
Chapter 60: Getting Back into Action

Jay, the other journalist seemed very excited about the events which were taking place at the palace. Two lookalikes apparently liking the same girl was indeed a cause for good entertaining drama. He was not going to lose out on this chance for instant fame, even if it lasted only for a week. He had to get a juicy story to publish.

Raven on the other hand, could not be bothered about the journalist’s intentions anymore.

“Can you believe it?” he asked himself. “He left and she’s still here. So, there’s hope for this evening after all,” he said softly to himself as he made his way to the gallery.

Jay followed at a discreet distance.

“Gosh! So many people. Do they all love art so much?” Raven mumbled when he saw the crowd inside the gallery.

They were admiring the art works against the wall, but some were also dancing to the music which filtered through from the hall.

Raven had to stretch his neck to look over some people’s heads as he tried to spot Gwyneth.