
Victorious Fighter!

What if you wake up with new set of memories? What if you learn that your family supposed to be from fictional story with you not existing? What is you gain a system that allows you create a quest and give you reward? Haruto Yuki find himself in this exact same scenario. Series: To Love Ru, Kengan Ashura, Baki, History Strongest disciple Kenichi, Etc. This story has mix world and the power scale is according to me. if you have complain then read the original. I will try to make him Strong but not too Op.

Try_hard · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
93 Chs

Chapter 63 - Agunimon

Hello again! I just finish up another chapter and made an gotten image of Haruto's mother.

Here they are if you want to get spoiled.

Anywah, seeing the comments and thinking about it some time.

I'll be not be making Ryouko pregnant nor a smut for the time being. But I will make Lala pregnant in the future because that's what I intended to do.

Anyway, it would be at least at chapter 90 or 120 until he can get a child. But like I said, I will do it because I like characters with family and stuff.


Jogging around the neighborhood, Haruto chatted with the three girls learning more about them where Reina was someone who has modeling as a sideline like mentioned when he invited him and Sakura being in the kendo club of their school surprised to learn they were at the same school! Reina was at Class 2-A, Sakura was at Class 3-D and Yui was at Class 2-B. The latter wa suprise learning that he was their Kouhai where he looked older than his actual age.

"Then can we meet up with you at school?" Reina asked, seeing the opportunity to spend more time with him.

"Yeah, you can spar with me at the Kendo Club." Sakura didn't back down and suggested her own way to spend time with Haruto. Yui finds their enthusiasm to be rather obvious that they are interested in Haruto and can't deny she wasn't as well but wanted to see if he was someone nice or pretending to be.

"Sure, I often have lunch on the roof with my friends." Haruto can't exactly say they are mostly his harem because it might look off and he hasn't even got the chance to date any of them beside Lala. The two girls who heard that he has a fiancee are eager to meet her and get her good side to have a chance to be with Haruto.

He finds it too easy for these two to fall but recalled normal logic seems thrown out the window when they are supposed to be one dimensional characters for degenerates to bust their nuts.

[ A/N: Again, self burn… ]

Haruto still hopes he can reciprocate their feelings like his own and Surprisingly seems to feel their emotions because of the essence running through him. He inwardly sighs as he's suffering from success. They eventually came to the nearby park in their neighborhood that Haruto often used as everyone catched their breath covered in sweat as their body glistened while it was tempting Haruto didn't want to stare too hard.

The girls sat down for a moment amazed by Haruto's stamina as he didn't even sweat and watched him continue where they watched him doing something. Sakura observed him and noticed that he took out a Wakizashi.

"Wait, where did you hide that?" She asked as Haruto turned to face her.

"Secret." Haruto shows a bright smile not going to share everything about him unless he trusts them enough. Meanwhile, Sakura didn't push her curiosity and simply observed his technique. Everyone carefully observed as Haruto controlled his breathing and mind where his whole demeanor shifted and felt their heart feel the intensity surrounding Haruto who simply stood.

He began to do image training using [ Senju Mujo ] and his first opponent was Shigure where he made sure to make her have murderous intent. Haruto sweat when his neck was instantly cut off causing him to return to reality. He seemed happy to know that his now lover had truly amazing skills in swordsmanship and tried again where even after 50 times where it didn't last a single second was repeatedly killed even with his strength pushed through showing clear differences between someone pretending to be a Grandmaster to a True Grandmaster.

'Unbelievable, this skill is too powerful even though my own image training doesn't have this level of detail.' Haruto muttered panting and sweating while he decided to change his opponent to Ghislaine and this time it's a lot shorter since a Sword King utilized a single strike to end their fight. Within only a span of 20 seconds he was killed 40 times!

His spectator confused what he was doing since his not even moving the moment he unsheathed the blade while Sakura tried her hardest to discern what's going on and the moment she did felt her heart sink.

"What is he doing?" Reina questioned his stillness and found it strange and Yui agreed.

"Yeah, he looks exhausted for some reason." Yui commented and Sakura stepped in to explain what's going on.

"I can barely discern it but he's doing something similar to shadow boxing. I've tried doing something similar when I practice but…I don't know why he's sweating." She wondered at what level of skills that Haruto had in swordsmanship and continued to watch as the man exhaled having been easily defeated by every Grandmaster if they had intent to kill or even just win!

It shows that strength doesn't always equate to power as everything that makes a person is where their power lies. Haruto sighed and sheathed his blade, having decided to continue his training in the room that Lala finished at her Lab.

"Haruto?" He heard his name called and turned to see Sakura calling for him as he approached them where Reina asked about what he did by explaining it the same way as Baki did in Baki the son of Ogre Manga.

"Can we spar, Haruto?" Sakura asked while Haruto quickly agreed as she took out her Shinai handing one and held the other as the two distanced themselves where Yui and Reina watched with the latter taking picture and video.

"Hope you can help me improve, Haruto." Sakura said and Haruto nodded holding the Shinai with his clear experience gripped where the kendo club president felt some pressure upon facing Haruto. She took the first attack where Haruto was wide open, hardly moving but the moment she took the first step already ended the fight where Sakura had her attack redirect then the end of the shinai directed at her face.

"Wha? How did you do!?" Sakura was immensely confused since she isn't someone who could easily lose especially her experience and talent yet Haruto showed her many areas that she lacks.

"As my beloved master once told me, never view your weapon as a tool but an extension of yourself. You simply trust yourself and not your weapon. Then again I don't practice Kendo, only variants of Kenjutsu and Iaijutsu." Haruto explained as he stepped back leaving Sakura dumbstruck at how amazing Haruto was! It's as if he is the embodiment of a Gary sue.

