
Vampires Rise To Dominance

You can’t run, you can’t hide, truck-kun won’t let you get away alive. After a desperate fight with the Godly being, Truck-kun, our MC is killed and Reincarnated into a Jumble of mixed up anime and manga worlds. No harem The MC will become OP overtime. *READ THE AUXILIARY CHAPTER FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION*

Death_Incarnate34 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
3 Chs

Reborn Undead

Walking down the street in casual clothes looking at his phone. He stopped at a crosswalk and waited for the signal to change so they could get across as he texted his friends in Discord.

«To be honest, I don't even know what to say for the thanksgiving prayer. My year has been fucked up and my immune system is shit so I'm missing school with pills of work and failing grades. My dog died and most of all one of my older brother's is a simp.»

He texted.

«Damn, bro you might as well not even go to thanksgiving» Jackthemonkey, his friend replied.

«If I'm being real it's probably God challenging you. You needa get off that atheistic bullshit.» Don From State Farm said.

«One, I'm a Nihilist, two fuck his challenges, and three…no.» He replied.

«When you get fucked in the ass by the spear of God, don't say I didn't warn you.»

Don replied.

«It is what it is.»

As he replied back, he looked up at the signal light and saw that it showed he was able to walk across. He started walking and just as he stepped onto the road, he heard the sound of a car engine headed his way and fast. Before he could turn his head, he felt a stinging pain in the right side of his body.

He could feel the force of something hard and metallic smashed into his body which sent him flying 10 yards away. His body was sent rolling as the truck continued and ran him over. For sure he should've been dead, but he wasn't.

He was conscious as he felt his rib cage and organs get smashed to shit, but somehow he was still alive. Well, partially. His soul was struggling to leave his body for some reason which gave him the feeling of being alive and dead at the same time.

His brain couldn't operate correctly nor comprehend what just happened and so it was like his body and soul was having some type of function glitch. Instead of leaving his body, his soul suddenly vanished from his body which ultimately killed him.

(Third POV)

In a basement cellar that was made completely from cobblestone stood a tall man in a blck robe. He held a staff and was standing in front of a summoning ritual with nothing but blood on the ground in a weird pattern. In the circle was a corpse. The body of some aristocrat that was assassinated and given to this Lord.

"Skagtb snzjsgg dkdndns f sksjsjfve bdbdbygz fhfjs." He spoke in some language that didn't seem to make any sense as he double tapped his staff on the ground. The blood started glowing golden as it slowly started being absorbed into the body of the dead aristocrat.

"Now rise as my new servant!!" Shouted the Necromancer as the body started to glow a golden color. The light was so blinding, the lord shielded his eyes and once the light died down, he looked at the body in front of him.

It hadn't even twitched yet.

"Damn it, could I have failed? I'll get End, to come and-…"

The previously motionless body shot its eyes open. The Lord looked at the body and smiled widely.

"Yes, it worked. To create two undead servants of such a caliber. I'll truly become the best necromancer in this world." He thought with an evilness chuckle.

"Stand." He spoke.

The body hot up to its feet and stood there motionless. The body being used had pale skin as white as freshly printed copy paper, messy, icy white hair with bangs that slightly came over his eyes. It was a males body and was about 5'8 in height.

He wore brown clothes that seemed fit for a commoner and had a rather slim body.

(First POV)

'Where am I?' Was the first thought that came into my mind. After dying it felt like a normal blink of the eye and boom. I'm in some room made of stone.

"Stand." I heard a deep voice order. My body, against my will, stood up and was completely motionless. I couldn't talk nor move how I wanted.

'What type of situation is this? Reincarnation?' I wondered. I would usually shake my head in this situation to get rid of irrelevant thoughts.

'It doesn't matter. First I should gather information. Primarily on this guy.' I thought.

"Follow me." The man said as he turned around and started walking. My body started following him as if I was to do his every command.

'So I'm some sort of slave. If I died and became this guys slave, he's most likely some necromancer and I have some sort of binding seal on my soul or something.'

We walked up some stairs and out a door, made a turn to the left and continued down a hallway. It was also made of cobblestone and had torches lining the walls. We continued walking and walked down another set of stairs which led to some underground corridor.

