
Uzumaki Vampire

A collection of Naruto x Vampire Crossovers. I DO NOT OWN THIS FANFICs. I REALLY RESPECT THESE AUTHORS THEREFORE I AM RE-POSTING THEIR FANFICS. CHECK THEM OUT AT THE LINKS BELOW. Uzumaki Vampire --> http://archiveofourown.org/works/28582083 Teen Hybrid --> https://archiveofourown.org/works/23478157/chapters/56427370#main Vampire in Rome --> https://archiveofourown.org/works/22311190 Vampire of Prophecy: The Originals --> https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11847619/1/Vampire-of- Prophecy-The-Originals No-Life Duke And His Queens --> https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13972002/1/No-Life-Duke- And-His-Queens Naruto: Rise of the Dark Storm --> https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8768530/1/Naruto-Rise-of-the-Dark- Undead Maelstrom --> https://archiveofourown.org/works/24424102

HersheyHeist · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
85 Chs

Chapter 5

*Konoha Council Room*

Naruto sits with the other members of the council, his gaze drifting to homura and koharu who were representing the uchiha clan.

"They're like cockroaches.. Even dismissed from their advisory roles.. They still can sit in a council meeting as the voice of the Uchiha" naruto thought. Hiruzen sits at the head of the table with his pipe in his mouth, "Suna has sent the terms of their surrender.. They pin the blame on Orochimaru for their actions and murdering the Kazekage" he starts and the council murmurs.

"Construction is going well but the times are perilous now.. The other nations may become embolden" shikaku says.

"Which is why I believe we need a Godaime" hiruzen says, shocking many on the council.

"Who would be chosen" choza asks. Hiruzen shifts his gaze around the room and it falls on jiraiya, "Jiraiya.. I would like you to become Godaime" he says.

"A good choice.. Jiraiya-sama is a Sannin" inoichi says. Jiraiya raises his hand with a sigh, "I'm not suited for that Sensei but if you want a Sannin.. There is one more" he says.

"Tsunade but she hasn't been in the village in years" shikaku says.

"I can convince her to return and take the post" jiraiya says but naruto scoffs.

"Do you think you can find her.. Oh venerable Spy master" naruto says, his arms folded. Hiruzen puffs his pipe as naruto glares at jiraiya, "Can you find her Jiraiya" hiruzen asks.

"Of course I can Sensei.. I'll even take the Gaki with me" jiraiya says but naruto scoffs again, shaking his head.

"Do you even know where she'll be.. Because I do" naruto says, causing several to look at him in surprise.

"Well as all of you know I control Ne and through their networks I learned some things" naruto says.

"Then where is she" jiraiya says.

"You're the spy master" naruto says and looks to hiruzen.

"If you allow me Lord Third.. I'll go under my Anbu guise and convince Tsunade to return" naruto adds. Hiruzen closes his eyes to take a hit of his pipe and think, "Are you sure you can do it Naruto" he says and naruto nods.

"You're actually gonna let him do this.. I can find her Sensei" jiraiya says.

"Then how about a bet Jiraiya.. If I can convince Tsunade to return.. You drop this nonsense of me becoming your student or If I fail.. I become your apprentice like my father before me" naruto says.

"Fine.. You're on" jiraiya says and naruto smirks, glancing to hiruzen. The sandaime clears his throat, "The next order of business is I have decided to forgo announcing Naruto's heritage to the village as a whole but I'll allow you to fill in your clans.. This was Naruto's decision as he is an Anbu Captain" he explains, glancing to koharu and homura.

"The village has a right to know" choza says.

"While true but since I am supposed to be faceless.. It is best this way.. The Daimyo knows and that is good enough for me" naruto says.

"That is your choice Naruto" shikaku says and naruto nods, shifting his gaze to two elders.

"If nothing else.. I call this meeting to a close" hiruzen says and the council slowly starts to file out. Naruto glances to jiraiya and moves to hiruzen, before whispering several things to the older man.

"That is fine Naruto-kun.. I'll inform Dragon" hiruzen says and naruto nods, excusing himself and shoots a look to jiraiya.

"You don't actually think he can do it" jiraiya says. Hiruzen looks at his student but could see the nervousness on his face, "Naruto-kun has some inhuman luck.. Why do you think he can't" he says.

"Because Tsunade is you know Tsunade.. She won't just accept coming back to the village" jiraiya says.

"Perhaps learning she has some living family here in the village.. Will convince her to come home and be with them" hiruzen says and jiraiya sighs, nervously.

*Scene Break*

Tenten groans and turns to face her window as a crow pecks on the glass, causing her eyes to narrow and slowly make her way to the window. She opens the window and the crow leaves a slip of paper, before flying off into the sky.

"Genin Higurashi.. Consider this an opportunity to further your career.. You are to report to the location at the bottom.. Also until this trial is done or unless told.. You are to cease verbal communication and use only academy handsigns.. Failure you to do will result in your termination from your opportunity" tenten reads and pauses.

"Tell no one where you going or why are you going.. Bring no gear it will be provided.. Above all do not let anyone see you arrive.. You have one hour to arrive.. Signed Dragon.. Commander of Anbu Corp" tenten reads and her breath hitches.

"Me Anbu" tenten thought but quickly get dressed in her mission gear. She quickly leaves her house and makes her way to location, keeping to the shadows until she arrives to a nondescript building. Suddenly a bag is put over her head and the feel of shunshin erupts, before the bag is pulled off to reveal herself in a room with several lockers.

"Look down" a voice says and tenten sees neko coming from behind her. Tenten looks down to see the standard Anbu uniform with a plain porcelain mask and tanto.

