
An army

He had killed people.

Yet it felt like nothing. Looking at the moving blue sky, Reigner couldn't really distinguish neither sky nor clouds from the ones on the earth. He shut his eyes tightly, then contemplated... His first thought was because it felt like a game.

The black blade arm... The metal armors exuding some powerful buffs... And people not trying to hide their killing intent... Reigner opened his eyes, then glanced at the capital stretching in front of him.

Those were merely the gates for now, yet the prestige and dominant image of the Metal Perante Kingdom were as if manifested for Reigner's eyes. He knew that this kingdom is not a laughing matter nor their soldiers and king.

'They could send their army for the new land, nutrients, and people... As if they would be weak.'

Reigner straightened his posture, then shook the reins strongly, for the last time. He saw a lot of people before him with their carriages, so it will still take some time before he can see the effects of his Item Creation System.

In the meanwhile, his ears recorded every gossip around him.

Apparently, something like World Hope couldn't be hidden. Reigner thought that the kingdoms would be strong enough, but after more gossips slipped into his mind, he realized the reason. It was just easier to justify their mass recruitment.

The Metal Perante Kingdom had issued mass recruitment to the army and the insignificant commoners had to enter regardless of their feelings. The world is on its road to destruction yet people couldn't stop killing.

Not like those people could tell when the destruction knocks the door!

"Reigner... Eighteen years old merchant... Hmm."

The guard carefully scrutinized the metal plate given by Reigner. He was taking some time, so Reigner felt like there is something wrong yet the moment his forehead crumpled, the guard gave back the plate and allowed him to go forth.

As the 'resident', Reigner didn't need to pay anything to come here. The capital's gates were all open for him! He nodded to the guard, thanked like a good merchant he is supposed to be, then entered the capital.

The capital of the kingdom was flourishing.

Though the gossip had said that there was mass recruitment, Reigner's eyes couldn't find the spot without any people. The neatly clean avenues were bustling with people and the shops were always filled with clients.

It looked like mass recruitment had yet to began!

However, Reigner spotted a few rows of sulky commoners going forward the barracks with their heads down... Their life's wealth had been taken away and secured, so until they serve the army willingly, they can forget about coming back home and seeing their money!

"Ah, Darling!"


"I-I am sorry... Your carriage is the same as my husband's."

"No problem... But if you stay for too long, then you might catch a cold."

"Thank you, but I am a strong woman."

Reigner nodded to the lady who was undoubtedly his victim's wife, then knowing that nothing can be done more, his carriage resumed its small journey... He knew the information about the merchant and so his address.

Before going with his plans, Reigner stopped by this very address, then parked the carriage close... He silently hopped off, shoved some food to the exhausted horses' mouths, and ventured deeper into the city.

The mass recruitment was something that Reigner was willing to accept. He is going to enter the army and strengthen himself here. This is the easiest path considering that Nightmare wants to kill him too.

He passed through the crowd, then Nightmare's words entered his mind.

[Giving off everything? How magnanimous.]

"I thought you keep an eye for the surroundings, but nightmares are the only thing in your mind I guess."


"How could I take the stuff with me to the army? I don't mind sharing with that widow, but I sure would take some money with myself. Anyway, it is time to learn about magic or energy, whatever it is."

After arguing with Nightmare for a while, Reigner had forced the reincarnation to share the knowledge regarding the human body. If magic awakens, then the changes are bound to happen after all.

In the meantime, Reigner carefully found the barracks and willingly stepped forward. He took out his prepared plate, showed off that he is completely void of any equipment, then the soldier behind the desk took out the clothes of the mere recruit.

He threw them straight at Reigner, then ordered to change.

Merchants deserve some respect, but the moment Reigner joined the army, the soldier lost all former feelings and became rather cold. It was mere preparation for what is bound to come for the poor 'commoner' soon!

There are surely colder people ready to give harsh training.


But Reigner put the perfect mask on his face, his voice loud and piercing. The man behind the desk momentarily stopped, blinked, and let out a faint smile. He gestured the next direction for the young man, then the steps of the forced commoners rang out from behind.

Not willing to listen to their wails, Reigner followed the instructions.

All with his big smile seeking power.

[You are the man with several masks, aren't you?]

One month is not enough for Nightmare to learn about Reigner. And he had his limitations on the earth too. The changes are bound to happen in two worlds now, but the time for him to learn about his 'reincarnation' had come now.

"That's the same for every human, right here. Aren't you now wearing the curiosity mask?"

[Hah, I feel like you have prepared more and more throughout your life. Can you even tell which one is your real one?]

"I am not that blinded."

Reigner stepped into the corridor with the young people looking either expressionless or sad. They were wearing the same military clothes which were thin and only meant to cover his body. He felt cold, but nothing could take down his nonstop smiling expression.

A few youngsters glanced at Reigner, their eyes narrowing.

Yes, such a 'mask' is going to irritate many. The 'pals' will turn their attention to him and prepare to vent their anger on annoying to their eyes prick. As for the high ranked soldiers and people meant to train them, Reigner will be all smiles ready to accept any training.


"I am the man who treasures the unexpected."


The corridor got filled with the sulky commoners a few minutes later. There were around sixty humans with their ages ranging from eighteen to twenty-six years old. All of them were shivering from time to time, then the loud step of heels suddenly rang out.

The lady in the tight military clothes opened the doors leading outside, then exposed her orders. She had clothes in pale green color that seemed to reek of metallic stench... Yet, excluding that, the lady was a pleasure to the eye.

"Stand up, fuckers."

At least for now.