
Vampiric Tree

The Darkness within forests often is off-putting to many but some will not heed their instincts that danger lurks deep within often leading to their demise at the hands of something stronger. 400,000 humans were tossed into a newborn world as Creatures that could evolve based on their forms our mc was reborn as a vampiric tree once he was a person who was devoured by doubt in his own self-worth now, he shall work to prove that everything will change when he is finally given a chance to shine. Eventually he may even become a progenitor of a species ancient and terrifying. There are no humanoid species yet in this world and humanities reincarnates shall decide what races shall be born some will stick to a more monstrous life while other will gladly become humanoid and remove all possibility of more evolution.

Fornicia_Yadrea · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs


I watched over the fox for hours with no prey approaching due to me holding my scent in not letting my sap or fruit let its sickly sweet smell spread. The Fox or Junipter jumped up and ran from me turning back slowly as I scanned her.


[Status Window]

Species: Evo1 Lingering Will Fox (Forced Evo1)

HP: 17/142 

BR: 100/142 

MP: 1/232 (Collapse will happen soon)


They then collapsed probably from exhaustion or stress I don't know its probably that with a combination of the loss of mana but holy fuck their status jumped so much. I believe they should be number one on the ranking now, but it would be boring to just pull that up I guess I should hunt more. I spent hours luring over small mammals I had gotten better at targeting certain animals' senses avoiding the bigger one's awareness which gave me a skill.


[Forced Automatic Announcement Someone has been forcefully mutated through a deadly fruit or some other amazing natural treasure please be warned forced mutations most of the time would not be helpful unless it stacks onto your species strong suits already.]


{Scent Manipulation}- A skill most trees would never learn it has been harshly adapted to you making it hard for certain creatures to tell where you are yet attracting quite a bit of prey.


{Symbiotic}- You have built at least two close relationships with other species resulting in your deathly/bloody aura being heavily reduced.


I had finally leveled up but I was shocked when I saw how much exp was needed for the next level I am just amazed at how people reached level 10 within hours of this contest starting.


[Status Window]

Name: Boramir Korman

Age: 12 Hours (Sapling)

TA (True Age/Soul Age): 20 

Species: Vampiric Sapling

Level: 2

Exp: 67/1000

HP: 49/49 Recover 4.9 A Day

BR: 49/49 Consumes 1 to heal 1 or 10 every day

MP: 31/34 Recover 0.34 per hour

Fruits: None

STR: 1.6

INT: 3.4 (Growth is Suppressed)

VIT: 4.9

Sense/SEN: 3.6

AP: 0


I spent my AP on Str and my height increased to 1.6 meters tall finally getting the small nest that had expanded quite a bit off the ground and safe from the smaller predators that would go after it.


I never thought I would feel more free as a tree and being unable to move at all at least I have made one friend that is this small wasp nest I guess I should continue to gather prey draining them of blood and feeding the corpses to this nest. There are now so many wasps I see even some soldiers. I scanned them all.


{Wasp Soldier Evo0 Level.2} 

{Wasp Worker Evo0 Level.3}

{Wasp Soldier Evo0 Level.2} 

{Wasp Worker Evo0 Level.5}

{Wasp Soldier Evo0 Level.4} 

{Wasp Worker Evo0 Level.3}

{Wasp Soldier Evo0 Level.3} 


I then scanned the nest itself with my senses and got a rush of information from the system.


{Vampiric Wasp Queen Nest}- The nest if attacked will shred the opponent devouring their blood to recover the nest walls that were made by replicating the quality of the wood they nest upon with its bloodthirsty tendencies. The Queen within the nest has mutated once but retained all intelligence overpowering the aggressiveness supposed to be introduced allowing it to take on vampiric qualities.


{Vampiric Wasp Queen}- A mutated wasp that choose to build a nest on another reincarnate figuring out that it was her best chance for survival to stick with someone who could grow with her so she wouldn't be removed by the other. Due to {Symbiotic} you cannot harm one another so this information is revealed. The vampiric wasp will have the chance to take on humanoid qualities due to its choices in growth venturing towards {Gigantification}.


So you are a human I should have known earlier but I guess this will be okay as long as we can't hurt one another we will both grow quickly we may not be as fast as those who are top ten, but we still grow quite fast. I wonder if any of my 'Friends' were reincarnated if so, I could eventually pay them back for all they have done to bring me down even more after seeing even the slight Success I had in life above their own efforts.


I raised my branches waving them in the wind when I felt a huge Prescence landing next to me it was gigantic dear who looked upon me and then spoke directly into my mind "hullo can you speak hi hi hi how are you wake up you are intelligent right." The words are my translation of the images they projected into my mind. I followed the connection they made with me revealing images of their gigantic self with the fear and anxiety I had when they landed near me.


The wasps aggravated began to attack the dear but none of their attacks would go through and the deer was fully focused on me.


The deer sent an image of pain and basically asked whether that was equivalent to anxiety and fear I began to try to explain with images of things slowly getting my point across as the deer just sat beside me listening to me and even laying down they were still as tall as me.