"You have twenty minutes to get dressed" neko says. Tenten slowly strips down to her white underwear and breast bindings, before slipping on the Anbu pants, tape for the ankles with Anbu sandals. She then pulls on the long-sleeve black shirt, then the chest and forearm armor, and lastly the tanto. The mask was last and tenten follows neko to a room with a few people, "Kneel" neko orders and tenten complies. Hiruzen stood next to dragon with naruto in the corner with his arms crossed and his hood down, his hair more black than blond.

"You have been chosen due to the vouching of my best operative.. To be honest I don't see the appeal.. You lost miserably to a Suna Genin during the exams and didn't distinguish yourself during the invasion.. However Kyūketsuki asked for you.. So I will trust his judgement" dragon starts. Naruto pushes off the wall and makes his way next to dragon, "This mission is a retrieval one.. Lord Hokage has asked us to recall his wayward student Tsunade Senju.. Understand" he says and tenten signs yes.

"Good.. I do not expect hostiles but be prepared.. We'll be heading to Tanzaku-Gai.. Tsunade Senju is supposed to be in a gambling tournament held there" naruto continues and hiruzen gives him a look.

"Failure of this mission will look poorly on your future" hiruzen says and vanishes with leaf-shunshin.

"Your handlers will be Kyūketsuki and Neko" dragon says.

"I understand" tenten says. Dragon nods to the pair and leaves the room, "You will not speak unless Kyūketsuki or I tell you.. This mission will not fail Rook.. Understand" neko says and tenten nods. Naruto tosses her a scroll, "Inside is what you will need.. I know it's not your standard load-out but you'll have to make do" he says.

"Follow me and we'll get you a cloak" neko says and tenten follows her.

"Why are we being sent to retrieve Tsunade-sama" tenten signs.

"Lord Hokage has expressed a desire to retire and Tsunade-sama has been chosen to replace him" neko replies, handing her a black travel cloak. Tenten slips it on in thought and follows neko outside, where naruto was waiting for them and he signs mission start. The three race to the eastern gate and pick up speed with no regard for tenten. She looks to naruto and frowns behind her mask but sighs, "Will I even be human once I return" tenten thought. About an hour goes by in silence as naruto makes a fist for them to stop, "Neko secure the area.. Rook set up a fire" naruto orders and both nod. Tenten quickly starts a fire with some old sticks as naruto unseals some rabbit meat on skewers.

"Fire started" tenten signs. Naruto places the skewers on the fire and sits cross legged on the ground as neko returns, "We're secure" neko says. Naruto reaches for a rabbit skewer and pushes his mask into the shadows of his hood, while neko does the same with her cloak. Tenten moves her mask enough to eat her rabbit with her gaze drifting to naruto.

"Rook what is the nearest town" neko asks. Tenten pulls out a map from her pack and looks it over, "Otafuku town" she signs.

"Good we'll stop there for the night.. Neko secure our sight.. Rook with me" naruto says. Tenten follows naruto as neko stocks the fire and destroys any evidence of them being there, "You and Neko will remain outside the town.. I go in as normal and scout things out.. Keep an eye for hostiles" he says and tenten nods.

"Um Kyūketsuki.. Should we deal with you know" tenten signs and naruto smirks behind his mask.

"Once we reach Tanzaku Gai" naruto says, as neko arrives and the three shoot off once again.

"Naruto" kurenai says.

"What is it" naruto replies.

"We had a problem.. Itachi Uchiha infiltrated the village with Kisame Hoshigaki" kurenai says and naruto glances to neko.

"How bad" neko asks.

"Kakashi was injured but Sasuke also knows that Itachi came and is looking for you.. He's desperate to find you" kurenai says.

"If he asks.. Tell him I'm out of the village" naruto states, as they pick up speed.

*Scene Break - Otafuku Town*

Naruto silently counts one-hand handstand pushups, "Anything" he thought, wearing black cargo pants and a white muscle shirt.

"Two hostiles approaching.. Intercept" neko replies.

"I can handle it my lovely Kitten" naruto says, flips forward as knocking echoes. Naruto opens the door to a young man with Sharingan eyes and long black hair in a ponytail.

"Naruto-kun come with us" the man says. Naruto rests his left arm on the door frame as a second taller man with blue skin and shark like eyes appears.

"I'm going have to decline Weasel-senpai" naruto says, shifting his gaze to the tall man.

"Itachi.. He seems to know your old moniker" the tall man says.

"Shall we go outside Naruto-kun" itachi says. Naruto steps out into the hallway with a blank look on his face, "I know many things.. Monster of Kiri Kisame Hoshigaki" he says.

"Maybe I should cut off one of his limbs" kisame says, reaching for his sword Samehada.

"So who is Pein" naruto says and both halt in their tracks, "Wow he must be a leader to give you both pause" he says.

"How do you know that name Naruto-kun" itachi says and naruto smirks, widening his right eye and his Sharingan comes bare but shifts into its Mangekyō form. Itachi's breath hitches as he stares a very familiar Sharingan and his eyes shift to his Mangekyō, "Tsukuyomi" itachi utters. The pair soon find themselves in red world overlooking konoha, "How do you have that eye" itachi says.

"The same place you last saw it.. You see Three years ago I gained a bloodline.. This bloodline allows me to assimilate other bloodlines" naruto starts.

"You killed Danzo and took his Sharingan" itachi states and naruto nods.

"Even the Mokuton as well but that's here nor there.. My new bloodline also caused my heart to stop and since Konoha was somewhat still standing.. Means the Fox can't go anywhere" naruto says and itachi's eyes narrow.

