said as she adjusted her hair and stepped closer to Cat.

Cat took multiple pictures of Tori, who posed in various different positions. As this was happening, Trina suddenly paused in the middle of the kitchen when she spotted something very alarming amidst Cat's makeup supplies.

"Uh, what is this for?" She asked.

Jason turned around and saw that she was holding a bottle of Grizzly Glue.

"Oh, that's glue." Cat answered.

"Yeah, but why is it with your makeup supplies?" Trina asked.

Jason's eyebrows furrowed when he realized what Trina was getting at.

"What's the problem?" Tori asked, not seeing why Trina was asking all these questions.

"She's holding Grizzly Glue." Jason told her.

"Yeah, this stuff is like an industrial cement." Trina added.

"Heh?" Tori asked.

Jason slowly turned towards Cat with an expression of both worry and frustration.

"Cat... please tell you didn't use Grizzly Glue on Tori's FACE?!" He asked the red-head, the anger on his face becoming more and more apparent with each word.

"Uh..." Cat muttered as she turned to look at Tori's face.

Cat, Tori, and Trina all ran towards each other in a panic.

"Give me that!" Tori said to Trina as she snatched the Grizzly Glue out of her hand and started to read the label. "For industrial use only. Caution: Avoid contact with skin. Cat!"

"I'm sorry!" The girl exclaimed.

"Why didn't you use dermaglue?!" Trina asked.

"I ran out, so I got that out of my dad's toolbox." Cat answered.

"You did what?!" Jason yelled, thinking that it was probably the worst possible decision she could have made.

"Are you insane?!" Trina asked.

"Will it come off?" Tori asked the two people beside her.

"I don't know." Trina told her.

Tori looked towards her boyfriend, hoping that he would have some type of solution, but that was crushed when he looked back at her and shook his head.

"Why didn't you read the label?!" Tori asked Cat.

"'Cause--" Cat grabbed the Grizzly Glue from Tori. "I got distracted by the picture of the cute grizzly bear. I mean look at him. He's like a fuzzy little--"

"FOCUS!" Jason yelled.

"HEY!" Trina yelled immediately after.

"I'm sorry!" Cat exclaimed.


"Ow. Ow! Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!"

Cat, Jason, and Trina have tried multiple different ways to remove the makeup from Tori's face, but no matter what they did, nothing seemed to work.

"Ugh, this is not gonna work." Trina groaned.

"Nope." Jason sighed.

"Nuh-uh." Sounded Cat.

"You guys, I'm playing the lead in a big musical tomorrow night, and my character is supposed to be beautiful!" Tori said, looking at Cat and Trina more so than Jason since he already knew the stakes.

"Well, you do not look beautiful." Trina told her.

Tori looked towards her sister with a murderous glare.

"Oh, shit." Jason said monotonously before walking away towards the living room.

Whatever happened next, it was not his problem.

"WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH YOU?!" Tori yelled as she jumped out of her chair and grabbed Trina.

The two started yelling over each other, making Cat scream and Jason to look at them with curiosity as he sat back on the couch and placed his feet on the coffee table.

Cat rushed over and placed herself in between the middle of the two sisters, pushing them away from each other and putting a stop to their fight.

"Look, worse comes to worse, you postpone the play." Cat said to Tori.

"No, I can't. Sofia Michelle is coming to see if." Tori told the red-head.

"Oh, wow, that's so exciting!" Cat exclaimed.

"No, it's not." Tori retorted.

"Why not?" She asked.

"Oh, shit." Jason said again.

"BECAUSE I'M A ROTTING ZOMBIE!" Tori yelled out, this time grabbing Cat and yelling at her.

Trina tried to stop them, but her pleas blended into all the yelling and just resulted in an even louder argument. Just as this was happening, André walked through the door holding a pizza box.

"I got pizza!" He announced as he walked in.

The girls, either from their arguing or indifference, didn't acknowledge this and kept yelling over each other.

"Bye." André said, about to walk out the door again.

"Don't even think about it!" Jason told him, motioning for him to come back.

André stepped back inside and saw Jason motioning his hand towards the coffee table. Getting the picture, André placed the pizza box down on the table and opened it, revealing a large pepperoni pizza.

Jason grabbed four slices, leaving the other half for André before waving him away.

"You may go now."


After the arguing died down, Tori and Jason went into the bathroom to try and see if they could scrub off the makeup. Jason was leaning against the doorway, eating a slice of pizza as he watched his girlfriend try, and fail, to wash off the makeup with a towel.

"Tori..." Jason called out to her, but she ignored him and kept scrubbing her face.

