
Chapter 62: Dance of Seduction

“What is Raven saying to that guy now?” Richard asked, just above a whisper. He and Raylene had just escaped being seen by Raven when they had entered the garden and walked towards the pond.

“He’s a journalist. He took photos of me when I was dancing,” Raylene replied in a low tone of voice.

“So, you reckon that Raven is giving him an interview now?” Richard asked.

“Must be that’s why they’re alone. Maybe Raven wants privacy,” Raylene replied.

“Raven isn’t that discreet unless he wants a favor,” Richard remarked.

“Of course, you’re probably right,” Raylene responded in a somber tone of voice.

“So, I think he’s definitely deeper into vampire stuff than we thought,” Richard remarked.

“Why do say that, by the way?” Raylene asked as she looked into Richard’s eyes to see whether he was making sense.