
Vampire CEO's Only Obsession

[Mature Content] As the woman with flowing brown hair stood in the middle of the road, her eyes fixed on the approaching car, a sense of desperation and fear washed over her. She knew she couldn't continue living a life filled with suffering and pain. In that fleeting moment, escaping this brutal world through death seemed like the only way to find peace. But just as the car drew nearer, something or someone swooped in like a bolt of lightning and swept her away from harm's way with incredible speed. The next thing she knew, she found herself safely on the sidewalk, unharmed but with tears streaming down her face. Collapsing to the ground, Andrea cried out in frustration, her voice reaching the heavens. "Why does the world inflict so much suffering upon me? Why won't it let me find peace in death?" Her words were drowned out by the raindrops falling from the sky, as if nature itself was mocking her pain. But then, a cold and stern voice broke through the chaos. It was Logan, standing above her, looking down with a mix of concern and authority. "Because that life isn't yours to take," Logan said firmly. "As long as my heir resides within you, your life is no longer solely your own. It belongs to our child and to all the vampires who answer to me, Andrea." He continued, "I have the ultimate say in whether you live or die because, through our connection, every breath you take belongs to me." Bewildered by the sudden revelation, Andrea couldn't comprehend how one fateful night had turned her life upside down. Now, she was bound to a man whose haunted past clung to his heart, and yet, he yearned for her with an intensity she couldn't ignore. Not only did she carry his child, but her very existence provided the sustenance that quelled his vampire thirst. It was a situation beyond ordinary comprehension. Now, Andrea faced the daunting challenge of navigating a world where she became the target of countless predators, all while carrying a sacred child who had the power to either save or destroy the vampire realm. But as the Vampire CEO's Only Obsession, she knew his protective embrace would always be there to shield her from harm.

Sharon_Rose18 · สมัยใหม่
49 Chs

"Spend The Night With Me" 2

"Because we are short on Pretty girls and you look like a one if a kind Chick… of you work here you might get paid up to 2000$ and If you are favoured by one of the men you might get yourself lots of cash tonight, what do you say?"

Andrea was quiet. Her eyeys fixed on the woman standing in front of her.

She totally hated herself for what she was thinking right now. But she needed the money.

Even without sleeping with anyone she might still get paid $2k and that was something. Just for a night, she could use it to pay up some hospital bills and prepare for her baby.

Sighing, She said, "Sure, why not!"

And the next thing, she found herself in the small dressing room of the bar.

There were up to ten girls all dressing as some applied excessive makeup while some just gossiped.

She could feel heavey stares at her Especially when she undressed.

Their eyes were fixed on her, and you couldn't blame them. She was stunning, only a fook won't stare at her.

"Goldie it looks like you really out done yourself this time around, she's a Beauty!" Said the head of the waitresses as Goldie, the tall lady from before smiled as she nodded.

"Alright girls, the men are already arriving, make sure you out your mask on.. you have ten minutes to get dressed and start serving drinks, got it!!"

"Got it!" They all responded as she made her way out.

The bar was at the Down side of the huge building while there was an hotel owned by the bar manager above.

In case anyone would want to have alone time with those girls they would all move to their hotel room.

Walking towards Andrea, Goldie said, "Hay new girl, you Didn't tell me your name?"

She asked and hearing that, Andrea was quiet as she then responded, "Senna," she lied boldly.

"Ah! Senna, nice name.. I'm Goldie… hope we become friends!"

Shs said smiling, "No thanks!" Saying that, Andrea placed on her black mask as she made her way out.

Thanks to the mask that the girls are made to wear to cover their faces, Andrea was happy.

Even though she were to wear exposing clothes, at least they won't recognize her.

Her was once an actress so it won't be a surprise if she would be recognized by some people.

But she has been out of internet for two months, she would understand if people Didn't recognize her anymore.


Meanwhile, Making his way into the bat was Logan, he totally had an unhook expression on.

After his melt down with Andre last night he Didn't sleep well this morning.

He kept on thinking about her and his baby, why the hell won't she want to marry him? Why was she so stubborn?

He thought as she had never come across any woman as stubborn as she was before.

He sighed as he walked into the bar and scanned the place, it wasn't that bad. Diego had invited him to one of his friends bachelor party so he could cool off and find a woman to lay with for the night.

He knew well that he would just end up drinking and the leaving but at least he could find something to get his mind off Andrea.

As he entered he was immediately shown a place you seat as different women approached him with drinks as their tiny and angelic voice's disgusted him.

Due to a golden star that was placed on his suit, it was obvious that he was a VIP so they had to treat him well with all their best services.

Meanwhile, Andrea walked in with her mask as she took a tray filled with drink's and started serving it.

Turns out her waitress skills came in handy but she hated the fact that those men held her hand if they wanted to ask for drinks.

Couldn't they just call her like normal people.

Sighing, she went to stand at a corner as she just watched the other girls flirt with the men.

She also saw some girls as they sat in the men's lao romancing them.

Argh! Her eyes were gonna fall out.

Just then, Goldie approached her, still with her sly smile on, she said, "Hay new girl, what are you doing you… shouldn't you be looking for a man to land a night with?"

Shs asked Andrea hissed at her words, "No Thanks, I'm just gonna serve drinks and then leave!"

She replied as Goldie giggled, "Okay, I understand you are new at this.. let me help you find a way to make millions tonight even without sleeping with anyman!"

Goldie Said getting Andrea's attention as she the pointed at a man who was seated beside the bartender with two Ladies surrounding him.

"You see that man over there? I heard some girls saying that his actual the Groom and so his the main star for the night. He already seems quite intoxicated already and seeing as it's his bachelor party.. he would probably wanna spend as much on any woman until he gets married!"

"So all you need to do, his approached him and convince him to drink till his unable to stand anymore and then you convince him to spend the night, he pays you a huge amount and then he falls asleep after your both get to the hotel room!"

"Wow you are really good at this and look at the time, I'm gonna go back now after I get my paycheck!"

Andrea said as she rolled her eyes and walked away.

But as she walked the quite and dark corridor leading to the girls changing room, she was the pinned to the wall by an unfamiliar figure.

"Well well, if it ain't my lucky night!"