"Tori." He called out again, getting the same response.


"It's not coming off!" Tori exclaimed, scrubbing her face even harder.

"I can see that." He said as he nodded his head.

Tori let out groan and turned towards him, seeing that he was eating a slice of pizza as if he hadn't a care in the world.

"Are you seriously eating pizza right now?!" She asked.

"Mhm." He answered with a shrug before popping the last bite of his pizza into his mouth.

"Why are you acting like this isn't a big deal?!" She asked.

He held up a finger, asking for a few moment to chewing the last bite. As he was doing this, he took the napkin that he used to hold his pizza and threw it like a basketball into the bathroom's waste basket. He missed, causing him to roll his eyes and walk over to the piece of discarded napkin on the floor and put it in the trash like a normal person.

"I'm acting this way because if I'd have gotten angrier, or stayed at the same level of anger, Cat would've fainted. And as much as I would love to see the sight of that ditzy red-head hitting the ground after what she did to your FUCKING--"

Jason held out both of his hands and caught himself before he could get back to that level of anger. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath in and out, calming himself back down to how he was a few seconds ago.

"It's not going to help the situation at all. Now, Cat and Trina said that they were going to call someone to see if we can find a way to get that stuff off your face, I think one of them was the glue company, so try to calm down." He continued, placing his hands on Tori's shoulders.

"Okay... okay..." Tori sighed.

She turned back towards the mirror and let out a faint whimper when she saw just how bad it was again. Hearing this, Jason wrapped his arm around her from behind and held her against him.

"It's going to be fine." He told her.

"How do you know?" She asked.

"Psychic powers." He replied, causing her to laugh at his stupid joke. "See? Got your smile back already."

"That's just because you're a goof." She told him.

"Yeah, but I'm the goof that got you to smile. And I'm your boyfriend, so it seems that you actually like goofs." He replied in a teasing tone.

"Shut up." Tori said, playfully pushing him away from her.

"A'ight, come on. Let's see if those two chuckleheads found a way to get this stuff off your pretty little face." He said, walking out of the bathroom with Tori in tow, heading back into the living.

"Well, trying to wash it off did absolutely nothing." He told the two girls before throwing himself onto the couch. "Who'd you guys call?"

"Doctor, shh." Trina told him.

"Glue company, shh." Said Cat.

Jason looked towards them with a raised eyebrow, but he shrugged it off and didn't say anything. Tori plopped herself right next to Jason, her face making an uncomfortable expression.

"What's up?" Jason asked.

"My nose itches and I can't scratch it..." She muttered.

"No, no, you don't understand. It's all over her face." Cat said to whoever she was talking to on the phone.

"Well, should I take her to the emergency room?" Trina asked the doctor on her end.

"I didn't read the label! Don't make me feel bad!" Cat told the person.

"Okay, I'll tell Tori." Trina said.

"What? What did he say?" Tori asked, quickly sitting up to face Trina.

Trina put her palm out to Tori. "Uh, listen, while I've got you on the phone, would I need my parent's permission to have minor cosmetic surgery?"

"Trina.." Tori groaned. "Hang up."

"I got to go." Trina said before ending the call.

"What did he say?" Tori asked.

"That I have to be eighteen before he can make my--"

"About me!" Tori interrupted. "Can he get the zombie makeup off my face?"

"Oh. No." She answered, shaking her head.

"Ugh!" Tori smacked the couch and slowly stood up. "Well, did you tell him that I'm starring in a play tomorrow night that was written by Sofia Michelle, and that Sofia Michelle is gonna be there and I'm supposed to be beautiful and not look like a Walking dead person who wants to eat people's brains?!"

Tori slumped herself back onto the couch, letting out a loud groan as she did.

"So much for calming down..." Jason muttered.

"Really? You do?" Cat said excitedly.

"They do? They do what? What they do?" Tori ask as she and Trina got up and quickly rushed over towards Cat.

"They make a solvent that's safe for skin." Cat told her.

"Well, where do we get it?" Tori asked.

"I don't know." She answered.

"Ask the man!" Tori told Cat.

"It's a lady." Cat whispered as she covered her phone.

"Oh, my God..." Jason muttered to himself.

Tori looked at Cat with a blank expression. "Ask her."

"Hi, Gail, it's Cat, yeah." Cat said as she walked over to the couch and sat down. "Um, where can I buy the solvent? Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. 'Kay, bye!"

Cat hung up the phone and everyone was anxious to hear what she had to say, only to look at each other in confusion when Cat didn't say anything and just started to stare off into space.

