
Chapter 77: Dining Out with Lucinda

Gwyneth and Steven were sitting in a restaurant with Adrian having a late dinner at a small restaurant in the city, a distance from the hotel.

“Look who’s there,” Gwyneth said suddenly as she stared at a table in the corner of the restaurant.

Steven and Adrian both turned to look in the direction that Gwyneth was pointing with her head.

“Oh, Lucinda. Who’s she with?” Steven commented while he turned around again to face Gwyneth.

“I don’t know who that girl is,” Gwyneth responded. “Maybe a dancer,” she added.

“Can’t we befriend her since she’s so calm and friendly, from what we’ve seen anyway,” Steven asked.

“Even if she’s Raven’s friend? Isn’t that dangerous? Isn’t she a vampire in her free time?” Adrian asked in alarm as he looked down at the food on his plate.

“She wasn’t there today at the tennis court, so she can’t be too close to Raven,” Steven replied.