"Wow, this is the first time I saw her lose this one-sided." Reina commented, simply amazed at how perfect Haruto was and Yui agreed wondering if he could teach her team something.

"Again! I want to do it again!" Sakura said and Haruto wryly smiled hearing how she phrased it. Dammit! His memory is corrupting his mind!

"O-Okay, take your stance and let's repeat. Quick tip, don't rely on your eyes but use every ounce of your senses." Haruto said while she nodded, taking another try but every time she got close was easily defeated by him. He wasn't even attacking and simply redirecting her attacks that leave her open.

'How come I can't get through? He seems wide open but every time I engage he already anticipated my movement?' Sakura thought and he wasn't even using [ Senju Mujo ] and even had his eyes closed to simply use his experience in discerning and anticipating her next movement. Haruto placed her to be barely a Low Class Disciple and got used to the Sport style of Kendo. Eventually, she gave up and took a break.

"Not bad, you're quite good but too bad you're too used to Kendo Sport." Haruto said tapping the shinai on his shoulder and Sakura accepted the compliment since she didn't feel discouraged and was more determined to better herself noticing how much she learned from the spar.

"Where did you learn how to use Shinai?" Yui the one who asked.

"I don't use Shinai but Bokken and like I said I don't practice Kendo but a variant of Kenjutsu and Iaijutsu." Haruto answered as he handed back the Shinai to Sakura.

"Then what kind of Kenjutsu and Iaijutsu do you use?" Sakura asked since there are many styles and teachings that focus on the two philosophies.

"It's an original style provided by my Master, namely [ Sword God Style ] ans [ Kousaka Style ]. I also trained another style called [ Water God Style ] that you saw I use. It's mostly focused on defense and letting your opponent take the initiative." He explained and they never expected that he was not only good looking and kind but also skilled and strong.

"Hey, it's my turn! Can you help me Exercise!?" Reina took her shot and didn't want to feel left out where Haruto happily obliged as the three continued to exercise where he shared some tips to Yui about her basketball skills adviser her to improve her food work and deception telling her how feints can be useful shocked that even martial art can be use in sport.

Eventually, the group finished their exercise and parted ways where Haruto returned home to take a shower where he finished and got to his room where Lala woken away rubbing her eyes and greeting him as he gave her a morning kiss that she happily accepted. Once Haruto was dressed both head downstairs to have breakfast with everyone. Once they were finished eating, Lala invited them into her Lab where Rito and Mikan were surprised by how large it was even though it was simply Haruto's closet.

"How come you're not surprised, Nii-san?" Rito asked, looking at her brother didn't flinch and was simply admiring the place.

"It's my Lala we're talking about?" Haruto blandly said while Lala was happy hearing that she called her "My Lala" making her feel even more special. Rito wanted to refute but he couldn't deny it.

"Also, try not to touch anything. We don't want any accident happening to you, Rito-chan." Haruto said worried that his brother would find himself in indecent moments again. Lala happily showed them around where the whole place had almost had everything!

She then took Haruto to his training room facility where it can be adjusted to the selected environment along with adjusting gravity within. Rito and Mikan decided to watch how Haruto would normally train since they had nothing to do.

"What's that, Haruto?" Lala asked to see Haruto take out a device that looked like an old phone with a small screen and Black/Red with a gold wheel and green middle button.

[ Takuya Kanbara D-Tector ]

[ Description: D-Tector is a Digivice from Digimon frontier verse. The Digivice, short for "Digital Device", is a device from the Digimon series based on the first Digimon product, the Digimon Virtual Pet, and it indicates that the possessor is a DigiDestined.

Its primary use is to empower the DigiDestined's partner Digimon through Digivolution, though each version of the Digivice is also equipped with many other helpful features, such as radar or data storage. Even when Digivices are the same type, they are usually differentiated by a color scheme unique to the character who uses them.

The D-Tector in particular is vastly different from other Digidevice where instead of having a Digimon pet and evolving them, they become the Digimon itself! The D-Tector allows the DigiDestined to use Spirit Evolution All Aboard and Beast Spirit Evolution.

Takuya wields AncientGreymon's power through the Spirits of Fire. It has several transformation that the DigiDestined is able to use. ]

[ Transformation:




[ Locked ]

- Requires users to get stronger.



AncientGreymon ]

Haruto remembered that digimon evolution is ranked from Fresh, In training, Rookie, Champion, Ultimate and Mega Level. There are also hybrid that can't exactly fall to any of the rank but still can be comparable. Haruto recalled that Aldamon is stronger than Wargeymon and said digimon is at least planetary level but the anime can't exactly display his level of power.

He remembered from his other memory that Digimon and their Digital world is the same size as the real world. Haruto can see how useful it would be if he ever met a threat far superior than martial arts but won't use it against humans or people since it feels like cheating.

"This is a Digidevice, it allows me to transform into Digimon or Digital Monster. Maybe you can try and reverse engineer it, Lala." Haruto doesn't doubt that Lala wouldn't be able to crack the code and recreate her own Digidevice. Lala was curious to see while his sibling wondered where he got the toy looking device.

"Let me show, how I use it." Haruto held out the device that had a symbol appear that turned into an image of an armored person as his other hand formed the Fractal Code.

[ Execute! Spirit Evolution! ]

In that moment a transformation sequence soon followed where Haruto felt his body changing where the burning spirit was welling up within him! A deep passion for endless flames exponentially boosts his power! It flew like a roaring beastly dragon calling into him. Those watching felt flames burst out of nowhere shielding their eyes yet the flames did not hurt them rather felt comforted by it while they all turned to see another person where Haruto was supposed to be clad in reddish and golden armor with yellow spiky hair appearing like an samurai Oni.

[ Agunimon! ]