"Oh, my fucking God..." Jason groaned as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Well?" Tori asked, getting Cat's attention.

"Oh, they don't sell it in stores." Cat answered.

"But-- Uh, but--"

"We just have to drive to Grizzly Industries and get it there." She continued.

"Okay, so where's Grizzly?" Tori asked.

"Bakersfield." Cat answered.

"Bakersfield?!" She exclaimed.

"Relax, that's only like two hours from here. I could drive you there tomorrow." Trina said.

"When? I have school until 3:00, and then I have final rehearsal and then I have to do the play." Tori told her.

"Relax. Tomorrow I'll take Cat and head up to Bakersfield after school. We should get there, pick up the solvent and get back by the time the play starts." Jason said.

"What about me?" Trina asked.

"What about you?" Jason asked back.

"I want to go with you guys!" She exclaimed.

"Ooh, yay! Girls trip!" Cat said excitedly.

"Hold up, this ain't no damn trip, the fu--"

"Wait!" Tori exclaimed, grabbing everyone's attention. "You can't drive them, you're in the play."

"I'm just André's backup. The dude's never needed me to fill in for him ever, so it's no big deal." He told her. "Besides, you really trust these two with something this important?"

"What's that supposed to mean?!" Cat asked.

"Do you really need me to point it out for you?" Jason asked as he pointed towards Tori's face.

"Okay, I get your point, but--"

Tori was suddenly cut off by the ringing of the doorbell.

"Ugh! Who's that?!"

Tori stomped over to the door, opening it in a huff and yelling out, "What?!"

The two Girl Scouts hoping to sell their cookies screamed in terror at the sight of Zombie Tori before running away from her.

"Wait, I want cookies!"


Tori Vega:

I just made two little girls scream and run away with their cookies.

Mood = Bummed ☹️


"Suddenly I can see what I didn't before~

And I don't care what they say anymore~

'Cuz I'm fallin' fallin'~

Finally fallin' fallin'~"

"5... 6... 7... 8." Lane counted.

The music stopped, as did everyone on stage singing and dancing. They all stood in a pose, with Tori and Kevin in the forefront staring into each other's eyes. Marty, and everyone else watching the final rehearsal, stood up and applauded everyone on stage.

"That was dynamite!" He exclaimed. "Except Robbie. Is something wrong with your pants?"

"No. Why, was I dancing weird?" The boy asked.

"Uh, no, it was great." Marty told him before turning away and addressing the rest of the cast. "Now, everyone, go get some water, hydrate and rest up for the show!"

After he was done, Marty turned and addressed his lead woman in the play.

"Tori." He called out, motioning for a sidebar when the girl turned towards him.

"Yeah, what's up?" She asked.

"Your face. It's still hideous." He said bluntly,

"I know, but Jason and Cat are already on their way back here from Bakersfield with the solvent." She told him.

"You're sure?" He asked.

"Ye-- Uh-- Totally, yes." She nodded.

"Alright..." He said hesitantly before walking off.

Once he was gone, Tori let out a whimper and quickly took out her phone from her pocket.


On the way to Bakersfield, an angry looking Jason was driving whilst a scared looking Cat was sitting in the passenger's seat beside him.

"Um, Jason, I think you're going a little too fast..." She said to him.

Jason looked at the speedometer and saw that he was pushing 95MPH. His eyes widened and he immediately slowed the car down to the speed limit.

"Sorry, Cat..." He apologized, recognizing the scared tone that Cat spoke to him with.

"It's okay..." She said, her nerves calming down from the frightening speed they were moving at.

Just then, Jason's phone started to ring.

"Shit..." He muttered as he grabbed his phone out of his pocket and placed it on the center console before picking it up.

"What's up?" He asked.

"Tell me you're on your way back with the solvent?" Tori asked.

"Who's calling?" Cat asked, getting an eye roll from the driver.

"No, as a matter of fact, we actually had a little problem on the way." Jason groaned.

"Problem? What happened?" She asked.

"I don't know, why don't you ask it? It's currently in my back seat." Jason snarled as he looked at his rearview mirror and saw Trina putting on lipgloss without a care in the world.

"What's up, sistah!" Trina yelled out.

"Is that Trina?!" Tori asked.

"Uh-huh. Apparently, she decided to hide out in the back my car and come with us." Jason told her.

"Yeah, and you know what? I'm glad I did." Trina said. "I don't even know why I liked you all this time, because you have been nothing but rude!"

"Oh, were you expecting some kind of heartfelt welcome? Hmm?" Jason hummed mockingly. "And was that before or after the fact you popped up out of nowhere and almost made me spin out into another CAR?!"

