
Vengeance I

Logan had one simple task to complete to prove he would be a worthy Alpha successor to his father. His job was an easy one for a man of his reputation, get into a relationship with the only daughter of the alpha of the rival pack, the Goretti’s and use her as a means of extracting information for his pack. But, he hadn’t foreseen himself falling in love with Amy and getting her pregnant. His efforts to protect her and the baby from the bad blood between both packs proved futile as he couldn’t prevent his father from leading a surprise attack on the Goretti pack and burning everyone to death, Amy included. Filled with guilt, he abandoned his gang and became a lone wolf in the city of New York. Decades later, ghosts from his past came to haunt his new family, putting their lives at risk. How far would he go to protect his family from those who sought vengeance?

DaoistDJ7pxo · แฟนตาซี
12 Chs


Maria sat close to her window, her favorite spot in the entire house muttering incoherent words to herself while cradling her favorite teddy bear. She was confused but most importantly, she was angry. She didn't want to give too much attention to the words Logan had told her before she felt the cabin. She knew the only reason why he did that was that he felt bad for what she said about him leaving her. That she was certainly sure about, he didn't care about her or how she felt, he only cared about himself and making sure nothing stained his reputation.

For the past two months, he had barely looked her in the eye or said a word to her. She was well aware of the sexual tension between them whenever they were alone, she could smell his desire and she was sure he could do the same too but she didn't see him losing interest in her all of a sudden and that's what hurt her the most. She had felt all alone when he started to ignore her, except when they had lessons together. It had taken her a while to get over it, she wasn't over it yet but she had accepted her fate.

It was why tonight had thrown her into confusion, Logan who seemed to be almost ashamed of her in public waited for her because he was worried that something might have happened to her. It seemed so surreal and unthinkable.

Logan was concerned about her well-being after months of treating her like a wallflower. It seemed too good to be true. She couldn't believe it, she didn't want to. His outburst at her disappearance sparked something inside of her that made her smile. She could feel her wolf panting out of excitement.

Logan Zorander cared about her? She let out a short burst of laughter.

She however ignored it, if what he had said was true, why didn't he stop her when she made a beeline for the door? Boys like Logan were never to be trusted, but she couldn't stop herself from thinking he was being sincere.

It was pathetic how desperately she wanted Logan to look at her differently than he used to. She had gotten used to his love and attention, not the wall of ice he put up between the both of them. She wouldn't mind giving him a hundred lessons if I meant the old Logan would come back, she wanted to feel like a normal teenage girl the first time before she was shipped off to college and then into a loveless marriage with the most suitable young alpha in the eyes of her father, she wanted to feel what it meant to have someone who made you their priority. And for a little while, she had that. Logan had been one of the best things to have happened to her when he was himself around her, she had felt that normalcy she craved, the care, attention to detail, and laughter that came with having someone who wanted you to enjoy life but it was all gone now.

And, she could see him for who he was. A boy who would go to any length to get what he wanted.

She heard a wolf howl and she couldn't help but feel her wolf whimper, the wolf felt heartbroken and she could tell because that was the same way she felt.

She wiped her teary eyes and made her way to bed.

The next morning felt dreadful even before she left her bed. She mumbled to everyone during breakfast and she was the first to get into the limousine before her brothers came tumbling inside five minutes later. She wasn't in the mood for small talks this morning and she was hoping her mood brightened before the driver got to school.

Fifteen minutes later, she arrived at school and stepped out of the limo to find her friend, Charlotte, waiting for her patiently. When she saw Maria walking towards her, she let out a shriek and covered up the distance between them in a few seconds before flinging herself into her open arms.

Maria met Charlotte in the library after school and they immediately bonded. She didn't care about her family status and Maria was beyond elated. She was an omega wolf who was yet to turn for the first time.

"I thought you would be dead." Charlotte gushed. Maria couldn't hold back her smile. Charlotte was effortlessly dramatic and funny. She brought the light Maria desperately needed in her life.

"Were you expecting to hear news of my demise?" Maria replied, feigning being hurt, as she held her friend's hand and climbed up the stairs to the front door.

"You're not going to die and leave me all alone in this scary school," Charlotte answered. "Tell me, what happened when you got to the cabin?"

"I met Logan. I didn't know he would be waiting for me, imagine my surprise." Maria said, clearing her throat.

"Are you being serious?" Charlotte's eyes expanded.

"As serious as I can be. He was annoyed at the fact that I was away all day while he got worried that something might have happened to me."

It wasn't their intention to spend all day at the mall but they had gotten sidetracked, and by the time they realized how late it was, Maria was sure that Logan would be long gone so she decided to stop over at the cabin and pick up her notes."

"What happened? Did you two eventually tear off your clothes and get down to it? It's been long overdue if you ask me." Charlotte said.

Maria slapped Charlotte's arm playfully. "Keep your voice down. You're drawing attention."

"I'm sorry. I get hyper whenever there's excitement building up."

"He got mad at me for keeping him waiting all evening long. He was absolutely mad like his eyes were glowing already. When I tried to remind him about how he's constantly snubbed me for two months and give him reasons why he should have left earlier, he said he missed me."

"What?" Charlotte halted in her tracks, forcing Maria to stop alongside her. "Logan Zorander said he missed you?"

Maria slapped her hand over her mouth and dragged her to a secluded corner along the hallway.

"You need to learn how to talk in hushed tones, Charlotte." Maria chided.

"What's the point? We're all werewolves with super hearing." She replied in a bored tone.

"I've been confused all night. I don't know what to make of it." Maria confessed.

"It means he likes you. How blind can you be? Isn't this what you've always wanted?"

"No, I can't accept that. His words mean absolutely nothing to me and I refuse to see them as anything else. He lost his temper and he probably saw the fright on my face and he decided to pacify me with one of his sweet words like he had done several times over in the past."

"Ohh, Maria." Charlotte's voice was sympathetic.

"He doesn't care about me, Charlotte. He left me for two months without letting me know the reason why and now, he wants to come back?" Maria shrugged like she didn't care about it but she could feel the tears threatening to drop and she was desperately trying to control them. "It doesn't matter."