
Chapter 45: Dining Out in Saphira

“Would you like to meet her? It can only be interesting,” Gwyneth remarked with her eyes focused on Crescia.

“It would be entertaining, but why is she here? She could be surrounded by everything that’s suspicious and even dangerous,” Steven responded.

“We don’t really have an excuse to introduce ourselves to her,” Gwyneth remarked.

“We will have to do some homework before we can be privileged to do that,” Steven responded.

“Yes, unfortunately we couldn’t do any of that before coming here. We’re learning as we go and so, we’ll just have to expect a few mistakes to creep in as well here and there,” Gwyneth replied, pretending to sulk with her mouth drawn down at the corners.

“That’s what one sees in action movies, isn’t that so?” Steven asked with one eyebrow raised before he took a sip of his drink.

“Oh, great to see you get into the spirit of things. You’re gonna need it with that brother of yours or at least, that suspected brother of yours,” Gwyneth responded.