"She did what?!" Tori yelled out.

"I said I was sorry!" Trina exclaimed.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I tend to get pretty upset when my life flashes before my eyes!" Jason yelled.

"Ooh, punch buggy blue!" Cat exclaimed before punching Jason in the arm.

"Cat, this really isn't the time to--"

A honk from the car behind them cut Jason off.

"SHUT UP!" Trina yelled before leaning into the driver's seat and pressing on the horn. "Yeah, we got a horn too, buddy!"

"GET THE FUCK OFF!" Jason yelled as he tried to push Trina back into her own seat.

"Trina, I swear, if you end up killing my boyfriend, I'm make you wish YOU NEVER--"

Tori suddenly stopped talking and everyone in the car looked towards the phone in confusion.

"I love you too, grandma. Thanks for the quilt." She said before hanging up.

Well that just left everyone even more confused.

"Quilt?" Trina asked.

"I thought your grandma was dead?" Jason asked.

"Yeah, it's weird that--"

The car behind them honked at them again.

"SHUT! UP!" Trina yelled, going to press the horn again, but was stopped when Jason suddenly held up his finger in her face.

"I swear to God, if you lean over here again, I'm gonna tie you up and toss your ass in the trunk." He warned her.

Trina slowly sat back in her seat, carefully putting on her seatbelt and sitting quietly.


"See, it didn't take that long." Trina said with a smile as she, Jason and Cat all walked out of Grizzly Industries with the solvent in hand.

"Except for the fact that we would've been halfway back by now if you hadn't shown up..." Jason muttered as he rubbed his forehead in an attempt to alleviate the headache that Trina had caused.

As they were walking back to his car, Cat let out a sudden scream that made Jason snap towards her.

"What?! What happened?!" He asked, looking around the parking lot.

"It's a Freezy Queen!" Cat squealed, pointing across the street.

Jason relaxed and let out a deep sigh. "These girls are gonna be the death of me..."

"We have to go! Please Jason! Please!" Cat begged, tugging on the boy's arm.

"No, we have to get back to Tori before the play starts." He told her.

"Come on, it'll just take a few minutes." Trina said.

"You shut up, you have done nothing but make everything worse since you popped up." Jason said to her.

"Please! I promise I'll be really, really, REALLY quick!" Cat told him.

Looking at the excited red-head, Jason couldn't help but let out another sigh and accept his fate. If he said no then he'll have to deal with a depressed Cat the whole drive home, and that was honestly more of a nightmare than dealing with Trina.

"Fine..." He groaned.

"YAY!" Cat exclaimed before running off towards the Freezy Queen.

"Don't run out into the-- and she's gone..." Jason groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Can you go with her? I'll get the car and wait for you guys outside." He asked Trina.

"Sure." She said, walking off towards the Freezy Queen.

Upon entering, Cat and Trina saw that there was only a few people between them and the front of the line. As they waited, a couple came into the Freezy Queen and got in line behind the two girls.

"Come on, Shelby. I'm pretty sure a little bit of ice cream isn't going to kill you." The man said towards the girl beside him.

"Easy for you to say, you're not the one that has to keep in shape." The girl, Shelby, replied.

"I'm in shape!" Said the man, an offended look on his face.

"Barely..." The woman muttered.

The man's face grew blank before nudging the girl in the side with his elbow. She laughed, responding with an elbow of her own. Unable to help herself, Cat turned around and saw what looked like to be a very familiar face.

"Oh, hey, Tori! How'd you get the make up off your face?" Cat asked as she looked at the gurl with curiosity.

"Makeup?" Shelby asked, looking towards the guy beside her with a confused expression, whose responds was just a shrug of his shoulders.

"Tori?" Trina asked, turning around when she heard her sister's name. "Where?"

"Right here!" Cat said, pointing towards the girl in front of her.

"Uh, Cat, that's not--" Trina stopped as she saw the guy standing next to the girl, straightening her hair before introducing herself.

"Hello there." She said flirtatiously as she extended her hand towards him. "I'm Trina Vega. What's your name?"

The boy raised an eyebrow at the girl before responding with, "Jason Shay... also known as taken..." He pointed towards the girl beside him, who looked as though she wanted to rip Trina's head off and beat her corpse with it.


It was now almost time for the play and the audience was now filling in the seats of the Blackbox Theatre. Marty and Lane were by the entrance, waiting for a certain playwright to arrive. Upon seeing her, the two became excited and extended their hands toward the woman.

"Hi, Miss Michelle. I'm Marty, the director." He introduced himself. "Pleasure to meet you."

