
Vampire and Werewolf love story (web novel version)

A vampire fall in love with a Werewolf but Vampires and Werewolves are enemies so they must find a way to be together. Originally wrote on wattapad but brought it on here. May have a few differents.

SuperGokage678 · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs

Jimmy and Hero Exploration

Jimmy Pov

Me and Hero both go to high school now. We go to two different schools. Me and my adopted sister cousin, Andrew, explored some caves that been around for ages. We were exploring when Andrew found a crack in the wall. It happens to be at night on full moon. We transform into wolves and expand the crack. It would reveal a beautiful scenery.

I want to show this to Hero. She would love this. She always says she want to explore the whole world someday. I want to help her dream. But who knows if I still be involve in her life that long. So, I want to show her something special now.

I text Hero to come somewhere with me after school. She texts back okay, and we meet up at our secret hideout. Well technically it's Hero but I have lay claim to it as well. Hero come is some baggy clothes. She pulls out a bag and enter a dressing room. She come out in a red jacket and dress with red boots.

"Must you always rock red everywhere you go?" "It's my style Jimmy," said Hero. "I'm just saying to mix some colors into it every now and then." "I'll consider it, anyways, where did you want to go," said Hero. "Oh right, almost forgot about that. I show you now, follow me."

We walk to a park in werewolf territory. We head into a cave. "Where exactly are we going Jimmy," said Hero. "You'll see when we get there. I found something with my cousin." "Fine but be careful Jimmy, I don't want you getting hurt." "That kind of you to say but I been here before, so I'll be fine. You should be the one being careful."

"I'm just worried about you Jimmy. I'll be fine, I've traveled through caves before." "You really need to tell me about your adventures more" I say. "If we ever have the time, I'll tell you.

We go through a few paths and find an exit. It's a forest full of beautiful plants and trees.

"This place is beautiful," said Hero. "I know right, I wanted to share it with you. "Thank you for sharing this scenery with me" said Hero with a smile. "Your welcome Hero." We lean in to the other but before our lips touch, a loud scream was heard. We quickly run to the person who was screaming.

We arrive on the scene, but we see no one but this tree person. They turn around and smile at us.

"Hello children of that dark magical essence." "Jimmy get behind me. Who are you" says Hero.

I hid behind a tree. "I'm the protector of this sacred place. You could call me a witch if you like. I been alive for a long time now."

"We're sorry if we trespass in your forest. I just wanted to show my friend a beautiful sight" I say. "Friend, I thought this was your lover. Also, I don't mind but could you let me know with a knock on the entrance next time you enter. Also call me Juniper" said the tree witch.

"I'll do that next time Ms. Juniper and we're just friends" I say. "Well take her on a date if you like her because you two look like a good couple" says Juniper with a smirk.

"What are you talking about" says Hero with blush on her face. "Well, we need to go but we come back to visit every once in a while, Ms. Juniper." "I'll be waiting then and don't come too often, otherwise I might ban you from this place."

"We'll take it into consideration" I say. We leave the forest and head out the cave.

Hero starts to talk about heading home now. She heads home but before she goes, she gives me a kiss on the cheek. I walk to my house with a smile on my face.