
Chapter 83: Dinner Table Emotions

Steven had hired a suit for the dinner. Gwyneth had suggested that they all dress formally.

If it was in the afternoon we could have dressed casually, but smart. Tonight we have to be formal,” she had explained when he had asked her about how they should look at the dinner.

“So, that means that I should go on the internet and find a suit to hire for the evening,” Steven had responded while they had a light lunch in the hotel restaurant.

“I still can’t believe the audacity of those guys last night,” Steven had remarked.

“Shouldn’t you tell your parents about that, at least?” Gwyneth had asked.

“Then I will have to forget about the palace dinner. They will ask me to get onto the next available flight,” Steven had responded.

“At least these guards from the palace are around us now,” Gwyneth had replied as she glanced at the man who was sitting at a table in a corner of the restaurant.

“It still feels creepy,” Steven had responded.