
Chapter 34: Unexpected Dinner Guest

Steven slipped into the conservatory quickly. He had to gather himself.

“What's happening to me? Am I beginning to suspect my parents of doing something illegal? Something completely unthinkable?” he asked into the quiet of the room. He stood still, breathing deeply in and out in order to compose himself.

"But what if I really have a brother in Saphira or any other country for instance? What if I was just too used to my life as it was and never had to question anything?” he asked himself as he paced up and down.

"Is Gwyneth right in her attitude and I'm too naïve to 'wake up and smell the coffee’?” he asked himself.

“Well, I suppose I should start being objective from now on and put up an act of everything being alright,” he said as he hastily walked towards the dining room.

His parents looked anxious when he finally walked into the dining room. Next to his mother sat someone whom he had never seen before. A young lady with neatly twirled and pinned up blonde hair.