"Sofia." She greeted him before extending her hand towards Lane.

"Oh, I'm Lane, big fan." He told her.

Back onstage, Robbie and Kevin peeked through the curtain and looked through the crowd of people.

"Look, there she is." Kevin said as he pointed her out to Robbie.

"Oh, my God, it's Sofia Michelle..." Robbie said in awe as he watched the woman walk by and take her seat.

As she sat down, Sofia noticed that the seat next to her was currently occupied by a puppet. Her eyebrows furrowed at the strange sight, but she shrugged it off and focused her attention towards the stage. Robbie and Kevin both went back behind the curtain, where Marty made his appearance backstage and had rushed towards Tori.

"Tori?!" He exclaimed, wondering why her face was still hideous.

"I know, but they're still not back with the solvent." She told him.

"Well, we're going on in two minutes, and you still look disgusting." He said, looking at his watch.

"I could play the lead." Jade said, having walked up behind them whilst they were having their conversation.

"No, we don't have anyone else to play your part." Marty told her.

"We're indoors. Lose the scarf." Jade said aggressively before walking away.

Marty defensively placed his hand over his scarf, looking at the girl with an offended look before turning his gaze towards Tori.

"Do something!" He told her.

"What do you want me to--"

Marty walked off, leaving Tori on her own. She looked towards him with widened eyes before letting out a groan and taking out her phone to call Jason.


Driving down the interstate, Jason, Cat, and Trina were all in the car licking on the ice cream cones that they had gotten from Freezy Queen.

"Alright, so who would you say is the best person you've ever worked with?" Trina asked Jason.

"You're gonna have to be a little more specific. You mean person I like working with or the person who I make the best music with?" Jason asked, wanting clarification.

"Both." She told him.

"Best person to work with is probably André since he's a good mix of fun and work. The person who I make the best music with is definitely Cat" He answered, motioning his head towards the red-head in the passenger seat.

"Aww!" Cat cooed before laying her head on Jason's shoulder as a sort of hug.

"Really? Would've thought that you would say Tori, or at least Kevin." Trina said, genuinely surprised that he didn't mention her sister.

"Kevin isn't the worst, but he's too focused on the work and it tends to make me tense. And with Tori, we only ever made the one song. Can't exactly give a definitive answer on that based off one song." He explained.

"How many songs have you made with Cat?" Trina asked.

"I think we made about a dozen by this point." He answered.

"Oh, that means twelve." Cat nodded her head towards Trina.

Trina looked at the girl weirdly for a brief second before her gaze went towards Jason when she heard the sound of his ringtone.

"Crap..." He muttered before grabbing his phone and answering it, putting it on speaker. "Hey, babe, what's up?"

"The curtain is gonna be up in ninety seconds, and I'm still freaky in the face! Why aren't you here?!" She asked.

"Uh..." Jason looked towards the ice cream in his hand before looking towards both Cat and Trina.

The two girls looked back at him, licking their ice creams and wondering what they should say.

"Um, we had a little bit of an emergency." Trina said.

"What kind of emergency?" Tori asked.

"A crea--"

Jason immediately shoved Cat's ice cream towards her mouth, stopping her from uttering another syllable.

"A what?" Tori asked.

"A... A leak! Yeah, we were leaking..." Jason said.

"Leaking what?" She asked.

".....Blinker fluid...?" He said, his face grimacing at the ridiculous lie that he had just told her.

'Damn it, Jason! Ain't no way she's gonna--'

"Oh, okay... just... try and get here as fast as you can, okay?" She said.

Jason looked towards his phone with obvious shock written all over his face. 'Roll with it.'

"Yeah, we will. I'll see you in a bit."

Jason hung up his phone and put it back in his pocket.

"Blinker fluid? Is that a thing?" Trina asked.

"As far as you're concerned..." He muttered.


Robbie sat in an ornate chair, next to one of the other actors in the play, telling him story whilst they were drinking what looked to be an alcoholic beverage, but was actually just Coca Cola.

"So I'm on my private jet, almost halfway to Barcelona, when I say to the pilot, "I've changed my mind. Take a left. We're going to Prague." Robbie said in character, slapping his knee as if he had said something funny.

The man sitting in the other chair started to laugh hysterically at the story, slapping his knee as if it was the funniest thing he's ever heard. "You're too much."

"Aren't I?" Robbie said.

Kevin, now dressed up as some sort of servant, walked on stage and proceeded to grab the luggage that was on the floor next to Robbie's chair. Robbie, seeing the way that Kevin had grabbed his luggage, did not like how he handled his bags.