"Meaning the Kyubi can't be extracted" itachi says.

"Exactly.. Technically both myself and the Kyubi are both alive and dead as the Yondaime spilt the fox in half and took that half in the Shinigami's stomach" naruto says. The world around them shatters as kisame was about to pull his sword but itachi raises his arm to block.

"We're retreating Kisame" itachi says.

"Why.. The Gaki is right here" kisame says.

"The scenario has changed.. Plus this is not even the real Naruto" itachi say and naruto titters.

"Bingo.. Oh and boss has a message for Pein.. Tell him I will be coming to see him.. Very soon" the clone says and pops in a puff of smoke. The real naruto blows a stream of smoke with his back on a tall tree, wearing the same thing as the clone wore but with his coat.

"I've played a card.. Will I score a jackpot or go bust" naruto thought, dropping down into their camp.

"They retreated" neko asks and naruto nods.

"Who were they" tenten signs.

"The Clan Slayer Itachi Uchiha and The Monster of Kiri Kisame Hoshigaki" naruto replies and tenten's breath hitches.

"Don't worry about it.. Now once We arrive in Tanzaku-Gai.. We'll make contact with Tsunade" naruto says.

"How will we make contact" tenten signs.

"We may have to go in without masks.. Continue to not speak unless told or what you hear" neko says and tenten nods. Naruto rises to his feet and rolls his neck, "Rook secure the camp and we'll pull out" he says.

"Right Captain" tenten signs and begins to break down the camp, then they head off towards tanzaku-gai.

*Scene Break - Tanzaku-Gai*

Tsunade Senju former student of the sandaime and her apprentice Shizune Kato, along with their pet pig Tonton arrive at the gambling town of tanzaku-gai. The busty blonde grips a red suitcase with a smirk on her face, "Time to win" tsunade says.

"Tsunade-sama it could be like the other towns" shizune says and tsunade grits her teeth a bit. The last five towns they have been in the gambling dens refused as her debts were purchased by someone and were told not to service her.

"I highly doubt they listen some unknown" tsunade says, a scowl on her face. The pair march into town and people were bustling for the tournament but people saw her, causing many to whisper and stealthily point. Tsunade quickly went to a pachinko parlor and started playing but was shocked that she was winning.

"Amazing Tsunade-sama" shizune cheers but tsunade narrows her honey eyes.

"This is bad omen.. I almost never win" tsunade thought. The pair soon collect the winnings and traverse the town, "It's rare for you win this much" shizune comments, carrying a case and tonton walking next to her.

"This city.. I have a bad feeling about this place.. We're leaving" tsunade says and shizune furrows her brow.

"Bad feeling.. Did we not come for this gambling tournament.. Plus it's a resort town.. We can admire the castle and have some fun" shizune says.

"Then hurry up.. So we can go and screw the tournament" tsunade says and shizune quickly follows with tonton. The trio soon reach the castle but suddenly it explodes courtesy of a large snake but on top of the snake were orochimaru and kabuto.

"That's?!" shizune says. Tsunade tsks with a scowl on her beautiful face, "Orochimaru!" she hisses and orochimaru chuckles, his arms heavily bandaged.

"I've found you" orochimaru hisses, his neck down were also bandaged. Tsunade glares as the pair drop down with the walls at their backs, "What do you want" she says, coldly.

"Orochimaru-sama is need of your aid.. As you see he has been horribly injured" kabuto starts and tsunade narrows her eyes.

"His heartbeat is rapid and he is in tremendous pain" tsunade thought.

"So.. I don't do medicine anymore.. Ask someone else" tsunade says.

"We can't do that.. You can see the seriousness of his injuries.. Only someone of your legendary status can fix this Tsunade-hime" kabuto says, as the tension between them rises.

"The injuries you received aren't ordinary.. What did you do" tsunade says, seeing orochimaru's arms trembling.

"Nothing much.. I got these injuries fighting the Sandaime" orochimaru says, omitting that naruto was the real cause and tsunade's breath hitches.

"You attacked Konoha" tsunade says, a stern look forming and orochimaru sneers.

"No need to look so scary.. Sarutobi-sensei is still alive.. Unlike the ones you lost" orochimaru says. Tsunade's honey eyes narrow and flicker in anger as orochimaru smirks, while kabuto looks between the legendary pair.

"Loved ones lost.. I see.. He's come up with a terrible plan" kabuto thought.

"Kukuku.. Their deaths were quite gruesome.. Noble Dan.. Your precious little brother Nawaki and newborn Godson Naruto" orochimaru sneers. Shizune gnashes her teeth and pulls up her sleeve to reveal a senbon launcher, "Bastard" she shouts, firing her senbon. Kabuto acts quickly and blocks the senbon with his kunai knife, "Poison" he says, holding one. Shizune quickly rushes kabuto with a kunai as kabuto prepares to defend himself with his own kunai.

"Stop Shizune" tsunade shouts and shizune halts, inches from slitting kabuto's throat.

"She's no ordinary attendant" kabuto thought, as shizune back leaps to her mistress.

"Orochimaru.. You've been like this since the old days.. You know how my personality is.. So stop joking around.. What do you want" tsunade says, with a friendly look but it shifts into a murderous look. Tsunade back-fists the wall behind her and it shatters into pieces, shocking kabuto but orochimaru laughs.

"We did not come to fight.. We've come to negotiate" kabuto says.

"Kukuku.. Kabuto-kun is correct.. We came to negotiate.. In exchange for healing me completely.. I will revive Nawaki.. Dan and Naruto" orochimaru says, shocking both women and pig.

