
Vampiric Tree

The Darkness within forests often is off-putting to many but some will not heed their instincts that danger lurks deep within often leading to their demise at the hands of something stronger. 400,000 humans were tossed into a newborn world as Creatures that could evolve based on their forms our mc was reborn as a vampiric tree once he was a person who was devoured by doubt in his own self-worth now, he shall work to prove that everything will change when he is finally given a chance to shine. Eventually he may even become a progenitor of a species ancient and terrifying. There are no humanoid species yet in this world and humanities reincarnates shall decide what races shall be born some will stick to a more monstrous life while other will gladly become humanoid and remove all possibility of more evolution.

Fornicia_Yadrea · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs

Magic Beast

The deer was simple minded and just wanted to speak with me when I realized it was still a child and its parents were probably nearby watching it. I then slowly taught it how to focus on images or emotions and infuse them into the telepathy it had taught me I could only do so because I had a human's intelligence. Instead of giving vague pictures of what it wants to get across so instead of a messy jumble of thoughts it would send a singular image or emotion.


It began to thank me and then it showed me a picture of its parents that had slight joy but also anger that its parents wouldn't let it adventure around in the deeper parts of the forest. I looked the deer over seeing its brown coat covered in green moss at the back of the head and along the spine. It didn't have antlers, so I assume it's too young or a female. The Deer then looked at the small wasps still trying to sting it and sent me the emotion Confusion. 


I answered with a picture of the nest and the feeling of home or at least how arriving home feels to me the deer suddenly stood up and sent its name which was basically where it was born as an image, I shall refer to it as Rovel whenever I talk about it. Rovel rubbed her fur off on me sending an image of safety and home as if its scent would drive of most things that could eat me.


Rovel then left and I realized I had forgotten to use the system scan on it so I used the scan on the fur.


{Fur of a Spirit Deer}- Usually soft hearted and in tune with nature these creatures are rarely seen but the young ones are especially mischievous and curios about things that would usually harm them causing their parents to nearly go insane with worry whenever they leave home. The fur of a spirit deer increases growth of ANY PLANT by 100x if it was given as a gift if it was taken by force it will do the opposite causing all plants to wither in an area.


[Status Window]

Name: Boramir Korman

Age: 1 day(Sapling)

TA (True Age/Soul Age): 21

Species: Vampiric Sapling

Level: 1

Exp: 44/100 (+2 an Hour due to Spirit Deer Fur)

HP: 47/57 Recover 11.4 A Day (Doubled)

BR: 10/57 

MP: 31/142 Recover 2.84 per hour (Doubled)

Fruits: None

STR: 2.4

INT: 14.2 (Slightly Suppressed Evolve to remove the suppression)

VIT: 5.7

Sense/SEN: 4.3


The Spirit Deer fur doubled my recovery rate and gave me +2 exp an hour holey shit was that a great encounter am I the protagonist of some fucking Web novel or some shit no that can't be or I would be number one on the list. It also removed most of the suppression on my INT stat.


[Ability Learned]


{Plant Growth}- Every 100 days you would grow 1 in every stat but since you have Spirit Deers fur that is now every day.


 Well, I guess that's the reason I gained one in every stat. That ability would be super weak unless you got lucky like I did or was it simply because I am dangerous to the spirit deer that it was attracted to me Afterall I am a blood drinker. I need to stop thinking about things I cannot change. I brought the one blood fruit I had up and removed it from my branch which actually felt a little bit painful because I did forcefully instead of detaching it like the other.


I lay that fruit next to the fox who was obviously pretending to be asleep and let it devour another of my fruit which paralyzed because I forgot that my fruit did that. I moved it under my roots after I had dug a hole there so the fox could have a nest below me protected from most predators. I am now sure that the fox is a reincarnate who is trying to gain a poison resistance skill by eating my fruit and sap so that they are not too vulnerable.


Gained Ability {Flesh Fruit}-Due to a being willingly eating your fruit even though knowing its poisonous you have gained the ability to change the fruits texture and Taste while removing the poison.


Gained Ability {Blossum of Blood}- You have entered the flowering stage for your species so you can form blood blossoms which have a disconcerting smell that is sickly sweet to most predators luring them closer so that they may die.


Ability Unlocked {Ghoul Production}- You as a vampiric tree have learned how to puppet the dried-out corpses you make from devouring all the blood within them. Your sap will replace their blood resulting in full control of the corpse even allowing it to evolve along with you. (Max 1 per 10 INT Currently)


Those are some amazing abilities that I have I believe if my sap replaces their blood it means every time they bite my ghoul, they will have a chance of swallowing the sap which will paralyze them.