
Versatile dualities

RFBlade · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

Killing uncle

Year 2120, City Of silver, Azaaroth continent.

The darkness of the night didn't effect city Of Silver in any adverse way. Rather, it enchanted the beauty of the city nightlife. Twinkling white lights lit up the whole city, people partying in clubs were abundant in this massive city. City of silver, like its name, was entirely build of platinum. The streets were shiny and smooth, so was the building.

This city was the economical center of the Azaaroth continent. The richest lived here, only those with at least a million in cash stored in their deep pockets can afford to live in this city. It's because the city of Silver had its own strict tax policy. Living in this city, itself, results in having to pay a tax. Each year, every resident of the city of silver is charged with 100000$ in tax. This tax must be paid before the year end or else the person will be blacklisted by the city of silver. Blacklisted people's will be chased, captured, then have his or her organs sold in the black market. Scary, isn't it?

Long towering buildings were erected all around me, reaching high up in the skies. One of these once belonged to me. Sad tears due to grief dripped down my eyes in regret. Right now, I was sitting on top of the roof of the building that once belonged to me. This very building had been supporting my livelihood for the past 15 years. The building had 15 floors, each with five apartments. Through handing out these apartment on a monthly rent, I made my living. More specifically, made enough to live my life lavishly.

Night chilly wind blows, ruffling my snow-white hair. The cold wind soothed my burning eyes.

Today, I lost everything in my life thanks to my Uncle who I am itching to smash the shit out of.

I am Vaal, an orphan. Moreover, I am the only son of my long dead parents. My parents died two years after I was born, so I don't even remember interacting with them. I wouldn't even know what they looked like if I didn't had their pictures saved on my holographic smartphone.

Yeah, technology in this era has exceeded the expectations of cavemen.

My dead parent left me a huge inheritance, which was naturally this building. I grew up without a parent figure in my life. Due to which, I never learned much manners. My guardian was my only Uncle named Sam. Unluckily, my grandparent died before I was even born. Furthermore, my family had a tragic history of males and female mostly being born infertile, due to which, there was only uncle Sam and me left.

Only us two had the last surname of Xie Wang. I don't know if my ancestor was Chinese or not, nor do I care. Finding a solution to the adversary I am currently facing is more important than that.

I don't have much money left to support me. Only a measly 30000$. October had already started ten days ago, and the tax of 100000$ is already added on my national identity card by the officials of the city of silver. I must pay this tax before the year end, or else, its the end of me.

I also couldn't run out of the city of Silver. I will be denied outward exist from the city of silver by every legal travelling agency. Furthermore, the risk of smuggling out of this city had a higher risk of facing death in the hands of ugly monster or human traffickers. I without any hesitation declined this plan.

There just seemed to be no path ahead of me except Death. Death by the hands of the official, who will sell my internals organs to acquire their fucked up tax on residency. Death by the hands of human traffickers, who will definitely auction the handsome me to some fat Mistress, who will crush my bones under her weight. Death in the hands of monsters, who will chew on my flesh, eat and fry me alive as I beg for mercy.

"Vaal, don't do that, please. I will try my best to find a way out of this predicament. There got to be someway out of this misery," a shout resounded from behind me, pushing me out from the thoughts of different ways of dying.

I turned around and saw a middle-aged man, nearly as handsome as me but he lacked that certain aura, something that defines me as unique. The middle-aged man had long silvery strands of hair draped over his forehead, his crescent eyes twinkled like moon-light, full- lips and a sharp nose distinguished his feature from other humans. This was my Uncle Sam, the reason to why I am left with only a mere 30000$. While just a year ago, I used to own more than 3 million$ and a 15 floor building.

Uncle Sam was out of breath he probably ran up the stairs.

Uncle Sam cautiously made his ways towards me, trying his best to not scare me?

"Vaal, don't move. There's no need to give up on your life. We still have more than two months. Maybe, just maybe, we will be able to earn enough to pay our residency tax," Shouted uncle Sam, anxiously.

Right than, I identified that for some reasons, Uncle Sam believe that I was trying to commit suicide. No wonder he had been acting weird.

I didn't blame my uncle, as sitting at the roof edge of a fifteen floor building after becoming penniless will naturally result in such thoughts.

I waved my hands telling Uncle Sam to dismiss his thoughts.

"Come sit, Uncle Sam," I calmly said, but my voice cracked at the end.

Uncle Sam realized how silly his thoughts were. He reached me and patted me on my shoulder, supporting me emotionally.

He sat on the rooftop, near me.

Uncle Sam sighed, "Vaal, I am sorry. I didn't know that the company I invested in was a fraud scheme. But don't worry, I had already filed a case to the authority, sooner or later, they will answer back and we will definitely get back our home, this building."

His word hurt my heart so much that tears dripped down my eyes like waterfall. Uncle Sam hugged me when he saw that.

"Be strong, if this doesn't work out then I will apply us to the Mystic Academy and we just need to do our best to become a monster-slayer. With the privilege of a monster-slayer, we won't have to pay the residency tax." he said, exposing his plans to remedy the adverse situation he caused.

I nodded in acknowledgement, standing on the roof, right behind uncle Sam.

"Uncle Sam, I had the same plan, become a monster-slayer that is." I said while putting my hand on the back of my regretful blood-uncle.

Uncle Sam smiled at me. "There's a saying, if a person try his utmost then he can even find God. We will surely be accepted into the mystic academy if we do out best, "

"Yea, but its just gonna be me, sorry, uncle Sam," I said. Uncle Sam smile turned into a horrifying stare, as I pushed strength into my hand and pushed him off the roof of the fifteen floor building.

Uncle Sam drifted downwards towards the ground. His speed increasing every floor he passed.

His eyes staring at me shouted, "Why?!!!"

I replied with a smirk, "You still got the face to ask why?"

Bang! Uncle Sam body hit the ground, smashing into a blood puddle just like a smashed potato. Even though, I was standing atop the fifteen floor, I still heard the sound of all 206 of his bone cracking at the time of impact. Damn, that must be painful as hell.

Blood rushed out from Uncle Sam body, it decorated the ground below with red-blood as deep as scarlet. Uncle Sam white hair intermixed with his red-blood, his eyes lost the last bit of light. They remained open even after he died, my smirk that had turned into a sad-smile reflected in them.

For the first time in my life, I had killed someone. This someone wasn't an animal or a human who I didn't know of. The someone I killed is none other than my blood-uncle. More precisely, the only blood relative I have in this entire world... Had. Now he is dead.

I am the only one with the surname of Xie Wang left in the entire world.

"Rest in peace, Uncle Sam, may your soul suffer the worst in hell," I cursed and closed my eyes, finding peace in this solitude environment.