"I perfected your Grand Uncle's Jutsu and with it I can revive All three" orochimaru says, omitting naruto actually being alive. Tsunade stands stock-still as orochimaru chuckles but she notices black crows appearing, "Since you haven't chased us off.. You're thinking it over" he says.

"Too bad you would have to sacrifice Three lives for them" a voice says and all of them gasp. The crows all caw in unison and explode into black feathers to rain down next to them, before forming into naruto with his Anbu mask on.

"I don't know the first two but I take umbridge with the last" naruto says, his voice distorted. Orochimaru gnashes his teeth as kabuto adjusts his glasses, "This is bad.. With Naruto-kun here.. It ruins the plan" he thought. Tsunade narrows her eyes as neko and tenten appear behind the disguised naruto, "Anbu.. Why" she thought.

"Why are Konoha Anbu here?!" tsunade shouts. Naruto tilts his head and removes his hood to reveal his red hair, "On one Hand I can finish off the Snake who ran from me and on the other hand.. Lord Third sent us find you Princess Tsunade" he says, raising his hands to emphasize each point.

"Curse you Boy" orochimaru shouts and naruto laughs, slipping out of his coat and letting it fall on the ground. Naruto raises his out his left hand and a Rasengan forms, shocking tsunade and shizune but more so when a small white flame appears.

"I almost have the mix down.. Care to try again" naruto says and orochimaru grits his teeth.

"We're leaving Kabuto" orochimaru says and looks to tsunade, "Think about it.. You have a week" he adds, as both vanish. Naruto sighs deeply and cancels his Rasengan by tossing it aside as it dissipates, "Now then Tsunade Senju.. May we speak" he says.

"Why would Sandaime-sama send Anbu" shizune states.

"Hokage-sama wishes for you to return to Konoha" neko says and tsunade narrows her eyes.

"How about we find a bar to speak in private.. We have much to discuss" naruto says. Tsunade sighs and rubs her forehead, "Fine but you're paying" she says. Naruto grabs his coat and slips it on, "Lead the way.. Neko.. Rook scout the town" he says and both vanish.

*Scene Break*

Tsunade stares at the clear liquid in front of naruto, shizune sitting next to her and tonton eating some food.

"So who are you" tsunade says. Naruto pours some vodka in a glass and pushes it to tsunade, "My code name is Kyūketsuki but I have another name" he says, pushing his mask into the shadows of his hood. Naruto slips a cigarette into the shadows and lights it with his zippo, "Now Lord Third wishes for you to return to the village.. The reason being that Orochimaru invaded the village" he starts. Tsunade downs the drink and pushes the cup back for more, "So Sensei finally admits he's lost a step" she says.

"While true.. His mind is still sharp.. However he wishes to finally retire and has chosen you as his successor" naruto says and the glass shatters. Tsunade has a firm scowl on her face as naruto pulls off his gloves to pick up the glass pieces.

"I refuse.. The Hokage position is cursed.. Every one who has taken it or dreamed of it has died save Sensei" tsunade says but breath hitches, as a few drops of blood fall on the table. Naruto notices tsunade is starting to hyperventilate and sees her eyes on the blood, "Interesting.. A healer afraid of blood" he muses but waves his hand and the blood vanishes.

"Now I don't fault your actions.. Indeed Each Hokage except Lord Third has died.. Hell I even had the dream of being Hokage but that died three years ago" naruto says. Tsunade slowly starts to calm down with shizune's help, "What do you mean" shizune asks but naruto waves his hand.

"Don't worry about it.. I realized it was fool's dream especially with my circumstance.. However let's put that aside for now.. What if I were tell you that you have living family in Konoha" naruto states.

"Then I would say you have a Sick sense of humor.. The only people I would consider family died years ago.. Her name was Kushina and her baby Naruto" tsunade says and naruto narrows his eyes.

"Who told you Naruto died" naruto says, pouring some vodka into another cup for her.

"Jiraiya.. After the Kyubi attack we happen to meet and he told me of Kushina and Naruto's passing" tsunade says but gasps, as naruto was clutching the bottle so hard to the point of nearly shattering.

"H-hey" tsunade starts but her eyes narrow, seeing someone.

"Tsunade?!" jiraiya suddenly shouts. Tsunade was about to retort but naruto vanishes, grabbing jiraiya by the throat and rushing them out of the bar. Tsunade and shizune quickly follow them out and find them on the ground with naruto's hand around jiraiya's throat.

"You told her I was DEAD!" naruto roars, ready to kill the white hair man. Jiraiya struggles to keep from passing out or his neck being snapped, "I-it w-was a-a mistake" he sputters. Neko and tenten appear behind naruto and grab him, freeing jiraiya from naruto's death grip.

"You're Naruto.. Naruto Uzumaki?!" tsunade says. Naruto pulls himself from neko's grip and rip off his mask, "Yes" he says, showing his face and tsunade gasps.

"N-naruto.. Listen" jiraiya says but a chain strikes the ground near him. Naruto's eyes turn a glowing blue with the white of his eyes a black void, "I find out the old man knew you told her I was dead.. I'll Kill you and HIM" he hisses, exploding into a murder of crows. Neko vanishes as well and leaves tenten with the two sannin, shizune and tonton.

"Who are you" tsunade asks.

"Rook.. It's an honor to meet you Tsunade-sama" tenten signs. Jiraiya coughs roughly to catch his breath and looks at tsunade but she was glaring at him, "You and I are going have a Long talk" she says.

