
Reaction of the ladies

"Big sis, let me goooo!"

A gorgeous black-haired, red-eyed girl wearing light armor was held by a beautiful silver-haired lady wearing a formal white shirt and black pants and a blindfold on her eyes.

These two were Alexandra and Arya respectively.

Arya had her legs wrapped around Alexandra's waist and was sitting on the windowsill of her luxurious office.

Alexandra was filled with rage when she came to know of the attempt on the life of her husband. She wanted to go straight to the Neutral Continent and crush the two clans.

Arya also echoed her rage and was going to make her move along with Alexandra when she got a text message from Lucy. She held Alexandra with one arm and opened the message on her phone with another.

"Lith is fine?" Arya read the message again and a wave of relief washed over her mind. She hugged Alexandra and cheered, "Our husband was not harmed in the attack!"