
Venom : Bonded

Becca is the girl, people told their daughters to stay away from. She was the trouble maker. The rebel. But, Now she is the criminal. The Lair. The whore. A girl whose history clouds the truth of who she is and what happened. She is alone and scared until the day she finds a body along the river. Then, She is bonded. To this thing, it's calls itself Venom and It needs her help. It's needs to find someone. Someone called Eddie. They have taken him from it and it wants him back.

Magicgirl15 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
6 Chs

The Hunt

There here, Becca.

I gasped awake shooting up from the bed and looking towards the windows of the shack. The day was just beginning and the sky was gaining a beautiful and deep purple hue. It was something I enjoyed but now as I quietly get to my feet and slide on those hunting boots and strap on the hunting knife. I am dreading every second. When the sun is up then they can see you. And, Honestly I don't want to be seen. I move silently edging to the window until my back hits the old wood and I can slowly peek out enough to see. For a moment, I see nothing. The only thing out there are the trees, snow, and an occasional soft call of an owl who's just returning from the hunt. Then, I see a humanoid shape just pushed low enough in the bush that one would never have seen it if they weren't so used to being someone else's prey. I lick my lips before turning back to the shack. There was nowhere to run. My only exit is through these two windows and one door. I was trapped. I feel the panic begin to rise and the fear begin to set in. I slide to the floor and lean my head against the crumbling wall. I feel them shift and slowly Venom is before me again. Their eyes are staring straight into mine. I agreed to help them last night. I agreed to get them back to Eddie. I clench my fist and take in a slow and deep breath. When I was in the hospital so often I let the fear and the panic take control of me. So many told me it was so easy to not let it. But, When it came to what was done to me, The memories and the wounds became reminders and forces that strengthened my fear and the panic. Soon, They were all that I heard or felt. I let what happened terrorize me and stop me. I let it hold me back anytime I talked to a man. I was so scared that they would hurt me. They would hold me down and tear me apart like Marcus did. I let it whisper in my ear anytime I was alone. Was someone in my house? Was it Marcus coming back to finish the job? I let it allow Marcus to taunt me. They allowed me to let him touch me. To Scare me. To Haunt me.

I wasn't going to allow them to win anymore. I looked towards Venom and whispered "Got Any Ideas to get out of here." I wouldn't have lied when I said the smile that Came across their face scared me a little. If it's alright with you. I raised an eyebrow before nodding my head. They slipped away, falling back into my body for a moment and then slowly they began to envelope me.

Hunting Becca had actually been quite easy for Jacobs. In a matter of minutes of him sweeping over the maps and consulting the Local Cops, did he find a location that seemed like the best place for the Assest to have to stop and recuperate? Taylor could see why her father liked him so much. Taylor hated him even more for it. She watched from the back of the truck as he debriefed the men on how to handle Becca. They were to bring her in Alive but if some accidents happened then there wouldn't be too many heavy disciplinary actions. Taylor quickly hid her disgust at his words. She followed after Jacobs like a polite and good little puppy, being ever watchful of him as they neared the air. He had given her the thermal camera. An easy job for his girl. Taylor was seriously regretting playing the dumb love locked girl now. Every goddamn second he was touching her. On her ass. On her leg. Her face. Her lips. Her fucking hand.

It was so fucking Disgusting. She focused back to the task at hand. They were a half a mile into the charted territory that Jacob had picked when Taylor caught. A single shape off in the distance. It was Humanoid and everything physically matched the shape and size of Becca. Again, She played the part of puppy. She stepped back and let Jacob work. He sent men all along the preminater. He was surrounding her and giving her no way to escape but a straight line. It seemed rather simple and for a moment Taylor wondered if Jacobs had lost the hunt until raised his hand and motioned forward.

It was like watching wolves move in for the hunt. Tight in Formation and basic Form there was very little noise as they walked up onto the porch. It happened in seconds. A soldier was dragged inside. A scream then a quick gurgle of death. Then Gun Fire. What came out wasn't as monstrous as grotesque as Talyor had thought. No, What came out was designed like a Cobra, slick, fast and deadly. She slaughtered the soldiers like they were bowling pins. Jacob swore cursing into the mic before he shouted out some orders but It was too late, They were running. Taylor didn't even wait, she followed chasing after them.

God! They were fast. Faster than the one before. They moved like literal shadows in the dark moving through the snow like it was not a goddamn thing. "Go get her you shit heads.Bring me her fucking head! Bravo Team! This is Alpha! Send in the Dogs! We are going to try and force her out!"

Taylor swore under her breath. Things were about to get even more bloody.

I wasn't expecting that. As We moved, I tried to process what I had just seen. What we had just done. They had killed a man. We twisted his neck like a doll and then threw him. But, I can't fully process that right now. Bullets flew smashing into trees or at my feet. But, They never hit Us. God, We were moving fast. Faster than I was ever capable of before. Before, What happened to me? I was a track and field star. I could run a mile under a minute. I was going to be something until what happened to me. Shit! We turned sharply to the left and then the right. They were shooting from the air now. We shot forward heading straight through a widening passage of trees. Damn it! Shit! We slid to a stop as we came out into a large open curl surrounded by Cops. We froze staring across the snowy landscape at each one of them. I knew these men. I've grown up with them. They were my parents, friends and some other distant family. Then, I saw Marcus and Derek standing at the front of the line of cops like some fucking heros.

"Shit! What the fuck is that thing?"

"Becca!" I heard another whisper. They sounded familiar but I was too focused on Marcus. In his hands was a shotgun. A large fucking Shotgun. My Mind flew back to a night when he cornered me. His hands around my throat are threatening me. Telling me he was going to shoot me dead.

Fear was like a cold wave that wasped over us. I stepped back my heart beating and my stomach twisting. Becca! I could hear them talking to me but I couldn't focus on them.

It was all on him. It was all about fear. I kept stepping back and just as I was about to turn I saw Taylor. Her gun was raised and her eyes were trained on me.

"Hello, Venom." She said keeping her gun level at heart. "Nice work, Babe! I'll take it from here." A tall man pushed past Talyor forcing his gun as he walked on by. "Damn Boy! Aren't you a beauty? Isn't He boys. He'll make a mighty good soldier?" He laughed.

He leaned forward, teeth bared staring right at them. "Becca, right. You can hear me don't you. We just want the suit. You had it over and you can go back to your life. You can have your cottage. You can have your job. You can have your dog.

A sharp and fearful bark sounded behind her causing her to turn.
