
Chapter 14: Plans to trick Salicia and Crescia

“Well, it does sort of look like they had a helping hand out there but it’s clear that they don't believe in prayer. Then they must have some other source,” Richard said in a low tone of voice.

“Great. Then we’re going to have to play Salicia at her own game,” Raylene stated in a determined tone of voice. "But how will we do that? We will have to investigate her family very well,” she concluded.

“We will have to use good investigation as well as social skills,” Richard declared. "But we should never be found out. We should make Salicia believe that she’s got the potential to knock Raven off his feet,” he said with a deep look of concentration in his eyes.

Raylene went to sit on the chair behind the desk and picked up a gold gilded pen. She twirled it around her finger as she tried to think.

“We should infiltrate their home by visiting and make them feel as if we love being there. But will that be easy?” she asked.