
Chapter 56: Steven Is Overwhelmed

“What do you mean?” Adrian asked. “Aren’t they all still trying to get over the shock?” he asked in alarm.

“You know, these people are different from us ordinary people. They learn certain things very early in life. They learn to adjust very quickly,” Gwyneth responded with her eyes on Raylene.

“Well, I was brought up differently and I tell you, my nerves have had it,” Steven responded. “I don’t know about you, but I am going back to my hotel suite,” he added before placing his half empty glass on the side table and turning around to leave.

“But, they’re gonna think you’re something like a spy if you don’t say goodnight before leaving,” Gwyneth protested. She placed her hand onto his elbow while he walked towards the door.

“I couldn’t care less what they think right now. I can’t deal with it,” Steven responded as he continued to walk.