*Scene Break*

Yugao removes her mask as naruto stood on the roof of a building with scarlet tears running down his face, "I don't think Hokage-sama knew what he's done" she says. Naruto drinks from a vodka bottle with a growl, "I meant what I said.. If he knows.. He dies and we vanish" he says. Yugao hugs naruto from behind with a sigh into his back, "My respect for the Sannin have gone down" she says.

"If Jiraiya hadn't lied.. Tsunade would've been in the village and raised me" naruto starts and looks to the sky.

"Then maybe we wouldn't have become monsters" naruto adds.

"Perhaps" yugao says. Tenten appears behind and yugao pulls from naruto, slipping her mask back on and retaking her persona.

"What is it Rook" neko says.

"Tsunade-sama wishes to speak with you Captain" tenten signs and naruto arches an eyebrow.

"She wishes to learn more about you.. Jiraiya was not forthcoming" tenten signs.

"Where is he" naruto asks.

"Tsunade-sama attacked him a bit and Shizune is healing him" tenten signs. Naruto sighs and wipes his face, "Where" he asks and tenten hands him a slip.

"Alright.. Secure us a room for the day.. I'll return soon" naruto says and both nod, as he vanishes.

"Why were his tears red" tenten signs. Neko looks up at the night sky with a sigh, "We vampires can only weep Bitter Tears of Scarlet" she says.

"Come along Rook.. We'll secure lodgings" neko says and tenten, as they drop into the street to henge into civilians.

*Scene Break*

Tsunade downs a gulp of sake but looks up to see naruto approaching, "You have your mother's face and your father's eyes" she says. Naruto slips off his coat and drapes it on the chair, taking a seat and crossing his legs.

"So I've been told" naruto says, slipping a cigarette into his mouth but doesn't light it. Tsunade does another shot of sake with a look at the blond, "He said it was grief" she starts and naruto scoffs.

"Grief made him tell someone their godchild was dead.. I meant it.. If your sensei knew about this.. He'll die" naruto says and tsunade frowns.

"I know I don't have a lot of love for Konoha but I will fight to save him" tsunade says.

"Then I hope he doesn't" naruto says, pulling out a scroll and unseal some more vodka.

"Tell me.. Are you the Kyubi Jinchuriki" tsunade asks.

"Yes... My own father damned my life for the good of the village.. Then the old man bowed to pressure and told people I was a jinchuriki but kept my heritage a secret out of fear" naruto says, downing a glass of vodka.

"I can't speak for him but the village was a dire situation" tsunade says, offering her cup and naruto pours her some.

"Were you adopted.. Kushina had a few close friends" tsunade asks.

"No.. I lived in the orphanage until I was a certain age.. The matrons encouraged others to hurt me" naruto starts and softly smiles, "Except one.. Once I was kicked out.. He got me an apartment in the red-light district.. It didn't stop people from treating me like shit.. Breaking into my place.. Selling me shitty food or overcharging me for everything.. If not for The Ice Queens.. I would not have survived" he adds.

"How could sensei allow this" tsunade says.

"He's one man.. An old man at that.. He couldn't watch me twenty-four seven" naruto says and starts to explain his meeting the queens, becoming a vampire, joining Anbu, turning his queens, killing danzo and meeting karin. By the end tsunade had downed five glasses of vodka, "How can such a thing happen" she asks.

"I do not know but thanks to him.. I now have the power protect myself and I have dealt with the one who can do me harm" naruto muses.

"At least that bastard is dead now" tsunade says and both clink their cups.

"Would you return to the village to at least meet Karin.. She's wants to become a medical combat ninja" naruto says. Tsunade slowly drinks her vodka in thought, "What about Orochimaru.. He'll return in week" she says. Naruto finally lights his cigarette with a small smirk, "Let me worry about that" he muses, as they continue to talk for awhile. The pair separate and naruto makes his way to find their room but tenten was asleep. Yugao was sitting by the window with her mask off, "Good talk" she thought.

"We talked for a bit.. She also agreed to come to Konoha to meet Karin.. So our mission is a partial success" naruto thought. Yugao moves off the windowsill and embraces her blond, "What will we do about Rook" she thought.

"We'll deal with it once we return.. For now I want you train her.. She'll be joining Anbu" naruto thought.

"Are you That confident the Rook will take the forbidden apple" yugao thought, as naruto lifts her chin to kiss her lips.

"We will see" naruto muses. Over the next week jiraiya avoided the pair of blondes, while they gambled with the younger constantly winning and the older one losing. Yugao spent the week training tenten on proper Anbu etiquette, preparing her to properly join the corp. The day before orochimaru was set return tsunade gave naruto her grandfather's cursed necklace, along with the story behind it. However the blond vampire simply laughed and relished the chance to put it to the test.

*Scene Break*

Tsunade stares at the hole in the wall she created the week prior, with a blank look on her face as the wind lightly blows. Footsteps catch tsunade's ears and she looks up to see orochimaru approaching, "So what is your answer" he asks. Tsunade pushes off the wall and slowly makes her way to him, "I will heal you but in exchange you are to leave Konoha alone" she says and orochimaru chuckles.

"Very well" orochimaru says. Tsunade holds out her hands as they start to glow green and blue as orochimaru smirks but a kunai whizzes towards them, causing both to leap back. Kabuto lands on the wall next to them with a serious look as orochimaru glares, "To think you would betray me.. Tsunade!" orochimaru hisses. The tension starts to rise as both sannin glare at one another, "This is your answer.. You would try to kill me but thanks to my trust in Kabuto.. He spotted your treachery" orochimaru says.

