
Vacant Sovereignty

The world is in chaos without a leader! Crime is on the rise, people act as they can. Five "Supreme Knights" appear, dominating the ocean with extraordinary power. Many hoped they'd become world leaders, but the world leaders' throne was empty. In the middle of the chaos, Tomoe appears, an ordinary high school student who chooses a school in Japan's weakest high school. Tomoe insists on becoming the world's leader filling the void. Tomoe has to face severe obstacles, including a fight against the violent "people." Will Tomoe succeed? Can he fill the empty throne and become the expected leader?

Pengayom · แอคชั่น
16 Chs

Chap. 8 - Foundation [3]

[Somewhere far away]

In the middle of a dense, untouched rainforest, where the trees tower and sunlight has difficulty penetrating the canopy of leaves, flows a giant river that hugs the South American continent. This river, known as the [Amazon]

In the midst of the silence of the vast Amazon River, a person can be seen floating casually on the surface of the water.

Lush tropical rainforest views surround the surroundings, creating a peaceful and serene atmosphere.

However, behind that calm, danger lurks.

Deep beneath the surface of the water, a Titanoboa, an ancient giant snake, swam beneath it with piercing eyes.

[Back to protagonist]

A week has passed since the fierce fight between me and student Kencho, which shocked the community. This event was broadcast live on national television.

The public is wondering what triggered the fight, and who was responsible.

Several speculations are circulating in society, ranging from territorial struggles, personal grudges, to provocations from outside parties.

Two teenagers were seen fighting fiercely on the side of the road. My face was deliberately blurred by the media reporting this incident.

The outlet called the fight "impressive."

In this day and age, for most people, this news is just mere sensation and entertainment. They see it as an interesting spectacle to fill their free time.

Enough with the news, even though the air is stiflingly hot, I still have to go to school to gain knowledge.

The sun was getting higher, the rays felt piercing and burning the skin. The hot and humid air enveloped me, making me increasingly hot and tired from walking. My steps felt heavy, every breath I took seemed unable to fight the suffocating heat.

I speed up the road to get there quickly. I have arrived in front of the gate

Today feels different. Usually, the school gates are always wide open to welcome students. But this morning, the gate was firmly closed. I froze for a moment, confusion struck. This was the first time the school gates were closed. Something must have happened.

Because the gate was closed, I decided to go home.

Then at that moment, the gate opened, someone stepped out. "Are you a student here?" he asked.

sweat dripped down my forehead, "y-yes, who are you?" I answered tiredly.

Sweat dripped down my forehead. "Y-yes, who are you?" I asked tiredly.

The person shook his head. "You kids nowadays," he sighed, taking a deep breath. "I'm the security guard here. Do you know what time it is?"

I shook my head. "No," I answered innocently.

"What!" he shouted. "It's break time, you know!" With angry.

While angry, he lectured me non-stop.

It's been going on for a long time, isn't this security guard tired of babbling on and on? The hot weather is making me increasingly unbearable.

Finally, I decided to go in, but suddenly he grabbed my collar.

"Where are you going?" asked the security guard in a low voice.

"Because it's break time, I want to go to the cafeteria."

His facial muscles tensed. "Didn't you understand when I said it was break time?"

"That means you're late, you idiot!" The security guard interrupted angrily.

"Yeah, I think I'm late"

"What do you mean, I think I'm late." He taunted me. "If you're late you have to go home!"

I don't want to go home, the weather is hot.

"A-are there any other Prizes?"

The security guard's face turned red, "You bastard, this isn't a gift!"

I was surprised, "What? That's not a gift? I thought it was something the students wanted."

The security guard continued to chatter, other students looked at me. One of the students reported to the principal.

"Sir, the security guard scolded someone for being late." He said while panting

"Isn't that great, he did his job well." The principal casually.

"That's true, but the one who was angry was Tomoe, our boss."

"What!!" the principal ran out.

Back to Protagonist.

"Huh, then push up 1000x, if you can. You can come in." He smiled

Push ups? Then I think I have to hurry, so it doesn't get hot.


I got into position for pushups,

1000x push is nothing. Start to push up.

"1...10...50...110...200...260", I pushed with a fast movement.

The security guard looked shocked, seeing me push up so fast, his mouth was open, his eyes were bulging.

"950...1000." Finished in a minute, I guess it's not bad either.

I walked in, and saw the principal running towards me.

With a gasp he spoke, "Y-you can come in, sir, I mean Tomoe."

"I'm just about to come in," I said

He made way for me to go.

"Mr. Security Guard, if he's late again tomorrow, just let him in." While giving a thumbs up.

I stepped towards the cafeteria, feeling thirsty and the ice looked so refreshing. There, I saw Hayden enjoying the ice alone.

I approached him confidently, "It looks refreshing, huh?" I said while feeling a little nervous.

Hayden took his drink, "This is mine."

"I think it's okay to try a little," I teased with a big smile.

"No, it's delicious. Didn't you already order? So wait a minute, idiot."

Hayden held my hand when I was about to try the ice.

The bell rang, students flocked into the classroom excitedly.

While they were busy with classes, I saw this as a good opportunity to order unlimited ice.

We ended up sitting in the cafeteria until it was time to go home.

Going home together with Hayden as usual, we are always the first to go home.

This afternoon the heat never went away. Hayden looks sweaty but still doesn't show fatigue.

I walked limply, hoping to take some ice home to cool myself off.

But suddenly, something surprised me.

Across the street, I saw a little girl with her eyes covered by a dirty cloth. His clothes were shabby, he walked unsteadily while holding onto the wall.

Several times I saw him fall. Without thinking, I decided to approach him.

"You are okay?" I greeted.

He turned to me, his voice filled with uncertainty, "W-who are you?"

I smiled gently, trying to calm him down, "I'm Tomoe. You?"

"M-miyu," he said in a soft tone.

"Miyu? Then what are you doing outside in such hot weather? You might get sick," I said, concern radiating from my voice.

Miyu lowered her gaze in doubt.

"I-I'm just taking a walk..."

I grabbed Miyu's hand gently, "Then, I'll take you home. Where is your house?"

"W-wait, Brother," Miyu hissed.

I increased my walking speed while pulling Miyu.

"I said wait!"

I didn't care, I kept walking. To be honest, I just don't want him to be out in the hot sun.

"I don't have a family," he said shakily.

I knew when I saw him, even though I couldn't see his eyes which were covered with cloth, the cloth was wet with his tears.

"I don't have a family, a house, anyone, and anything anymore," his voice was barely audible.

My love felt so deep for her, a little girl who couldn't see, wandering alone.

"Then what if I become your family?"

He stopped and turned to me with an embarrassed expression, "Is that okay?" he said slowly.

"So it's decided," I smiled as I approached her and carried her on my shoulders. "Now, let's go home."

I ran quickly, but still paid attention to make sure Miyu was fine in my arms. When I passed Hayden who was in front of me, he looked at me in surprise.

"That guy can actually be fast, but who is he carrying?" Hayden muttered.