"Hey, hey, hey, you there!" Robbie called out.

"Yes, sir?" Kevin responded.

"That luggage is very expensive. Don't just toss it around like a monkey!" Robbie chastised.

"I'm sorry, it's--"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" The person Robbie was talking to grabbed their attention. "Check out the girl coming this way."

"Oh, my God, she's... gorgeous." Robbie said.

"She's beautiful..." Kevin added, utterly entranced.

It was then that Tori walked out on stage, shocking everyone in attendance with her hideous undead face. Sofia Michelle looked towards the back of the theatre, more specifically towards the director of the play, Marty.

Seeing the audience's reaction, Marty hastily grabbed a few of his nerve pills from a little plastic pill box that he had and tossed them into his mouth. Lane, having been through this before, had already grabbed a bottle of water and handed it to the man, who swiftly grabbed it from him and proceeded to chug the whole bottle.


Meanwhile, with Jason, Cat and Trina...

All three: "You know I flaunt ya~"

"'Cause girl, I really want ya~"

Trina: "And you lookin' nice~"

Cat: "Got me cooler than a bag of ice~"

Jason: "Now freeze!~"

Trina: "Freeze!~"

Cat: "Freeze!~"

Cat and Trina: "Now go~"

Jason: "Drop it fast and move it real slow~"

All three: "HOOOO!"

Cat and Trina: "WHAT?!"

Trina: "You smell so fruity~"

Jason: "I'm a pirate and you're my booty~"

All three: "ARG!~"

Cat: "So move it in close~"

Trina: "And let me have my daily dose~"

The girls let out a shocked gasp.

Jason: "Girl, I've been thinking 'bout you, thinking 'bout me. What you think about it?"

Cat: "Five fingers to the face~"

Cat held out her hand in Jason's face.

"Five fingers to the face~"

Jason: "Oh, it's like that?"

Trina: "Five fingers to the face~

Trina climbed towards the front and did the same as Cat, putting her hand in Jason's face.

"Five fingers to the face~"

Jason: "I love Martina--"



"Just say you'll marry me!" Robbie yelled at Tori.

"Excuse me, but most women don't want to be screamed at when they're being proposed to." She replied.

"Oh, come on!" He groaned. "I'm rich, I'm handsome, I HAVE NINE BOATS! Stop acting like a stupid GIRL!"

"Wait, you got a little something right there." Tori said as she pointed towards her lip.

"What?" He asked, his hand moving towards his mouth.

"This!" She exclaimed, winding her hand back and punching Robbie in the face.

Robbie dropped to the ground, letting out an exaggerated "Aah!" as he fell and getting a laugh out of the audience. Seeing their queue, André and the rest of the band that were up above on the catwalk started to play their instruments, causing Tori to start singing.

"Suddenly, my choice is clear~

I knew when only you and I were standing here~"

Tori walked towards Kevin, who was now onstage wearing casual clothing, and placed her hand in his.

Kevin: "And beautiful is all I see~"

Both: "It's only you~"

I know it's true~

It has to be~"

Tori and Kevin placed their hands on each other's faces, softly caressing the other's cheek. André snapped his fingers four times and they all started to play in a faster tempo.

Kevin and Tori both circled each other for a brief moment before both of their hands reached towards each other. Their hands now joined, Kevin pulled Tori towards him and picked her up off the ground, spinning her around him before letting go and dancing in sync with her once she had reached the ground.

Tori: "Well, that money isn't worth a thing if you didn't earn it~

You don't deserve it~"

Robbie ran out in between them, desperately crying out, "I deserve it!" before being flicked in the nose by Tori. With the flick as their cue, all the other students in the play spilled out into the stage and began dancing behind the two leads. The girls all stood behind Tori whilst all the boys stood behind Kevin.

Tori: "True love doesn't cost a thing~

And if you try to buy it, you can't return it~"

Two girls from behind Tori, one of them being Jade, came in from either side of her and started to sing alongside her.

(No, no-no, ohhh~)

Tori: "Your friends are doing all the same things~"

Kevin and The Boys: "(WOOOOOOOO!)"

Tori: "My friends say "Look at what you're wastin'~

Well, it doesn't matter if we change their minds~"

Almost half of the cast went back backstage, leaving an equal of number of boys and girls onstage who paired up together and started to dance in sync with each other.

"Suddenly I can see what I didn't before~

And I don't care what they say anymore~

'Cuz I'm fallin', fallin'~

Finally fallin', fallin'~"

As they were all dancing, Kevin caught a glimpse of some shadows and looked off to the side, seeing Jason, Cat, and Trina trying to get Tori's attention with the solvent.