"Yes.. We're both from the medical corp.. So I noticed her violent intent" kabuto says but narrows his eyes, as tsunade's body starts to tremble. Small laughter starts to escape the blonde to confuse both but the laughter becomes louder and more like a man's laugh, "Hahahahahaha.. Good eye but you made on critical error.. Tsunade's isn't here" she says, as her form turns into naruto and shocking both.

"You?!" orochimaru hisses. Naruto shoots forward and tosses several kunai towards the pair but both dodge and land on the wall, "Don't run away again Snake.. Face your death like a man" naruto shouts.

"Damn you" orochimaru shouts but is forced to dodge with kabuto, as naruto shatters the wall they were on.

"He can imitate Tsunade-hime's strength?!" orochimaru hisses.

"We should change locations" kabuto suggests and the snake sannin nods, as they rush off. Naruto grins and gives chase with a wild look on his face as they lead him out of the town to a more open area. Naruto flashes several signs and inhales deeply, "Fūton: Shinkūgyoku" he thought, firing several blasts of wind. Kabuto and orochimaru dodge them as they reach a large open area, "This should be far enough" orochimaru says. Kabuto reaches in his pouch and pulls out a food pill to eat, before flashing signs and his hands hum with a blue glow.

"Hoh.. So you're in the mood" naruto says, reaching for his chokuto. Kabuto vanishes with a shatter of the rock he was on but naruto leaps as kabuto appears under him to grabs. Naruto draws his sword and brings it down to stab kabuto but he dodges to his left and naruto gives chase. Kabuto uses shunshin as naruto swings his sword to appear behind the blond and touch his sword arm as the blond swings back, then catching his left leg as he passes with a skid. Naruto staggers slightly as his chokuto falls from his hand and his leg gives out, causing kabuto smirk.

"Something wrong Naruto-kun.. If you don't understand I severed the bicep in your arm and the rectus muscle in your leg" kabuto says. Naruto narrows his eyes and slowly reaches his feet with most of his weight on his right leg, "Is that supposed to stop me Kabuto" he says. Kabuto shoots forward with a smirk and connects with a palm to naruto's chest, causing the blond to seize but grin wide and grab kabuto by both his arms.

"Sorry that doesn't work on me" naruto howls, connecting with a headbutt to kabuto's face breaking his nose and cracking one of the lens on his glasses. The silver hair ninja staggers back with tears his eyes from the pain as naruto giggles, "You may have severed those muscles and tried to stop my heart.. However with my new body.. That doesn't matter" naruto says. Kabuto glares at naruto as the blond's upper half was shadowed and his eyes glowing, "So what now.. I thought you gonna kill me.. Hurry.. Hurry.. Hurry come try and Kill me Kabuto" naruto shouts. Orochimaru suddenly appears next to kabuto with a smirk, "Do it Kabuto" orochimaru says. Kabuto bites his thumb and lifts orochimaru's right sleeve to show his burned arm but also a tattoo, before smearing blood onto it and slams his hands on the ground.

"Kuchiyose no Jutsu" kabuto shouts. A large eruption of smoke fills the area as a large snake looms over the area with orochimaru and kabuto onto its head. It has purple scales and black rings running down intervals on his body with green eyes.

"Orochimaru why have you summoned me" it roars.

"Manda I want you to kill the Kyubi child" orochimaru shouts. Manda shifts its gaze and sees naruto with a hiss, "Fine but I want another hundred sacrifices on top of him" he says. Naruto laughs with a wild look on his face, "Oh yes.. Come try and kill me" he howls and rushes forward. Manda does the same as the vampire leaps as manda opens his mouth wide to swallow him.

"Naruto?!" tsunade shouts, as she and the other arrives but it was too late as manda closes its jaws.

"Kukuku.. Jiraiya.. It's a reunion of the Sannin" orochimaru sneers. Tsunade clenches her left fist, "Damn it.. That necklace is truly cursed" she thought.

"Orochimaru.. You have sunk too low.. We are no longer Comrades" jiraiya shouts and orochimaru laughs.

"Comrades?!.. That word makes me shiver" orochimaru sneers.

"Today is last day we will be called Sannin" tsunade shouts, preparing to bite her thumb as jiraiya does the same.

"O-ochi-maru.. A-a C-curse on Y-you" manda starts and orochimaru freezes, before he and kabuto. Jiraiya, shizune, tenten and tsunade gasp as ice and wooden spears erupt from manda's head to kill the snake boss.

"Orochimaru grossly underestimated Kyūketsuki's abilities" neko says, as the snake crashes to the ground with a dust up. Orochimaru and kabuto land on the ground with the latter wide eyed as naruto erupts from manda with a roar, "Impossible" kabuto says. Naruto has an impossibly wide grin on his face, "Thanks for the meal Orochimaru.. I've been famished" he muses, before inhaling deeply and all the blood in manda's body enters his own. Orochimaru gnashes his teeth but shifts his gaze to his other sannin, "Even if you won't heal me Tsunade.. I have a way to do so.. I will destroy Konoha.. I hope I see you both there when I do!" orochimaru says, sinking into the ground. Kabuto looks to naruto and flashes several signs, "I will find a way to kill you" he thought, vanishing in a puff of smoke.

"So he ran away again.. Oh well.. Anko and I can hunt him down later" a voice booms. Everyone except turns to see a humongous black snake with blue eyes and purple rings down its body, "What is that?!" jiraiya shouts.

"What happens to those I devour.. You best pray to your pervert God I don't do it to you" naruto hisses, before his body balloons and explodes into black crows. The blond reforms in front of the ground with a roll of his neck, "Now then shall we return" naruto says.


