
A Stranger's Tale

"Can I help you?" asked Michael, turning around to face the man.

The man was somewhat medium in height. He was wearing a gray robe, with engravings that were difficult to make out in the dark setting they were present in. The man's hair was long and they were jumbled out messily as if he had just put his head out of the window of a moving car. The man was standing calmly some distance away before him.

"I'm proud of you, Michael. That championship match was truly phenomenal. You r- "He stopped as if he suddenly started to say something that wasn't supposed to be said. He coughed and then looked away.

Michael raised his eyebrow interrogatively, press

" As you know, this world is constantly under the threat of Jolain. This world is under countless threats by that man. Therefore, I think he might target you. My point is, you're about to turn 21 in about an hour. As soon as that happens, You'll be exposed to more dangers than ever." the man explained, his tone solemn.

Michael's thoughts raced, trying to decipher the cryptic warning. What dangers? Why specifically on my 21st birthday? 

This made Michael eye the man with more suspicion. Now looking at him more closely, he realized the man was probably in his 40s and he was thinner than most people by that age. The man had a scar on his face that extended from the left side of his forehead down to his neck. The scar looked about as old as the man himself. Michael wondered how he'd even gotten it in the first place. He was weak and frail and didn't look too much of a fighter either. Although it wasn't that easy to notice, the man's eyes were quick and alert, not quite meeting up with his age.

" Although…" The man began carelessly, " You are pretty strong. Joined the army at the age of 11 to be an elite soldier and got the highest award ever awarded at the age of just 15 with so many distinctions and now perfected your art in martial arts and…Oh my," He stopped, as if out of breath.

" What is your point? " 

" If I keep speaking about you, I won't be able to stop. I think you'll be able to fend yourself off in a tight situation. You're pretty experienced. Well anyway, I've informed you about what you need to know, Michael. I hope you'll take great care of yourself from this point onward. " He nodded and smiled pleasantly.

Michael thought for a moment, puzzled. This could be just another one of his fans. After all, he'd met a lot of strange ones along the way either way. This one couldn't be too different. Somebody's father got too excited and came after him—nothing out of the ordinary.

" Thank you, I suppose? You have given me some food for thought." Said Michael with a gentle hint of confusion, careful not to dishearten him.

The man's eyes lit up. " Alright then, Johnson Balk will now take my leave. Good Luck." 

He turned back towards the darkness that lay ahead where no streetlights were set up. 

Before walking away, He gave one last sideway glance to Michael,

" Engage. Decimate. " 

 He smiled and walked away as if disappearing into nothingness, leaving Michael confused and dumbfounded about his entire situation. 

Michael stood there for a few moments, processing what he had just heard. He watched the figure disappear into the shadows and took a deep breath.