
Hunter that protects

Wind blew with a great might. The grass was fluttering a great deal. The rubbing of each grass blade created a unnerving atmosphere. But this didn't discourage the mob of villagers. Armed with shotguns, pitch forks and burning torches they marched on. Ahead of them ran a child, one could say by just looking at him that he would collapse an moment now.

The mob had a face that could even put to shame the face of a scavenger waiting for a wounded animal to die.

The noise of the grass being crushed by the mob surpassed the cries of the child. The child ran and ran. Ahead of him was a small fire, near it sat a man wearing a cap.

Finally he collapsed, only to be caught by the man before he could fall down. The mob behind stoped. A man holding a Shotgun cane ahead. He kept his gun pointed towards them " Stay away from that Monster! He is a werewolf! After 3 days of chasing it finally collapsed. Now is the best time to kill it! Move aside!". The man who was wearing looked at the child. He then spoke in a fairly loud voice " Leave this child to me. You folks can return to your village."

The mob looked at him in disbelief. One of the woman amongst the mob screamed " Who the hell are you?" another joined in "He must be one of them!". Few more contributed "That explains why that thing ran towards him!".

Few men with shotguns came forward. Others with pitch forks backed then up. The women hurried to the back.

The mob had then completely surrounded them. The man held the child with one arm and tried to speak " I am ..." only to be cut short by a scream " Fire!!!!".

But there was no noise of shots being fired. Instead all of them had let go of their guns and were screaming in pain.

Not one but all of them had a slash across the face. Not very deep but in such a way that they would feel extreme pain.

The mob shivered in fear. They looked at the man who was holding a dagger drenched in blood. They were confused. He couldn't have moved in such a short time. Was he even human?

The man jerked the blood off his dagger and continued "Valhein."

The mob grew so silent that one could again hear the noise of the grass blades. The wind blew and in the light of the burning torches, one could see the pale faces and dread of the villagers.