Hinata covers her face to hide the look of rage on her face as she leaves her father's study, "Not only is Naruto the Kyubi but also the Son of the Yondaime" she thought. They hyuga heiress leaves her family's compound and makes her way to the training ground to meet her team, finding sasuke berating karin.

"What do you mean you don't know where he is" sasuke hisses.

"I am not Naruto's keeper.. He has his own missions due to the invasion" karin shot and sasuke glares. A puff of smoke erupts to get their attention and reveals a woman with long brown hair in jonin attire, "Hello.. I am Yamato and I be taking command of Team-7 until Kakashi-senpai recovers" she says.

"How is Kakashi-sensei" karin asks.

"He's recovering but still unconscious.. Hopefully Lord Jiraiya can bring Lady Tsunade back to Konoha" yamato says, mild concern in her voice. For the next three hours team-7 went through some training with some missions to help with the construction in the village. Yamato dismisses them as karin makes her way to the hospital for a shift but hinata follows her.

"Is something the matter Hinata" karin says. The hyuga heiress looks the redhead in her red eyes, "Did you know about Naruto's heritage" hinata asks.

"Yes.. Naruto told me during our training.. Why" karin replies.

"No reason.. Perhaps He and I can meet to speak" hinata says. Karin adjusts her glasses with slightly narrow eyes, "Well when I see him again.. I can let him know.. Now I need to go for my shift" she says and excuses herself. Hinata watches the redhead leave and narrows her eyes, "So she doesn't know about his true nature or she hides it well.. Not only is he is the Kyubi but the son of the Yondaime.. That pedigree could be enough to oust my father" she thought. The heiress makes her way to training ground eight to find kurenai, remembering the display at the exams.

"She did say that Kyūketsuki was her fiancée.. So it means Naruto is in the CRA" hinata thought.

"Yo Hinata.. What are you doing here" kiba shouts, causing sakura to glare at the heiress.

"I need to speak with Kurenai-sensei about personal matters" hinata says. Kurenai moves a stray hair from her forehead, "What about Hinata" she asks.

"Something private.. Can we speak at the local Dango shop" hinata states. Kurenai furrows her brow but turns to her team, "We'll take a D-rank with Shino in charge.. It shouldn't take me long" she says and two reluctantly nod. Kurenai follows hinata to the dango shop and the pair take a booth in a secluded part of the shop.

"So what do you wish to speak about.. We are not actually close anymore" kurenai says. Hinata keeps her eyes closed for a few moments, "During the second round you mentioned that you were engaged to the Proctor called Kyūketsuki.. Along with proctor Mitarashi" she starts and kurenai arches an eyebrow.

"Yes.. He is last male member of his Clan and thus he qualifies for the CRA" kurenai replies and suspects where this is going.

"I'll cut to the chase Kurenai.. I know Kyūketsuki is Naruto.. I saw his chakra with my Byakugan" hinata says and kurenai narrows her eyes.

"And your point Hinata.. Now that Naruto is revealed to be the son of our Yondaime.. You now have interest for him" kurenai says.

"I have No interest in Naruto as a person but his Name carries Weight.. The Yondaime is revered through the countries.. So If I were to be wedded to such" hinata says and doesn't notice kurenai's eyes turn a glowing purple and back to normal.

"Hinata you have changed so much.. You've gained wicked heart.. Naruto has had a hard life and you've seen it.. Yet you wish Naruto to be some tool for you" kurenai says, holding her anger. Hinata rests her chin on her propped up hands, "Yes I did see it.. Naruto saved me from some cretins who made fun my Byakugan.. He failed miserably but I continued to watch him and he showed he was a fool.. However his never give up attitude spurred me.. So I thank him for that" she explains.

"Why don't we skip the words and get to what is the heart of the matter" kurenai asks. Hinata sighs and leans back in the booth with a serious look, "I want you to convince Naruto to take me as one of his wives" she says. Kurenai takes a deep breath with her eyes closed, "Hinata.. You have truly become like your father.. Scheming to further your own aims" she says. Hinata's eyes narrow and flicker in anger, "I am Nothing like that man" she hisses.

"If Naruto wasn't the son of the Yondaime.. Would you give him the time of day" kurenai says but hinata says nothing, "Or you know another of Naruto's secrets.. Something that could get you executed" kurenai adds and leaves the table. Hinata sits silent and bites her lip in anger, "That Fucking Bitch" she thought.

*Scene Break - One Week Later*

Tenten kneels on one knee in front of dragon with neko and naruto standing behind her, "Tsunade-sama have been returned.. Good work Rook" dragon starts and looks to naruto.

"Kyūketsuki's choice to bring you in.. It was not a wrong choice but you are Green Rook.. Anbu isn't like being a Genin or Chunin.. One mistake and your Whole Team Dies" dragon continues and tenten nod. Dragon approaches tenten and rips off the left sleeve of her shirt, before weaving signs and stopping on ram. Tenten winces as the Anbu tattoo forms on her left arm after dragon places their hand on her arm.

"Welcome to the Zoo Rook.. Continue to impress us" dragon states.

"Thank you Commander" tenten signs.

"Kyūketsuki.. See me Later.. We need to discuss some matters" dragon adds and naruto nods, leaving the room.

"You can speak now Panda" naruto says, removing his mask but neko keeps hers on. Tenten looks up at naruto as he hold out the apple in his hand, "So will you take the forbidden apple" he says. Tenten slowly gets to her feet and removes her mask to take the apple from his hand, causing the blond vampire to grin wide and his eyes to glow.