Kevin tapped Tori on the shoulder, getting a confused look from her when she turned around, and pointed towards the trio. Tori turned and saw that they had the solvent and were signaling her to go over. Tori looked towards Kevin and then up to the catwalk towards André.

Feeling someone looking at him, André turned and saw that Tori was signaling him to prolong the song. He mouthed the words "I got you" as he held up an "OK" gesture. Kevin, trying to get Tori back there as fast as possible, grabbed her by the hand and spun her in the direction of the trio.

Once she was with them, the three quickly pushed her into the chair and opened a box filled with makeup supplies, pulling out two large brushes.

"You okay?" Jason asked.

"I'm fine, just get this muck off my face!" She exclaimed.

Marty and Lane suddenly appeared from behind the teens, having rushed backstage when they saw Tori spin her way back there.

"Okay!" Trina said, having trouble keeping the giant box of supplies steady in her hands while Cat got what they needed.

"Get it off her face!" Marty yelled directly in Trina's ear.

"Okay!" Trina yelled back.

"Hurry!" Lane yelled in her other ear.

Trina whimpered as she was not used to being in this kind of pressure. Seeing that they weren't helping in the slightest, in fact they were just making it worse, Jason decided to step in.

"BACK UP!" He yelled at the both of the adults, making them jump back in fright.

Seeing that they weren't helping, the two of them left and went back out with the audience.

"Get it off her face." Jason said calmly as he turned back towards the girls.

The three girls looked at him in shock for a brief moment before Cat and Trina immediately went to work, using the brushes to try and quickly remove the zombie makeup from Tori's face.

"Come on, come on, come on..." Tori uttered, wanting to get the makeup off her face as fast as possible.

Glancing over towards the stage, Jason saw that Kevin and everyone else with him onstage were dancing to the fast paced music, getting by really well despite the fact that Tori wasn't up there with them.

"Come on, come on! Hurry, I'm missing the song!" Tori said to the two girls.

"Okay!" Cat exclaimed.

The girls quickly applied more of the solvent and saw that the makeup was now almost completely off of Tori's face.

"It's coming! It's coming! You got it!" Trina shouted out.

Hearing this, all three of the girls squealed out in excitement for a moment before going back to removing the rest of the makeup. Hearing André on the piano, Jason looked back out towards the stage and saw Kevin do a perfect cartwheel, landing on his knees and sliding towards the end of the stage.

"Damn, they're really goin' off..." He muttered, genuinely impressed with both the music and the dancing.

He looked back towards the three girls and saw that Tori was now gone.

"Where'd she--"

Trina pointed towards the stage and Jason turned back around. He saw four guys standing in the middle of the stage who all leaned out of the way to reveal the now gorgeous face of Tori.

Tori: "I don't need all the finer things~

Diamond rings are nothin', so show me somethin'~"

Upon seeing her now unzombified face, Sofia Michelle leaned forward in her seat with renewed interest. Tori walked towards the front of the stage where Kevin was still on his knees, bringing her finger underneath his chin and slowly bringing him up onto his feet.

"'Cuz love is all I need~

All I've ever wanted~

And now I've got it~"


Tori and Kevin started to circle each other again, with all the other pairs onstage doing the same thing.

"My friends all wonder what you're thinkin'

And your friends, they probably think the same thing~

Well, it doesn't matter if we change their minds~"

Grabbing Tori by her waist, Kevin lifted her up into the air, holding her as she stated to sing the final chorus.

"'Cuz suddenly I can see what I didn't before~

And I don't care what they say anymore~

'Cuz I'm fallin', fallin'~"

Kevin lowered Tori back down, staring into her eyes as he did. The both of them then turned towards the audience, slowly walking towards them.

"Finally fallin', fallin'~"

Reaching the end, everyone onstage struck a pose, with the two leads turning towards each other and gazing into each other's eyes. The audience all started to cheer, clapping their hands as they all stood up and gave the cast a standing ovation for their incredible performance.


"Blinker fluid?" Kevin asked with an amused smile as he and Jason walked out onstage from behind the curtain.

"I don't want to talk about it..." Jason groaned.

The two boys made their way towards the middle of the stage, where all of their friends were having a conversation. With the play now over, all of the cast were now hanging around the theatre, waiting to be dismissed.

"Well..." Sofia said, grabbing the attention of the group. "That was an interesting performance. When I wrote that play, I certainly never pictured Penny as a freakish zombie during most of it."

Tori gave the woman an awkward smile, not really knowing how else she could've responded to that.

