
Chapter 72: Meeting with Uncle George

“How am I going to get Uncle George out of his curiosity about meeting Raven? He was so upset when he was informed about the newspaper article about a prince lookalike being here at the dance party last night. It’s sheer luck that he left without notice last night and we didn’t have a clue about where he went.

And this afternoon Uncle George had no idea that Steven was here and we had no idea that Uncle George wanted to meet him,” Raven told himself in relief.

“But now he wants to find out at which hotel Steven is booked in and it won’t be a problem for the palace secret security staff to find out,” Raven thought as he threw a jacket across his shoulder and walked out of his bedroom door. He really needed to break away for a while.

As he walked down the stairs his phone rang again.

“Yes, ma’am, what’s up?” he asked when he answered Salicia’s call at last.

“You’re a hard one to get a hold of,” Salicia responded.