

The rest of the week Zero acts normal in front of Elena, not letting her know a thing. Each night they will do something new to get ready for their child. Tonight they put the crib together. He just sees. How happy Elena is. How in love she is with him. How she just glows.

"Friday I will be coming home late," Zero says as they work in the baby's room.

"Ok. How late? Should I wait to eat dinner?" Elena asks innocently.

" No. Please eat and do whatever you need to. There will be a late meeting at work. I am not sure, What time I will be getting home. I just know It will be later than normal." Zero states.

"I will leave your plate in the microwave then for you. Just in case you're hungry when you come home." Elena says.

"Thank you. You're always thinking about me." Zero remarks.

"Of course. I love you more than anything." Elena comments.

Zero just smiles at her Knowing its true.

Friday comes Zero taking his tux and putting it in his car. Getting everything ready for tonight. Wanting to look his best. He kisses Elena goodbye, then he is off to work. Spending most of the day feeling jitters. Thinking about seeing Yuki tonight. Its been two years and eight months. The longest so far they ever spent away from each other. Yet, it felt like yesterday that she walked away with Kaname. Yagari sees that Zero isn't his normal self. That something isn't right. He just hopes that nothing takes place tonight, that will ruin his life forever. Yagari knows when it comes to Yuki. Zero doesn't think straight.

Later that day, Zero goes into his office bathroom, to get ready for tonight. Washing up and putting on his black tux. Combing his hair and smelling delicious. He wants Yuki to see, what she missed out on. Trying to rub it in her face. At the same time not able to wait to get a glimpse of her. He finishes getting ready Heading out to the car waiting for him outside. It takes and drops him off at the ballroom. His heart pounding deep within. He walks in and goes to his spot. Leaning up against a post. Yagari on the other side. Stealing a glass of champagne, as the waiter goes by. They now see the party is for a charity. Yuki wanting to give back. Its why Kaname couldn't hold her back. It was something, she held dear. So Kaname had to let the party take place Even though deep down, he didn't want any part of this. He wanted to keep these two far away from each other.

Kaname and Yuki walk in, all eyes on them. Yuki wearing a long beaded Red halter dress. Looking stunning. Her hair up in a twist. She looked mature and beautiful. Her eyes dart around the room. Looking for Zero. She finds him within minutes. Seeing his eyes are on her as well. Kaname looks around also, noticing that Elena kept her word and didn't appear at this ball. In a way, he wished she would have come to watch over Zero. There was no one there to hold him back tonight. Which in a way worried Kaname. He could watch, but there were many people here tonight. Wanting his attention Keeping him very busy. He couldn't watch everything Zero did. Which Zero knew.

After about an hour of the ball going, people all over. Asking Kaname all kinds of questions. Yuki heads upstairs telling Kaname, she needs the lady's room. Zero sees her leave the ballroom and follows. As much as he knows he shouldn't He can't resist. Meeting her on the top of the stairs near the restroom.

"So how do you like married life?" Zero asks.

"I could ask the same, "Yuki replies.

"It's pretty good." Zero answers.

Moving closer to her. Her hand extends to his His pulling her close to him. Yuki gives him a passionate kiss, Throwing him into an upstairs bedroom and locking the door. Kissing his mouth, their hands roam each other. Neither of them a virgin anymore. They both knew what to do and were not scared to. She went straight for his jacket and threw it on the floor next his tie and then his white shirt. Zero wasted no time unzipping her red dress tossing it to the side. Staring at her in her red lace panties and matching bra. His desires at their peak. Not seeing anything but this slender beautiful woman in front of him. Yuki throws him onto the bed Getting on top of him and kissing down his chest. He licks and kisses her neck, waiting to bite. Knowing if he did so now. Everyone at the party would smell it. He had to be careful. He had to curb the bloodlust. He was feeling that only she could make him feel. The deep want of her blood and body. He turns her over so he is on top of her. Kissing and licking her breasts. Rubbing her mound and feeling her wetness. He growls, as he kisses down her tummy and licks her womanhood. Sending her over the edge. He works his way back up, sliding his manhood deep inside her. She screams out his name and wraps her legs around him. Clawing at his back. Pushing herself up against him. Her hips meeting his thrusts. He pounds into her hard and deep with each one. Just like he always dreamed. Giving it to her good and hard Making her pant and moan. His mind in overdrive Just thinking of the woman that is below him. Finally Yuki. Moaning her name as he pounds away Not letting up, going faster and faster till they both climax.

He then kisses her deeply and starts all over again. Not letting her leave the bed or even get a chance to regain her composer. Knowing that once she gets up, who knows if this will ever happen again. He Takes her again for the second time. Turning her over and entering her through the back. Yuki on all fours, pushing herself fiercely into him. Slamming each other till they climax again. Zero's scent all over her In every single way. Yet he isn't done with her. He holds her close kissing her everywhere. Making sure every dream he had, Is coming true. He makes love to her for the third time, This time with her on top of him. Their vampire desires keeping them going. They know that time is running out. So they both get up and get dressed. Once Zero is fully dressed. He grabs her licking her neck and sinks his fangs into her. She does the same. Both taking everything they need from the other, Holding on for dear life.

"I love you Zero," Yuki says.

"I love you too. I will always love you." Zero replies. As they both go back to the ballroom.

Kaname's eyes glow a deep red, Soon as he sees Yuki. He knows. He smells it. He knows its too late. The scent of their blood also in the air. Just both of them now are healed. So there are no bite marks. Kaname still knows what took place. Just growling under his breath.

"I hope it was worth it," Kaname says.

"More than you will ever know," Yuki responds.

Kaname taken back with her boldness. Never thinking his Yuki would do this. He knows He can't let them see each other again. Elena was right.

Zero goes back standing next to Yagari. Gloating. High off Yuki's blood and sex. Sated in every way you could imagine. He never felt like this before. The feeling was better than any drug.

"Whatever you did I hope it was worth it?" Yagari says.

"Oh Hell yes. That was amazing." Zero answers.

"Did you forget the woman you left at home. That is eight months pregnant with your child?"Yagari answers.

"Shit!" Zero replies.

The thought of Elena, well there wasn't any. He was so overtaken with Yuki. He thought of nothing else. Not what this could bring if she ever found out. He was too happy and high to care at that moment.

Instead of going straight home, Zero goes back to his office to clean up. He takes off his tux which reaks of Yuki. Not that Elena would know. She isn't a vampire. She can't smell what Vampires do. He did know Kaname could And just that alone made him higher than ever. He just smirks to himself. Saying Fuck you Kaname. As he washes himself up and puts his day clothes back on. He gets back into his car driving home.

Once home it's pretty late around one in the morning. There is a small light left on for him. Dinner in the microwave With a little note.

"I hope you had a great day. I missed you. Love always, Elena."

Zero just closes his eyes coming back to reality. He puts the plate into the refrigerator as he isn't very hungry. He walks to the bedroom to find his sleeping eight-month pregnant wife sleeping. Peacefully in their bed. Leaving a small light on so he could see his way around. Even though he is a vampire, and doesn't need it, she always thought about him. His heart drops at the sight. Knowing what he just did Was awful. He broke their marriage vows. Even more so he would break her heart. Here she was at home, alone sleeping while he was out screwing someone else. He just climbs into bed and shuts the light. Elena sees he is home and just moves herself close to him. Snuggling. Which only makes Zero feel worse.


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