

“Immerse yourself in the enchanting world of ‘Valga,’ an epic fantasy that entwines fate, courage, and the ultimate battle for survival. Jack, a resolute teenager, sets forth on a quest to the enigmatic island of Doom, unaware of the looming darkness threatening humanity. Unveiling the island’s secret, he discovers the rebirth of the dreaded Dark Phoenix, an entity destined to determine the world’s salvation or demise. As the Dark Phoenix finds a new home in Valga, Dominos and his malevolent minions, driven by an ancient hunger for power, plot to conquer the universe, turning Valga into the battlefield for an epic confrontation between good and evil. Aquila, burdened by the weight of the Dark Phoenix’s fate within him, grapples with dormant powers. Guided by his mother Talia, he faces internal turmoil, fearful of the immense power locked inside him. With Talia’s guidance, Aquila embarks on a journey of self-discovery, uncovering the truth about his destiny and the legacy he must embrace to shield Valga from the impending threat posed by Dominos. Filled with themes of bravery, sacrifice, loyalty, and the relentless pursuit of peace against overwhelming odds, ‘Valga’ culminates in a high-stakes showdown. It is a thrilling saga of heroism, magic, and the resilient spirit of its characters, blending intense action, intricate world-building, rich mythology, and the profound complexities of love, loss, and redemption.”

Kingsley_Shakes · แฟนตาซี
17 Chs


The fallen heroes and King Waldorf were placed upon a pyre made of gathered wood, each adorned with sacred offerings and symbols of their valor. The priestesses and warriors, assembled in a circle around the pyres, commenced the ceremony as dusk settled upon Valga.

Talia, standing at the forefront, began the ritual with a solemn invocation. "We send forth our beloved heroes and king to the Alpha god, so that they may find eternal peace in the realm of our ancestors," she intoned, her voice carrying across the gathering.

The priestesses chanted ancient hymns, their prayers seeking the gods' blessings for the departed souls. As the twilight deepened, the warriors lit their arrows with flames drawn from sacred fire. With reverence and sorrow, they drew their bows and released the fiery arrows, which streaked through the sky and ignited the pyres.

The flames roared to life, dancing and crackling as they engulfed the wood and the bodies upon them. As the fires consumed the fallen heroes and the king, the flames ascended higher, carrying the spirits of the departed towards the heavens. The night sky became a canvas painted with the fervor of the pyres' blaze, casting a mesmerizing glow over the mourning crowd.

Elena, tearfully witnessing her grandfather's pyre, whispered heartfelt words. "May your spirit soar high, grandfather, into the embrace of our gods. You will forever be our guiding light."

Lucian, with a heavy heart, spoke to his comrades' ascending spirits, "Rest easy, brave souls. May the Alpha god welcome you into the blossom of eternity, where your courage will shine forever."

The priestesses continued their chants, guiding the souls on their celestial journey, invoking blessings upon their passage to the realm of the gods. The flames, now reaching their zenith, shimmered brightly against the night, a testament to the honor and valor of those who had fallen.

As the pyres dwindled into glowing embers, the people of Valga bowed their heads in reverence, offering their final farewells. Talia, with a mixture of sorrow and determination, vowed, "Their sacrifice will not be in vain. We will honor their memory and protect our land with all our might."

The night fell silent, save for the gentle crackling of the fading flames, leaving behind a solemn yet hopeful air as the spirits of the fallen heroes ascended into the realm of the Alpha god.

Talia, still haunted by the vision she had witnessed amid the burning flames, felt a sense of urgency stirring within her. She summoned the people of Valga to gather at the Sacred Grove, a serene place adorned with ancient trees.

As the sun rose, casting a golden hue over the grove, the citizens of Valga assembled in quiet anticipation. Talia, standing before them, the flames from the previous night's pyres still etched in her mind, addressed the gathering.

"My dear people of Valga, the time has come for us to rise against the encroaching darkness," Talia began, her voice carrying a tone of unwavering determination. "Last night, by the flickering flames, I was shown a vision. A glimpse of our future, one where we stand victorious against the forces that threaten our land."

