
Chapter 91: Fight in the Mansion

“Steven and Adrian drove in his car and Raylene followed in her vehicle with Lucinda.

They had decided not to tell the guards where they were going. Raylene did not want her uncle to know about Raven’s misbehavior and selfishness this time around because Steven wanted to deal with him by himself.

At the gates Raven was forced to let them in because Raylene had promised to go easy on him if he let them in through the gates without troubles.

Adrian got out of his car as soon as he had pulled up in front of the big house. He walked back to Raylene’s car which was parked behind his.

“So, are we gonna wait for someone to come out or are we just going in by ourselves?” he asked at Raylene’s open car window.

“I think we should go in because they opened the gate for us already,” Raylene replied.

“Great, let’s go,” Adrian said to Steven and the guard who were also now out of the vehicle.

The group walked around the back of the house, following Raylene’s lead.