
Vampire and Slime Back in Time [Tensura: Rimuru x Luminous]

While fighting with Chronoa, Rimuru asks Luminous to hold her down as he has figured out how to stop her rampage. while Luminas held Chronoa down, Rimuru, or more accurately, Raphael, started to entire her consciousness. but a fatal error happens, which leads both Remuru and Luminous to go back in time and in a state weaker than they were. Note: This is my fanfic which is originally on Wattpad. It's still there, and it will be uploaded there before here (a few minutes difference at most). I would probably be more active there, but I will still be active as all heck! I do not own any of the characters (unless I make an OC) ok, so this's basically a Rimuru x Luminous story. with a lot of wholesomeness. I wanted one, but I couldn't find any good ones, so I chose to do it myself. unlike just about every other 'Rimuru goes back in time' fanfic (actually most tensura fanfics, even the nontime travel ones), where Rimuru is hella strong and is a god. or that he went to another world and is almost at top of the power chain (most other world ones are after the end or after he became demon lord) this one would have both Rimuru and Luminous very weak, like way weaker than in the original. aka they are hardcore. and despite me wanting wholesome, it will be hella dark, compared to most other ones at least. why? cuz my mind is too fucked to make a wholesome thing. there must be pain and suffering. so deal with it.

M_Swedgy · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
20 Chs

CH 14 | A wolf's mistake.


Rimuru: "We are finally outside! It felt like we stayed there forever!" I said in ecstasy, feeling the sun's rays fall on me.

Rimuru: "Wait, aren't vampires supposed to die if they get in contact with sunlight?"

Luminous: "Not all vampires are like that. Some overcome that weakness and are called surmounters." Her reply had a slightly proud tone and her chest was somewhat puffed.

Moving through the lush green forest, through the waves of warm, fresh air, accompanied by the sounds of birds chirping. A beautiful walk, except for the sounds of rumbling and crying from the panicking group of goblins coming in our direction.

Goblin: "S-s-strong one! D-do you have any business ahead of here?" The soon-to-be-named Rigur said. Though his words were overshadowed by the jingling noise of their shacking armor and rusty swords, which they are almost unable to hold.

Luminous: "Hoh? I didn't expect you to survive my aura, let alone come all the way here."

Goblin: "I-I'm sorry miss, but we were talking to the strong one in your arms-"

At his words, her temple vein bulged enough that even if she didn't squeeze me hard enough to kill a man, I would have noticed her anger, even if her closed eyes and big smile stated otherwise.

Goblin: "W-we are sorry!!! P-pleas h-have mercy!" they plead writhing in pain on the ground as Luminous unleashed her haki.

Rimuru: "Oi, Luminous!!! You're going to kill them at his rate!"

Luminous: "Ugh, Their disrespect made me angry, how could they not sense my aura?!"

"Luminous-san. I completely concealed your Aura."

Rimuru: {Wait, you made them misunderstand on purpose?} (If you forgot, {This} means telepathy/soul corridor communication)

"No master. It was just to declare you Master as the superior."

Luminous: {And why exactly did you want to do that? And even then, why did you do it that way?}


Luminous: {What do-}

Goblin: "S-strong ones, w-what do you want from beings like us?" The goblin timidly asked as the pressure on him suddenly disappeared, despite the aura that attracted him here still lingering.

Rimuru: "What do we want? Hm... A place to stay in for now, can you do that?"

Goblin: "W-we can do that, but I fear it won't live up to your standards..."

Luminous: "It doesn't matter, just lead us there."

The Goblin nod its head, stood up, and started walking deeper into the forest. We arrived soon after at a small village filled with huts made of dried grass, leaves, and sticks, decorated with deer-like skulls.

We entered the second biggest hut, the one located at the center of the village. Its roof is embroidered with a picture of a dragon covering a few goblins surrounded by trees with its wing.

Luminous sat on a patch of hay, presumably a sitting spot. A bit after, an old goblin -the soon-to-be-named Rgurd- entered with his son.

He explained the same things he did last time. Luminous didn't hear it before, so she was paying attention to what he was saying. As for me, I was just zoning off, and by that, I mean staring at Luminous' face.

Luminous: "But what can we gain from helping you? What can you offer in return?"

Goblin Chief: "W-We pledge to you our absolute loyalty!" He said as both he and his son bowed down to the point their heads touched the ground.

*Loud howling noises*

Suddenly, a loud howl was heard from the distance, the wolves were declaring their attack will be tonight

Rimuru: "That's good enough. We agree to help you."

Ouroboros, which was acting like my scarf this whole time, extended his head and moved it up and down repeatedly.

Many goblins that were peeking in from the entrance came in with bright smiles, before bowing like their leaders.

Luminous: "Now don't just sit here like fools! You need to prepare for this."

She got up and went outside the hut before pointing to one of the few huts around.

Luminous: "Deconstruct those lousy shacks and build a fence with them. Everybody else who isn't building the fence will come with me. Rimuru, Do you have anything you're planning to do?"

Rimuru: "Yes, I'm going to heal the injured ones."

Luminous: "When you're done healing them, tell them to go there, I will be taking care of them." She said pointing to an empty area behind the village.

