
Chapter 78: Attack at the Restaurant

“I suppose so, but is that actually his real hair color?” Steven’s, I mean?” Lucinda asked.

Before Gwyneth could respond, Steven and Adrian came bursting in through the restaurant door.

“Oh, but weren’t they in the bathroom?” she asked with a confused look on her face.

Steven and Adrian came rushing towards the table with the security guard walking behind them.

“What’s wrong, Sir? Are you hurt?” he asked Steven.

“No, we’re alright,” Adrian replied.

It was only when the two men were up close when Gwyneth noticed that their clothes were disheveled. Their hair was messed up and they had bruises on their faces.

“What happened to you?” Gwyneth asked in shock.

“We were led from this table at gun point and forced to go outside, but we managed to overpower the guys before they forced us into a car,” Steven said as he wiped some blood from his check with the sleeve of his shirt.