Her words echoed through the Sacred Grove, and the crowd listened attentively, their eyes fixed on their revered leader.

"Before the full blood moon graces our sky," Talia continued, "we must prepare ourselves for battle against Dominos. The strength of our warriors, the resilience of our land, and the unity of our people will be our greatest weapons."

"I shall journey to the outer realms, to the depths of the sea, to seek guidance from the gods and the forces beyond," Talia announced, her voice resonating with purpose. "Before the next full moon graces our skies, I will return."

Talia's words carrying a weight of both determination and a hint of uncertainty. The crowd hushed as she spoke of her impending journey to seek her true identity.

The people of Valga listened with a mixture of concern and determination, their faith in their leader unwavering.

Turning to Elena, Talia beckoned her forward. "Elena, my daughter, take this necklace. It belonged to Jack and holds great power. Your father would have wanted you to have it, to lead the warriors in my absence," she said, placing the intricate necklace in Elena's hand.

Elena, her eyes shining with fierce determination, nodded solemnly, accepting the responsibility bestowed upon her. She stepped forward, facing the assembly, her gaze steady and resolute.

"I will do my utmost to honor my father's legacy and lead our warriors with courage and strength. We stand with you, Talia. Our fallen heroes, including my father, deserve justice, and Dominos shall face our wrath." Elena affirmed, her voice carrying a tone of determined leadership.

Rudy, echoing Elena's sentiments, added, "Our training will begin immediately. We'll be ready to stand by your side when the time comes."

Talia turned back to the people, her eyes scanning the crowd. "Today, I entrust you to the capable hands of Elena. She will oversee the training of our warriors in combat, while the elder among you will provide wise counsel. Together, under their guidance, you shall prepare for the coming battle."

The Sacred Grove resonated with determination and resolve as the people of Valga pledged their commitment to the upcoming battle. Talia, taking a deep breath, looked upon her people with gratitude.

"Until I return, continue to strengthen our resolve. Together, we will face whatever challenges lie ahead. May the spirits of our fallen heroes guide us, may the gods watch over us, and may our unity lead us to victory. For Valga!" Talia proclaimed, her voice ringing with resilience.

The people of Valga raised their fists in solidarity, echoing the sentiment, "For Valga!" The determination in their eyes mirrored Talia's resolve as they began preparations for the impending confrontation with Dominos, spurred by hope and unity.

In the quiet twilight, the people of Valga gathered at the shore, their faces etched with a mix of hope and concern. Talia stood at the water's edge, her determination evident in the set of her shoulders. The sea stretched endlessly before her, a vast expanse of unknown depths calling out to her. Her decision was made.

Turning back to her people, Talia met their gaze with a solemn nod. "Our time has come to face our destiny," she declared, her voice carrying across the assembled crowd. "I will journey into the unknown depths of the sea to seek answers and guidance. Trust in our strength and unity. Together, we will overcome the darkness that threatens our home."

With that, Talia began her solitary walk into the sea, the waters parting before her. Her people watched in silent reverence as she waded further into the waves, her form slowly engulfed by the ocean's embrace until she vanished from their sight. A collective breath held in anticipation lingered among the onlookers, a blend of faith in her quest and uncertainty about what lay ahead.

Elena stepped forward, the weight of leadership now resting upon her shoulders. "Our hearts go with Talia," she addressed the crowd. "But let her journey not deter us. Under her guidance, we've thrived, and in her absence, we shall continue to grow stronger. Let us prepare ourselves for the trials ahead, united in purpose and resolve."

With a shared understanding of their roles, the people of Valga returned to their village, their thoughts lingering on Talia's venture into the unknown depths. They sought solace in unity, training fervently and fortifying their defenses, honoring her sacrifice with unwavering dedication. And as they toiled, their hopes remained tethered to Talia, who, beneath the waves, embarked on a quest for truth and destiny yet to be unveiled.