
Chapter 394. The God of Steam

It was no surprise to anyone that the <Hex > story was complex. Supposedly, Olio was planning to shoot at least four to five hours of footage for the movie. 

Even Titan studios had agreed to it and it won't be a surprise to anyone if the final edit makes it to be 3 hours long. 

That meant that the journey that Blaze would take wasn't short. After all, out of the five hours that was supposedly going to be shot, he was going to be in more than 70 percent of the movie. 

The screenplay was really focused on him as the central figure. 

Early on in the story, he started off from a thief helping out the police and giving information about the gangs to them. 

After the gangs found out about them, he was obviously in danger, so the police chief offered him a job. Not of a spy but to be a part of a special department in the police force.