

Verice is the star at her engagement ceremony, but she couldn't care less. Until the ceremony is attacked, and she's kidnapped that is. Alaric seems charming enough, but Verice has learned from her involvement in the royal court that charm usually isn't as innocent as it seems.

Azeba · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs

Traveling Part 2

"...Why are you so willing, now, to follow me?"

He does have a point. Normally, the victims would be eager to run away at the first chance of freedom. With the exception of maybe those with Stockholm syndrome, which typically made them adore the ones who kidnapped them to begin with. At least, that's what I heard. I'm not exactly familiar with the process on any personal level. Maybe I am now? I tilted my head back, gazing up a the blue sky peaking out from behind the trees' branches and promptly stumbled over a large root. I grumbled as I caught myself before replying, seriously this time, "This seems interesting. When will I get the chance to experience something like this again?"

"But your father and brothers are dead. Murdered. Doesn't that bother you?" He pressed, dissatisfied with my answer. I shrugged. I can't help it if he doesn't like my reasoning. As for my family...

"It doesn't feel real. I understand what's happening- Well, actually, no, I really don't. I'm really confused. I have so many questions. Where are we going? Why was my engagement ceremony attacked? Why were they killed? Who are you? But..." I paused to take a breathe and gather my thoughts. I scanned the surrounding greenery as if it held the answers. "But," I began again, "What's the point in worrying about it now? I can't do anything about it; I can't change anything. If I tried to resist, you would still force me to come with you, wouldn't you?"

He grunted in agreement. Taking that as consent to continue, I added, "Then see? What's the point? All it would do is make my situation worse. You'd be on guard and treat me rougher. If I'm being honest though, it feels like it's all happening to someone else. Like I'm look from the outside in, or maybe in this case, the inside out."

He turned his head to look at me, not stopping. I watched in awe as he managed to not trip on anything or veer off his current path. "...I might of misjudged you. I thought you were just another stupid noble girl, but I guess you actually put a lot of thought into it," His voice softened oh so slightly.

I grinned at him. "On second thought, maybe I didn't. It hasn't been long yet. You may yet prove a fool." I pouted at his fickleness. Why say something nice if he was just going to take it back immediately? I didn't really have any other response though, so when he turned back around to focus on where we were going, with the tips of his ears turning red, I didn't mind. "We're almost to the town of Serema. We can stay at an inn for the night. From there, it should only be another day's travel until we reach our destination."

Serema? I've never heard of it... Not that I've heard of every town in Valden, but if it was a major town, I'm sure I would remember it. Much as I hated it, my education had been well rounded, containing plenty of geography and, ugh, mathematics. "What region is that in?" How did he even know we were almost there in the first place? The forest all looks the same...

"It's in the Cambroa domain." His tone was back to being curt. Really. Were manners just not this guy's thing? And he was so charming when he whisked me away. It's a shame. He's pretty good looking.

"Where the hell is that? There's no Cambroa in Valden."

He sighed, "Really... You're supposed to be an Earl's daughter, and this is how you speak? Where did your manners you displayed at the ceremony go? You hardly have an ounce of decorum as befitting a lady of your station." He shook his head as if clearing it of some unpleasant though. "It's in Lorende."

I stifled a gasp. Lorende is moderately well to do neighboring kingdom. "You've taken me OUT of the country?!" My voice rose shrilly, startling even myself.

"Lower your voice. You never know who's listening."

Leveling a glare at him, I shut my mouth. We're in the middle of the woods. Who even was there to listen? We weren't going to get anyway, however, if I argued every point. Though I did have to wonder if he was going out of his way to be so disagreeable. His looks are wasted on someone like him. Honestly. I huffed as I hurried to not get left behind. However, I didn't struggle as much as I expected. The trees and underbrush were thinning, and there was scarcely anything to trip on. "For the record, everyone knows my manners are sorely lacking. I was simply on my best behavior as Prince Edelise had already told me to watch my behavior. I'm not called a 'monster' in the social circles for nothing, I'll have you know." Not that it was entirely for my poor manners, but what he didn't wouldn't hurt me. Right? "Is Cambroa where we'll be... farming?"

He chuckled, "You don't really believe that I dragged you all this way to actually go farming, did you? You're skinny as a pick, and I doubt you've seen a hard day's labor in your life. What use would you be? There'd be plenty of more qualified candidates to be a farmer's hand, without kidnapping a soon to be royal." I knew he couldn't of been a farmer. What kind of farmer is that beautiful?

Suddenly, we were out of the woods on a steep hill, overlooking a town. This must be Serema... Houses made from stone, plaster, and wood stood in organized rows; steady smoke rising from their brick chimneys. It wasn't cold yet, but as the sun begins to sink, it'll definitely get chilly.

We promptly made our way down the hill, eager to close the distance between us and the town. The sun may be high in the sky now, but after so much traveling, I knew well that we only had a couple more hours before twilight took us. That grey time was perfect for small time thieves to strike unsuspecting travelers. It'd be for the best if we were safely at an inn by then. Plus, I yearned for a warm bath and comfy bed. I rolled my neck, feeling the soreness of camping out on the hard ground the past few nights.

Before, we had been camping in rolls, but we were attacked by wolves which frightened the horses away. Since then, not only had we been walking, but we'd also been having to camp out on the ground with nothing but thin blankets that hadn't been packed into the saddlebags. It was unfortunate if you asked me. Alaric said it would throw anyone who was trying track us off our trail.

Dun Dun dunn~

Finally out of the woods! They'll spend a night in Serema, then finish the last bit of travel on towards their final destination!

I feel like Verice just keeps surprising Alaric with how she thinks, but she's mostly oblivious to it...

The next chapter should be released the same time tomorrow, so make sure to check it out if you will. Thank you~ \(^.^)/

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