
Vampire CEO's Only Obsession

[Mature Content] As the woman with flowing brown hair stood in the middle of the road, her eyes fixed on the approaching car, a sense of desperation and fear washed over her. She knew she couldn't continue living a life filled with suffering and pain. In that fleeting moment, escaping this brutal world through death seemed like the only way to find peace. But just as the car drew nearer, something or someone swooped in like a bolt of lightning and swept her away from harm's way with incredible speed. The next thing she knew, she found herself safely on the sidewalk, unharmed but with tears streaming down her face. Collapsing to the ground, Andrea cried out in frustration, her voice reaching the heavens. "Why does the world inflict so much suffering upon me? Why won't it let me find peace in death?" Her words were drowned out by the raindrops falling from the sky, as if nature itself was mocking her pain. But then, a cold and stern voice broke through the chaos. It was Logan, standing above her, looking down with a mix of concern and authority. "Because that life isn't yours to take," Logan said firmly. "As long as my heir resides within you, your life is no longer solely your own. It belongs to our child and to all the vampires who answer to me, Andrea." He continued, "I have the ultimate say in whether you live or die because, through our connection, every breath you take belongs to me." Bewildered by the sudden revelation, Andrea couldn't comprehend how one fateful night had turned her life upside down. Now, she was bound to a man whose haunted past clung to his heart, and yet, he yearned for her with an intensity she couldn't ignore. Not only did she carry his child, but her very existence provided the sustenance that quelled his vampire thirst. It was a situation beyond ordinary comprehension. Now, Andrea faced the daunting challenge of navigating a world where she became the target of countless predators, all while carrying a sacred child who had the power to either save or destroy the vampire realm. But as the Vampire CEO's Only Obsession, she knew his protective embrace would always be there to shield her from harm.

Sharon_Rose18 · สมัยใหม่
49 Chs

Turning For The Better!

The drive to the hospital didn't really take long. Thank goodness the driver was already informed by Logan where Her mom was now because she was totally not at that Local Hospital.

She still couldn't believe that her mom was gonna get a surgery, her mom could finally be alright, safe and sound.

Just like she has always dreamt of. She remembered once working her butt off just to make sure her mom was treated well and taken care of at the hospital.

And her father used her witness to have her be his money making machine all these years.

But one thing she didn't hate was acting, she loved it. Acting was the only world where she could be Someone else and not Andrea, An illegitimate child.

When she acted, she could play the part if a queen, a princess, a wife and even a daughter who is being loved by people even though it was all acting, to her it was something else.

After the few minutes drive, they finally arrived at "The Graceland Luxury Hospital"

A place where only billionaires and millionaires could come to. It was a hospital alright but on a whole other different level.

Different known doctors and surgeons worked at this hospital and the fact that they treated their patients very well was one of the best things in the world.

This was the right place where her mother belonged, nowhere else.


As she made her way out of the car, she walked into the huge Hospital and it was as if Logan had already planned everything as standing before her was a woman who was already awaiting her arrival.

"Welcome Miss Andrea, please follow me!" She said as Andrea followed her.

Thank goodness she had that woman to guide as the hospital was so big.

It was like a whole estate in just a building.

After all the long walks and turning, they finally made it to the toppest floor in the hospital, where her mother was being placed.

"She's at Room 001 please.." said the lady and with that, Andrea made her way into the ward.

Although she hesitated a little before she entered, she knew that her mom would have lots of questions for her as to how she was able to get her to such a huge Hospital in just one night.

Although she wished not to let her mom know about the pregnancy and Logan as to not worry her before the surgery she would have to make up an excuse as soon as possible.

As she entered the huge ward, what she wasn't expecting was a group of other old women who were around your mother as they all laughed together.

Walking closer, Andrea said softly but loud enough for all of them to turn around, "Mom?"

She called out and upon seeing her daughter, a sweet smile appeared on Samantha's face.

"Ah! Is that your daughter? Oh my goodness Samantha, she's just as beautiful as you had described!"

They all gasped as they walked towards Andrea and wrapped their hands around her bringing her towards her mother.

"Good morning, I'm Andrea. Nice to meet you all!" Andrea said to the three women who couldn't keep their eyes off her.

"Nice to meet you two dear, you look so familiar.. where have I seen you before, oh! Yah.. you're that actress that won the best actress award right? How lovely.. I'm a huge fan!"

Said one of the old ladies and hearing that, Andrea smiled warmly, "Thanks alot!" She said politely.

"You are welcome dear, c'mon ladies.. let's leave the mother and daughter alone!" Said the woman as she and the other women made their way out of the ward.

With them gone, Andrea asked, "Mom! Who are they?"

Smiling, Samantha said, "Just normal patients of the hospital, they also stay at the top floor and just came to say 'hi' to me since I was a new patient here!

Shs explained as Andrea nodded slightly, "That's sweet of them! So Ma.. how are you holding up?"

Andrea asked and hearing that, Samantha's face then changed into a more interrogative one.

"Don't you have better things to say to me like how you didn't tell me about the pregnancy?" Samantha stated not beating around the bush.

And hearing that, Andrea was taken aback, "You know?" She asked.

As Samantha nodded, "Of could I know, What? Do you take me as a fool who won't know what's going on with her daughter, I might have failed to take care of you like you deserved Andrea but I will not fail In knowing what's going on in your life!"

"And anyway, do you Think I'll let some stranger take me away to this hospital? I refused to follow until I knew what was going on and I happened to find out that my daughter is pregnant!"

She said with a low voice, "With a Vampire's Child!"

x x x x x x x xx x x x

"With a Vampire's Child!" Said Samantha as she Then placed her hands gently on her daughter.

"Listen Andrea, I'm not upset with you.. I was shocked and not very happy in the beginning but when I looked at it, It's all fate.. and fate is something that no one can change no matter what!"

"Just look at the bright side, you will get to live a luxurious life and a happy one. I know you have fear of men after what happened between your father and I but Logan isn't like your father, this situation is totally different!" Samantha said softly.

"If he's capable of doing all these for me, what else isn't he capable to do for you.. so far you carry his child, you are his only person he has eyes for!" Samantha said as she pulled her daughter in for a hug.

And seeing that, Andrea couldn't help but cry her heart out. Her mom was right, this was a good thing.

She remembered just some hours ago she was worrying how she was gonna get money to save her mother and here is the situation all solved all because of that man who had appeared into her life like a lightening.

'It was true, her life was turning for the better'