
Chapter 104. Aiden's Hidden Talent

[Hollywood Insider: Worry not, young padawan. I'm here. #The best.]

When Hollywood Insider appeared with that text, everyone in the group knew that the problem will be solved now. It was because for reasons unknown to anyone, Hollywood Insider literally knew everything related to Aiden or Hollywood.

He was like that one kid in class who knew every answer no matter how difficult the question was.

Many people had tried to know his identity but no one was able to find it out. For everyone, he was someone too mysterious. There were even silly rumours that he was some kind of a wizard with clairvoyance powers.

[My Genius generates gravity: Do you really have a link to the climax, Insider?]

[Nepotism is the way: I thought it would take a while before the movie comes on any streaming platform? Don't tell you pirate movies on the side?]

[Se7en: You do know it's illegal right? But how much money do you make? Can I dm? My friend has some questions.]