Rimuru: "Okay." I said before jumping out of her arms.

'She really is an impressive leader. It makes sense since she was the leader of most of the East. And her leadership isn't the only impressive thing...'

"Master, why don't you ask her out for a date?"

'S-stop joking around, Great Sage.'

"Fufufuf~ You aren't as flustered as I thought, Master~"

'I'm just getting used to your teasing I guess. Anyway, we have to take care of the goblins right now.'

Goblin: "Here's where the injured goblins get treated."

We entered the biggest hut in the village, where many goblins lay looking closer to mummies than goblins with all the crude bandages they're rapt in.

Rimuru: "Ouroboros, can you wait for me here for a bit?"

When he moved from me to sit and wait for me, he had a very sad expression on his face, almost as if he was going to cry.

'Why is he so sad? I'm still in front of him, it's not like I'm going to leave him.'

"Ouroboros is extremely attached to you, Master. And it looks like he doesn't want to go back to living alone in a dark cave."

(Fun fact! This is considered bad writing since I told you how he feels and why. But I don't care enough to try to make his emotions clear through his actions or whatnot)

'Ah. I can understand it. I'm going to be done with this quickly'

With the frown of my cute snake, I hastily healed the goblins by throwing a healing potion blob on them, which took less than 30 seconds.

Goblin 1: "Huh? My wounds have disappeared?"

Goblin 2: "I'm completely fine!"

Goblin 3: "How did this happen?!"

They were looking at their body, confused as to how such deep wounds suddenly were healed. Ouroboros completely ignored everything around him and dashed towards me, raping himself around me once again.

Rimuru: "All of you listen to me! We are going to fight the Dire wolves So we must prepare ourselves as much as possible! For now, go behind the village, you will know what to do there"

Hearing that they have to fight with the dire wolves, all of them became anxious because of their past experiences with them.

Goblin Chief: "All of you, calm down. I'm sure that with the help of the strong ones, we will win this time!" He declared to them, making them calm down and reigniting their vigor to fight.

They headed out to Luminous and I followed them, as I was curious as to what she was doing with them.




I could from the sounds alone guess what was happening.

I went to Luminous, who was instructing them from the side as they were fighting with each other using their rusty swords.

Rimuru: "Why are you training them with swords? Isn't it better for them to use bows so that they can shoot the wolf from behind the fence?"

Luminous: "While that is true, we are going to deal with the wolfs ourselves, so it's better for them to learn how to use swords for the future. And they can also better deal with any wolf that slips past us that way as well."

Rimuru: "Ohhh! That makes sense! I'm going to check up on how they're doing with the fence!"




-Night Time-

Held up by Luminous, whos standing at the opening of the fence, I used [Sticky-Steel Thread] to set up a trap with only the stickiness to capture as many wolfs as possible.

*Howling noises*

Pack Leader: "Do you think building a fence would give you a chance to win? You are just weak goblins, nothing will change that! Charge!!"

At his command, the dire wolves came to us howling but stopped midway as if they were held by something.

Pack Leader: "They are just using weak traps! Cut them and continue moving!"

The wolves went to their comrades, freeing them from the trap we set. The leader and another wolf came charging at us.

Luminous Moved her right hand, making it face the wolf next to the leader. Clenching her hand into a fist, the wolf's head exploded.

"She used [Blood Manipulatin] to move the blood inside its skull, making it burst."

'Thanks for the explanation, Great Sage. Now, all that's left is the leader, I'm going to deal with him like last time.'

Or so I thought. When the leader leaped toward me before I could use [Sticky-Steel Thread] to stop him, Ouroboros jumped and rotated the leader's neck, before breaking it.

Ouroboros looked at me, with a big, bright smile on his face, proud of what he did. I froze there for a second, surprised by what he did, and the extreme contrast between his pure smile and the dead body beneath him.

Rimuru: "G-good job, Ouroboros."

jumping off Luminous, I used [Predutor] to eat the wolf leader, and for some reason that I can't decipher, a small part of my soul tingled at that moment.

Transforming into a wolf, and using [Ultra-Sonic Wave], I let out a booming how to intimidate them.

Luminous: "All of you have two choices. Submit, or die."

At her words, all the wolves sat like puppies and unanimously declared: "We will submit to you!!"


A.N/ 1500~ words, shorter than what I expected tbh. Oh well, maybe in exchange for shorter chapters, the upload rate would increase, but I'm not betting on that.

I want to ask an unrelated question to everyone who's here: Do you think apathy is good? I mean having almost no empathy towards others, not complete apathy. Tell me what you think and why you think that way.

Another unrelated question: If I made my own original story, do you think it would be good? And would you read it, or are you here just for tensura and nothing else?

Anyway, thank you for reading. vote, add to library, whatever it's, or just don't, it's up to you.

See ya whenever I make the next chapter! Have a good life and goodbey~

I made the author's notes that way so you can comment on them. Why did I ask these questions? 2 reasons:

1. To interact with everybody here or at Wattpad.

2. Because I genuinely want to hear people's answers to these questions.

M_Swedgycreators' thoughts