
Vampire and Werewolf love story (web novel version)

A vampire fall in love with a Werewolf but Vampires and Werewolves are enemies so they must find a way to be together. Originally wrote on wattapad but brought it on here. May have a few differents.

SuperGokage678 · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs

The Proposal & Birth

Two Years Later

Jake POV

I'm getting nervous just thinking about doing this. I finished college and so did Angel. She graduated with honors. Yeah, she is that smart. We kept in touch from time to time. We been together for a little while now.

We have gone on a few dates and done many things. So, I been thinking about popping the question of marriage to Angel. We haven't talk about it much, but me and Jack have. Jack says marriage life is great and Paris is even pregnant.

I don't know what Angel answer will be but if I don't ask now. I might never will. I bought a diamond ring for 50000. I hope she likes it. It's 8:00 pm and I pick up my phone and call Angel.

She answers and say "you been calling a lot at night lately. Any reason why?" "Just a better time to make plans darling' I said. "You're starting to sound like your brother now." "Well, he does have some good tricks." "Maybe so but I just want your original tricks."

"Aw, so sweet of you Angel. I could take you tonight if we didn't already have plans." "Another date plan and you could just do both." "I think I'm a one-man trick today." "Whatever you say but what are the plans tonight?" "Just a dinner date at a fancy restaurant."

"That's all? I feel like you have something else up your sleeve. But I'll move past that for now." "All I'll say is that you will enjoy this night for years to come." "I hope so," said Angel. I hang up my phone and get in the car.

I pick up Angel and she has a black and white dress on with light makeup. "Looking nice like always Angel." "Thank you love. So, I hope this dinner will be as exciting as you said it would be" she said smirking. "Oh, it will be. You should never doubt me on that" I said returning the smirk.

We drive this restaurant called Star Delicious. We head inside and order some food. I made a plan with one of the waiters to make a scene so that I could do the proposal with a surprise. I'm hoping that they won't mess it up.

We have a nice conversation while we wait for our food. "Remember when we first met" I said. "Yes, I do. It was literally love at first sight for us" she said smiling. "Yeah, it was, and I don't regret it. I would fall in love with you in every life I will ever have lived. "Me too and nothing will ever change that. We may not live in a fairy tale, but I feel like I'm living in one with you." "Seems like we are on the same page with our feelings." We talked some more and then the food came.

We ate and now it time for the next part. I signal to the waiter that it's show time.

Suddenly eight waiters come out and start dancing in a routine. I get up and join them in the dancing. I do one more dance move and then spin. I land on my knees and pull out the ring. I'm sweating too as well so maybe I don't look as cool now.

"Ever since I first saw you in that store, my heart beats fast when you're around. It is because of that beautiful face, smile, eyes, body, and personality of yours.

You are my love. You are my soul. You are my life. You are everything that make my life so bright.

So, Angelina Lightbane, will you make me a happy man or vampire and marry me?"

Angel POV

My heart couldn't stop beating fast at those words. "Well darling, my heart and mind are screaming yes. So, my answer is obviously yes" I say happily. Jake smile so bright and begin to dance more with the other waiters joining him. It went on for a hour with me laughing the whole time.

Suddenly Jake gets a phone call, and he says" we have to go. My brother wife is giving birth now."

We rush to the hospital.

Jack Pov

Paris water broke and I take her to the hospital. I call Jake to tell him that Paris is having her baby. I see Jake gets here but I sense a wolf.

"Are you hanging around those wolves again little brother?" "Just one and I'm getting married to her."

"Those wolves are very dangerous, and you shouldn't be involved with them" I say. "This one is different, and I love her" he says.

"Seems like I can't change your mind on this, can I."

"No way you can Jack."

"Well just be careful and keep her out of sight from the others."

"Will do."

"Also keep her out the room."

`"Yeah, I know."

I go back into the room and see Paris have given birth to a baby. The doctor says it's a girl.

"What are you going to name her" says Jake entering the room.

Paris says" I was thinking naming her after my grandmother. Anne would be a good name."

I smile and say," yeah Anne is good name."

Paris and I are allowed to hold Anne for a few minutes before the doctor take her to do the checkup and other stuff. Paris resting in the room. Me and Jake head out the room. I see the werewolf I sense sitting down. I see a ring on her finger.

"Congrats on the baby" says Jake.

"Thank you. Congrats on getting married."

"Thank you, brother."

We shake hands. Jake and Angel heads home.

I go back and watch Paris sleep. After a few days, we are allowed to take Anne home.