
Chapter 44: A Royal Visitor

“Oh, I’m very pleased to meet you,” Jules announced as he leaned over to shake Raven’s hand. He was surprised to see how the young man’s eyes were a brilliant green and they were rimmed with dark eyelashes which gave them an instant appeal. His unusual height forced Raven to have to look up at him.

“I’m just as pleased to meet royalty from not so far away,” Raven responded.

“Yes, now that I know that it’s so close by I won’t hesitate to visit more frequently,” Jules announced before sitting down and sipping from his glass of wine again.

This statement left Raven feeling bored and slightly apprehensive.

“I suppose I will have to show him around town,” he thought in frustration. “He shouldn’t be too much competition,” he assumed with a smile on his face as he began to help himself from the vast array of cake and pastry trays on the table.

“Today is a college day and you’re going in late, I see,” Sir George commented.