
Chapter 48: Plans to Meet the Royals

“But what if the vampire thing is real? And wait a minute… what if the siblings are also vampires?” she whispered.

“That sounds bizarre. Now you’re frightening me,” Steven replied.

“Do you see what can happen?” Gwyneth asked as she leaned closer to Steven. “I don’t want to be all paranoid, but what if it’s a case of one of those creepy families who look alright and normal on the outside, but they do strange things behind closed doors,” she continued with a frightened look in her eyes.

“But you were all happy about keeping calm about everything and taking it easy, but now? Are you having second thoughts about me meeting them?” Steven asked, trying to remain calm and composed.

“I just feel that you need a good backup system,” Gwyneth responded with a deep frown between her elegant dark brows. “I shouldn’t be the only one there with you when you go and meet them. Adrian should also be there,” she commented in a serious tone of voice.