
Chapter 24: Lucinda's Thoughts and Feelings

“Well, there’s no harm in you learning new things every day. For instance, I think that this girl might be involved with witches that’s all. Then what does it matter if she also knows vampires? Maybe it’s just one of those hocus pocus things,” Richard commented.

“It does not sound very safe to involve oneself with people who claim to know vampires. The old witchcraft thing is perhaps a fantasy thing like in fairy tales, but vampires? That sounds risky,” Raylene commented.

Her mind was racing. Was this Lucinda girl perhaps the person that Raven was talking about? Could it be? She didn’t seem the type.

“Maybe this girl is just pulling your leg Raven? Don’t take it so seriously. She might be the frivolous type who doesn’t stop at anything just to have herself a good laugh,” Richard commented.

“I have an appointment to go and meet her at her house this weekend. I suppose I’ll get to know her better then,” Raven responded with a smile.