
Valis Of The Forgotten

In a world ruled by power and fear, a little boy from the outskirts is thrown into the world of the supernatural. Struggling against a fate predetermined by does higher than him. He is forced to transverse the world of the ruins to survive and strive among does who wish for nothing but their own power. But power isn’t all that is needed.... Fighting against fate and his oppressors, Kassius finds himself at the brick of madness and despair. * * * * * Participating in the [WSA 2024] Support this work by donating power stones and voting I'll try my best to update 3 chapter/week

Lazy_Advert · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs


Waking up in his room a familiar raven haired teen struggled to open his eyes recalling what had transpired, trying to stand he felt a jolt of pain run across his every fiber of his being.

"I'm never doing that ever again", Kassius said remembering how he lost consciousness. Pain radianted from his body as a whole, removing the blanket covering him he stared at his battered body.

"Shit", He exclaimed has his body was filled with bandages covering most of his upper from his abdomen to his chest same with the palms of his hands where also rapped up.

Thinking of how long he'd take to heal a frown was etched across face, he didn't even want to start to think of how May would nag him.

Staring at the white ceiling Kassius pondered on the clash he had with Silas, although he had lost he was finally able to push him far enough to use his agros.

Over the course of three years in which they trained he had always been dominated, so the smile he had right now was just a testament to how far he had come.

The door of his room slowly opened drawing his attention, upon seeing the familiar black and white dress his smile.

"Ahhh May, how long have I been out"

Not giving him a reply she walked over to the side of his bed before calling out

"Three broken ribs,

Muscle tiring on the left upper arm

Second and third degree burns on the palms and abdomen,

Minor facture to the skull,

And lose of vision though temporary"

Kassius stared with blank eyes as he didn't know what to say, unfortunately for him it didn't stop Amaryl as she continued to dig within him.

"Young master, I have known and been by your side for more than three years now. I have washed, feed and dressed you, plus it is safe to say know no knows more about you than me.

So answer me this, wh… why do you push yourself this hard?"

Silence drowned the room as Amaryl cracking voice stopped, she stared at me eagerly waiting for answer but all that remained was the void that represented the tension between us.

Thankfully that void became short lived as Silas burst into the room. "Where's my little brother", he said with a smile pasted across his face, unfortunately for him he came at the wrong time as he faced the wrath of May's onslaught of insults.


Silas kneeled on the ground as he bent to apologize for his reckless behavior and for going too far during the spar.

Although he also sustained injuries he was in a higher rank than me and was practically healed already, this was just another proof that showed on much he held back during their spar.

After awhile may left leaving me and Silas alone as he stood facing me, his expression was void of emotion as he stared at me unmoving.

"You are strong", does were the first words that left his mouth as he spoke. But to me it was as if shock had ran through my body, what did he mean..

"The way I see it there shouldn't be much people who can compete with you among your peers, but that only applies to your rank."

He momentarily pushed as he thought of how to place his next words, the whole came as a shock to kassius though

"The world isn't a large place Kassius, after you are assigned the rank of knight. You'll become open prey for the rest, you have no authority, background or backing"

My hands tightened around the cover that adored me. I wasn't foolish enough not to know where Silas was going with this, among the nobles I was basically getting assigned the lowest rank.

The rank of nobility was easily as appealing as it was dangerous. The amount of knights that died on an average exploring the ruins were over a thousand.

Unfortunately, this was the only option I had, no matter how the duke tried to word it Kassius was basically a slave to house Altair.

"When you get sent to the academy, I won't be able to protect Kass," Silas eyes were unnaturally cold as he spoke

"As much you'd like to deny you position within this family, it won't matter. You see, we have enemies, enemies that will do everything to watch us fall"

"Although I wish it was different, I can't change the current situation. You've been put into this predicament because of your lack of power".

What Silas was trying to say slowly started to dawn of me, part from those within the south. The only thing that secured my safety was the fact that I was part of the Altair's but has he said they had enemies, powerful ones.

"But for what it's worth, you have me by your side. You're my brother Kassius, what kind of brother would I be if I didn't spoil you.

If you ever need help within the academy all you have to do is call out my name, mind you I'm kind of popular so please do restrain yourself from calling me too much", Silas said with a soft smile across his face.

Taking in everything he had told me I suddenly felt the unbearable weight of responsibility he had, but then thinking back if this is what I faced what could Silas be going through being the heir to the dukedom himself.

"I'll try my best", I replied softly as I thought of how much he truly was deserving of the name 'perfect heir'.

Sending over a nod to my direction Silas turned approaching the door, without face back he muttered

"Don't take this personally but whatever it is that herb is that you received from granus, smoking isn't allowed on academy grounds"

"Ahhh, I thought I hid it pretty well", I replied scratching the back of my head. It wasn't really smoking if it helped your health plus the herb provided something I desperately needed.

Finally leaving the room I was back to being alone, Silas had left me with a lot to think about.

Firstly, the fact about my (slave) status was concerning, everything that had led this point was effectively the dukes plan.

Then there is also the problem of surviving outside the reach of the family, I couldn't do much for myself given my current rank. Even with the family name as protection they're those who would seek revenge with or without it.

'I can feel a headache coming up', Kassius thought to himself as he struggled to stand using the wall as support reaching a certain drawer.

Opening it, he smiled as he looked at the content…

A blue hearted looking herd in shape of a flower, it was grinned up rapped around thin cloth of what could be said as translucent paper.

Picking up the single roll out of the five he picked up the matchstick beside it approaching the balcony.

'It's chilly tonight', Kassius thought leaning into the chair lighting the rolled-up herb in his hand inhaling it. A wave of relieve washed over him as he closed his eyes to enjoy the sensation.

He truly had a lot on his plate and the future seemed as uncertain as ever but he decided live in the moment for now.

'Who knows when next I'll get a semblance of peace'

Kassius laughed as he thought to himself exhaling the smoke. He thought of all the things that had transpired all over the years. The despair of losing his mother, the dukes proposal, meeting Silas, etc..

These were all the things that shaped the current Kassius. He was just a byproduct of his experiences after all, who wasn't.

He goal now was to gain power for survival, unquestionable that needn't speak for itself all so he could be free.

Free from the clutches of fate and its unbearable chains that had chosen to take his mother from him.

That was Kassius driving force and it burned as strong as ever, it was as if a fire had been lit in the depth of his eye's alongside a hint of madness, has his cold voice reverberated through the air

"Although this path was forced upon me, I'll gladly embrace it. For if this is what would bring me toward my goals and the freedom that I desperately seek...