
Vampires Tale: Immortals

Hey, I know it's been a long *ss time and there has been no updates on this novel. If you actually cared, I am truly sorry for that and supremely grateful that words I wrote managed to reach you. I started this novel as a 15 year old kid who thought he could make a better book than most on this platform. I wasn't prepared for it and was unable to figure out how to continue the story in the way I wanted. So this is officially the end of vampires tale: immortals as short as it was. However, a year later I feel prepared to embark on a new adventure, a second chance. On June 1st I will be releasing a new book called 'DRAGONS DYNASTY'!!! I am truly excited for this book and have been planning it for the last 3 months and recently started writing it. However to make sure it's a high standard novel, I won't be publishing until June 1st. This book is guaranteed to be at least 10 times better than VTI, you have my word! Love you all, and see you there!!!

KIngii_ · แฟนตาซี
122 Chs


Back in the 'Von Dracul' clan's throne room…

Damon suddenly stood up and left the throne room. He was walking from his castle, seemingly going somewhere away from home. However, with the power that an elder has, his casual 'walk' was so fast that there was a mini sonic boom for every one of his steps!!

He arrived at another castle, one similar to his own but it looked much more ancient.

"...Open the door" ordered Damon. He was an elder, it was mildly disrespectful that he even had to ask. If he wasn't visiting his friend's home, he would have burned it to the ground for such treatment.

The wide castle doors opened and as Damon entered inside, there was seemingly nobody but he knew that was not the case. He entered the throne room and saw his friend Lord Orpheus, sitting on his throne.

Orpheus was all black and seemed to be indistinguishable from the throne itself. He looked like a shadow, no light could pass through him and the only thing that was not black were his white irises.

"Leave" ordered Orpheus to what looked like Damon.


As soon as he said that, the shadows and dark places around the throne room started to move toward the exit. As soon as the two elders were alone they looked at each other and smiled.

"Long time no see old friend" greeted Orpheus.

"Indeed, how long has it been now, 5 years?" inquired Damon in a reminiscent tone.

"6 I think, so it's been long enough to let me know that this was not a social call?" said Orpheus with suspicion.

"That's right, I had sent knight rank Everblood to bring back your daughter but it would seem that he failed," said Damon in a disappointed tone.

How can a knight ranked vampire fail to capture one unranked child? He didn't think it was possible for Everblood to fail.

"Oh," Orpheus was surprised at his own daughter's ability and also curious.

"How did she manage to send him running back?" curiously inquired Orpheus.

"...Everblood may have been exiled from the clan, but you didn't have to put it like that, okay?!!!

"She didn't" replied Damon with a small, imperceptible smile, knowing he got even with this remark.

"...I had thought we were beyond these games, Damon" Orpheus said while pretending he didn't start it, in a pitiful tone.

"...A vein popped out of Damons forehead when he heard that. Then, they both started chuckling.

"I missed this," said Orpheus with a smile.

"I did as well," replied Damon with a grin.

"Everblood had been about to capture your daughter but got interrupted by a werewolf, he stated that he didn't want the wolf to bite the girl in the commotion so he led it away, however he then fought to a draw with the wolf as he killed it but got bit in the process" relayed Damon.

"Hmm, okay, thank you for trying, however don't send anymore people after her for now." requested Orpheus.

"Why?" asked Damon in puzzlement. Didn't he want his daughter home safe?

"Well, she has been fighting so adamantly to stay in the human world, I figured I'd give her a reward" replied a jovial Orpheus.

"One year, I shall let her stay in the human world for one year before I go to retrieve her myself." said Orpheus again before Damon could respond.

"Oh, sounds like a nice break from work, may I accompany you?" Damon asked.

"Hahaha, it's a date then, farewell for now my friend" replied Orpheus, excited for the future.

"Goodnight," said Damon.

He then walked back to his castle to finish today's paperwork.

Meanwhile at the abandoned mansion…

While both Alicia and Marcellus were still laying on the ground, Marcellus' body started to move.


His body started shaking lightly and you could hear all of his bone creaking and cracking. If he wasn't dead, you could only imagine the amount of pain he would be going through.

His hair seemed to change color as well, it was now a black and white mix looking like a zebra. His skin grew even paler than Alicias, he now looks like a healthy dead body!

The wounds on his neck and chest started to close. His blood that was spilled around his start to move into his body, which seemed to increase the shaking and cracking of his bones. The knife that was stuck in his heart was slowly being pushed out by his own tissue.

He was still very skinny, almost anorexic, but there was a hidden power within those small muscles.

His height grew from 1.79 meters to 1.95 meters making him rather tall.

When he finally opened his eyes after completing half the transformation they shone with a spark of flashing red electricity.

"Ugh, my head" muttered Marcellus from waking up to a raging migraine. It went away after a few seconds as Marcellus tried to collect himself.

'Where am I?' thought Marcellus.

Then suddenly his head started to glow red lightly with imperceptible lightning flashes as his memories started to come back.


He looked around in wariness after remembering what had happened but sighed in relief after seeing Alicia laying on the ground, unconscious.

'Alright, so what the hell happened, I remember her stabbing me, I remember her weird face and I…r-remember her drinking my blood!!! Thought Marcellus as he grabbed his neck, slightly surprised at not finding a wound.

'Does this make me a vampire now as well? thought Marcellus in a jesting tone. Only he also thought that might be the case deep down.

'Well, whatever, all I know is that I don't want to be here when she wakes up, if she isn't dead' thought Marcellu as he warily inspected Alicia's body to find that she wasn't breathing.

'Arthur got taken away in a cop car which means there will probably be more so I should just get back home to avoid trouble' thought MArcellus as he left the house.

*SIGH* 'I really have to get a car soon, can't be walking everywhere, it's a waste of time' thought Marcellus in contemplation.

"Oh shit, I totally forgot, the first day of school is tomorrow." Marcellus panicked outwardly as he remembered this little detail.

He then started to book it to his house. As he ran he noticed how fast the scenery was going by him, scared, he stopped.


"What the hell?" *SIGH* so many questions, not a lot of answers" muttered Marcellus in a tired tone.

He just temporarily accepted it as he sped his way home, he also took a few detours as running that fast was somewhat exciting.

He got home and climbed the tree near his open bedroom window. He took a shower and climbed into bed.

"This has been the longest day ever, but somehow, I'm excited for more like it," said Marcellus aloud with a genuine, innocent smile.

If only he knew…..