"Oh, man, I'm out of pills..." Marty uttered, holding an empty bottle that was supposed to contain his nerve pills.

Jason rolled his eyes at the man, getting a nudge in the side curtesy of his best friend.

"Look, I can explain--"

"You don't need to explain." Sofia said, cutting Tori off. "I totally got it."

Everyone looked towards the woman with confusion, wondering just what the hell she was talking about.

"You did? You do?" Tori asked, getting a nod from the woman. "She got it!"

Tori looked towards the boys with a smile, with them responding with smiles of their own before they suddenly looked towards Sofia.

"What'd you get?" Tori asked.

"The whole commentary on what's really beautiful." She answered. "Having these two young men feel true love for a girl with a hideous face really emphasized the whole point of the play, which is substance over beauty. The beauty within."

"Riiight..." Tori uttered, getting sounds of agreement from everyone around her. "Well, we're really glad you liked it."

"Yeah, and did you enjoy my performance, Miss Michelle?" Robbie asked her.

The woman stared at the boy for a very brief moment before saying, "Wow, I am late for my plane."

"We heard that you were going to be in LA all week." Jade told her.

"Right." Sofia nodded. "Well, bye."

Sofia swiftly walked away from the conversation, causing Jason to let out a deep chuckle at the fact that Robbie was basically swerved by a famous author. It was short lived however, as Kevin gave him another elbow to the side.

"I swear to God, man!" He snapped at Kevin, tired of the constant nudges.

"All right, congratulations everyone!" Mary exclaimed. "Now, before we go, just a couple of--"

Disco music suddenly erupted from the theatre speakers, making everyone turn their confused gazes towards the catwalk, more specifically towards Sinjin, who was wearing an outfit that looked like it came straight from the 80's.

"Don't fight it!" He yelled out to them before breaking out into a 80's style disco dance.

Everyone looked towards each other with bewildering expressions before shrugging their shoulders and going along with it and dancing along to the music with various styles of new and old moves.


"I'm just saying that you don't need to seek validation from anyone. Your acting was fine." Kevin said to Robbie as he pushed open the front doors and walked out of the school with all of his friends in tow.

"Don't even know why you would want her validation. The woman doesn't have two brain cells to rub together." Jason said.

"Why would you say that?" Beck asked.

"ThE bEaUtY wItHiN" Jason mocked Sofia in an exaggerated manner. "Took all the self control I had to not let my eyes roll out of my skull."

"I thought it was pretty sweet." Tori said.

"You would." Jade rolled her eyes.

Tori looked at Jade with an annoyed face before turning back to her boyfriend. "So you're saying that if I was a hideous zombie, you wouldn't look past that and love me for who I am?"

"I would be more concerned about you trying to eat my face." Jason replied.

"Excuse me! One minute!"

Turning around, the group found Sofia Michelle suddenly walking towards them in a rush.

"Miss Michelle? Is there something we can help you with?" Tori asked.

"Actually, yes. Well, him specifically." She said, pointing towards Kevin.

"What's up?" He asked, wondering why she was looking for him in particular.

"One of my cast members had a bit of an accident." She started.

"Oh, what happened?" Cat asked.

"I don't know, something about a headboard and a fitted sheet." She said, brushing it off as if it was nothing and turning back towards Kevin. "Anyways, you fit the description of the character perfectly, and you were very impressive onstage today. So I'm wondering if you're open to being his replacement."

Everyone looked towards Kevin with a mixture of shock and excitement, except Robbie, who was a little offended at the fact that she dodged his question about his performance but said that Kevin was impressive.

"Uh, yeah, I would love to." Kevin answered.

"Great, here's my number, call me when you get a chance and we'll discuss the whole thing." Sofia said, handing him her card before leaving the group of teenagers to their own devices.

"Well, well, well, look who's movin' up in the world." Jason said with a big smirk on his face, draping his arm over Kevin's shoulders. "So what percentage am I getting?"

"Percentage of what?" Kevin asked.

"Uh, your checks?" Jason answered as if it was obvious.

"Oh, you done finally lost your mind." Kevin said.

"First of all, I lost my mind a long time ago." He said, causing Kevin to roll his eyes at him. "Second, I definitely deserve a percentage since I'm the main reason you've gotten this far."

"How do you figure that?" Kevin asked, genuinely curious as what dumb answer Jason would give.

"Emotional support." He answered.

"Oh, fuck off." Kevin said before walking away.

"Don't you walk away from me! You owe me a debt!" Jason yelled.

"I owe you a bill for all the therapy I'll need because of your psychotic ass!" Kevin yelled back.

"You still owe me something, bitch, so HA!"