


Looking at the back of the woman who had just walked past him, Sam could only utter her name. 

His mind was white, all thoughts having vanished. He couldn't think at all. Even after everything he went through up to this point, it was impossible for him to process what was happening in front of him right now.

"Loki!" Hela said, snapping Sam out of it for a brief moment. It was the first time the young queen showed any semblance of emotion other than anger, her eyes going round as a wide smile appeared on her face. "Since you're here does that mean…"

"Yes." Flashing a brilliant smile Shizuru turned around. She glanced at Sam then shifted her gaze to the entrance and with a joyful tone she said. "Come in."

Though he had a very bad premonition, with every part of his mind screaming for him to not turn around, Sam was incapable of stopping himself.