He opened up a big iron door and stood aside. It was like a morgue. Thousands of dead bodies on big slabs of stone. The room was huge and the smell of the dead bodies didn't affect me as I thought it would've.

Another smell did catch my nose though. Something that smelt "familiar" in a weird sense. Something like me was also in here.

"End, come here." The necromancer said as he looked into the barley lit room. Slow paced steps could be heard walking towards us and once it got close enough, I saw it.

Another "undead" like me. He was about the same height as me, choppy white hair, like copy paper with skin of the same color. Blood red eyes, a slim physique and he had an emotionless face.

'His name is End? Weird' I thought as the lord spoke.

"You two will be roommates. You'll be hunting together tomorrow. His name is…I'll call him Yoko." The lord said.

"Enter." He ordered. My body walked in and afterwards he closed the door as the sound echoed throughout the room. As soon as it closed, I kept my focus completely on the guy in front of me. He may or may not be the same as me with his consciousness intact.

"Hahahahahah!" He suddenly burst out in laughter, as he held his stomach and pointed at me.

"You should see your face. It's so serious." He said, wiping tears from his eyes.

"I know you can understand me. You don't need to act like that in front of me." He said as he stopped laughing and turned around to sit on one of the stone slabs.

"…So what are you?" I asked skeptically.

"What are WE, you mean. WE are undead servants that live to serve the lord. His every wish is our command." He answered.

"We're undead, so obviously not human anymore. Right now you're in the first evolution. A Fleshman." He continued.

"I see. So what is our evolutionary path?"

"From Fleshman to Ghoul to Shadow Walker to Vampire to Dark Demon to Undead Lord. I think, then again the lord could send us on a death mission." He said with a slight chuckle.

"And you're fine with that?" I asked. Before anything, I wanted to see if this guy would be on the same track as me with getting out of here.

"No, of course not. You think I like being some crazy man's puppet? We can't leave just yet. We're not strong enough at all. I take it you also were planning on leaving this place?"

"Of course."

"Then we wait and prepare. And you need to catch up on knowledge." End said. Just then the door started opening and I quickly went back to my spot and stood as still as a statue.

The smell wasn't the same as the lords and I took a glance at what could have come in and saw End staring at the girl with what looked like pity. She had pitch black hair that was cut at her neck and deep black eyes. She had a short stature and was very dirty in a brown one-piece dress which was torn up.

She had a bucket of water and a cloth as she walked into this cellar. I saw her take a glance at me then at End and her pace quickened. She went over to the far back of the cellar and started wiping one of the slabs. She looked to be around 10 or 12.

"Don't worry about her. Her job is to keep this place clean and that's it." End said as he stood up.

"I see. So how long have you been an undead?" I asked.

"About two weeks I think."

"I see."

Afterwards he sat around catching me up on what my body can and can't do. I can't feel pain, all of my senses have been enhanced along with my strength and the rest of my physical capabilities. As a fleshman I can't do much and I don't have any type of powers to speak of.

After a while, the girl left the room and soon I heard heavy footsteps walking down the hall and towards the cellar. Me and End got back into position and stood there as if we never moved from that spot to begin with.

The door was pulled open and I could feel the lord standing behind me.

"Face me." He ordered. My body turned and looked at him emotionlessly. I saw that he had a huge machete that was a meter in length. It's blade was wide, dark grey and had blood clinging to it.

Unsurprisingly, he gave it to End.

"Follow me." He ordered the both of us. We followed him out the room as the cellar door shut and we began our way down the hall, up some stairs, out of the basement and walking through some more halls before leaving out of the huge castle.

We walked through the backyard and stopped at a gate which closed off a huge, dense, dark forest. It was nighttime and the moon was full and high in the sky.

We stood there as the Lord slightly raised his hand and the small sound of footsteps became apparent. I didn't try to look at what was headed our way and managed to keep myself looking forward when the source of the footsteps came into view.

Three furry wolves. They were about half my size, and it would take serious effort to get onto them. The wolves split up and drew closer to the Lord as they let out a low growl in front of him. My gut told me these things were corpses as well.

'What can you expect from a necromancer?' I wondered as I watched the Lord remove a key from his pocket and unlock the gate.

"Let's hope you aren't as disappointing as End." He commented as we followed him through the gte and into the forest.