"Welcome to the Queens" naruto says. Neko approaches and undoes tenten's armor, "Your parents and team will receive notice of your transfer" neko says and tenten slowly nods.

"I'll inform Dragon" neko adds, leaving the room.

"Um so how does this work" tenten asks but blushes, as naruto snakes his arms around her waist to her back.

"Don't worry it's simple but we won't do it here" naruto says and they vanish in a flash. Tenten immediately feels queasy but her breath hitches as they were in a bedroom, "Where are we and what was that" she asks.

"In order.. My bedroom and that was Hiraishin.. Signature of both Lord Second and Fourth" naruto says, tossing his coat on a chair. Tenten looks at him with wide eyes, "How" she says.

"Lord Fourth is my father.. Don't worry I'll explain things later.. I would like to get some sleep" naruto says. Tenten gulps slightly as naruto approaches her and lift her chin to look him in the eye, "I ask again.. Are you ready to take the forbidden fruit" he says. Tenten blushes with a nod, "Yes..." she whispers. Naruto smiles warmly and slowly turns tenten to face the bed, "Unlike the others.. I will give you my bite.. Do tell them" he coos, his breath on her neck. Tenten's skin goes flush at his breath but winces as naruto sinks his fangs into her neck and a groan escapes her lips. Her eyes starting to flutter as his right holds up her head and his left gropes her breast. A trail of blood runs down tenten's neck as naruto continues to drink with soft moans escaping the bun-hair kunoichi.

"T-this feels good" tenten thought. Naruto unlatches with a look of pleasure on his face as tenten falls forward on the bed and barely breathing but naruto turns her over, seeing her red cheeks and bleeding throat as she weakly moves further into bed. Naruto licks some blood from his cheek and bites his wrist open, while climbing into the bed and holding it to her mouth.

"Drink Tenten.. Become one of the Night" naruto says. Tenten opens her mouth and a few drops of blood hit her tongue, giving her enough vigor to grip naruto's arm as he makes a fist to force more blood out. Tenten's skin starts to pale a shade as the whites of her eyes turn black and her pupils a glowing purple.

"That's enough.. That's Enough!" naruto hisses, yanking his arm back. Tenten pants heavily with moans escaping her lips but her eyes grow heavy and she slips into death and rebirth as naruto's eyes return to normal. He slips off the bed as his shadow gurgles to form a coffin, before picking up tenten off the bed and placing her in the coffin.

"A shower then a nap" naruto thought, closing the coffin. After a quick hot shower naruto returns to his room and into his bed as tenten is reborn as a mistress of the dark.

*Scene Break - Hokage Tower*

Hiruzen restrains his KI as he looks at jiraiya with tsunade off to the side with a look on her face, "Jiraiya how could you do something like this?!.. I've done everything to make things up to Naruto-kun for what happened and you have cracked that by Lying not only to Tsunade but Me" he shouts. Jiraiya wilts under the gaze of his sensei the shinobi no kami and professor, "I-i was in a dark place.. Minato was dead and the prophecy" he says.

"That doesn't change the fact you chose to abandon an innocent child.. For selfish reasons" tsunade says. Hiruzen rubs his forehead with a sigh, "Neko" he says and neko appears.

"Where is Kyūketsuki" hiruzen states.

"He is with Rook" neko replies and hiruzen nods.

"Tell him I had nothing to do with Jiraiya's choice" hiruzen says and neko nods, returning to her post.

"You don't know what he said.. He will kill you if he believes you knew anything" jiraiya says.

"And who's fault is that?!.. You denied him someone to raise him and care for him.. All because you were angry over Minato's death and a prophecy you know is to be taken with grain of salt" hiruzen says.

"Not to change the subject.. But Naruto told me you want me to be Godaime" tsunade says. Hiruzen lights his pipe with a nod, "Yes I do.. Orochimaru's invasion has shown I've been Hokage too long.. If not for Naruto-kun I would have died" he starts and pauses.

"And through him things have changed.. Danzo is dead.. The civilian council disbanded.. Homura and Koharu are no longer my advisors.. Their voices reduced to speaking for Sasuke-kun but that diminishes as time passes.. So Tsunade I ask you to become Hokage.. Turn this village into a place where Naruto-kun can lay roots" hiruzen continues.

"You're afraid he'll leave" tsunade says.

"Come on he wouldn't leave.. His parents died for the village" jiraiya says but tsunade scoffs.

"A village who spits on that sacrifice.. You saw what he did to Manda.. I highly doubt we could stop him and that's not even using the Kyubi's power" tsunade says.

"Tsunade is right.. He has the Sharingan.. Mokuton and whole host of other bloodlines at his disposal.. Including their memories.. He told me once the Trappings of Mortal forms holds no sway over him.. He can become anyone and completely vanish" hiruzen says and jiraiya's breath hitches.

"If you're that afraid.. I'll do it.. Besides the kid's a gambling ace.. He paid off my debts with ease" tsunade says.

"Thank you Tsunade.. As for you Jiraiya.. I urge you again to stay away from Naruto.. There is no telling what he will do" hiruzen says.

"Fine Sensei" jiraiya says.

*Scene Break - Anbu HQ*

"It's time I tell you about something" dragon says, across from them was naruto. The blond sits with his legs crossed, wearing black jeans and a white muscle shirt with black gloves. Dragon removes their hood to reveal whitish-blonde hair, before reaching for their mask and revealing a woman with light mocha skin.

"Surprised" dragon says but naruto shakes his head, noting her aquamarine eyes. Dragon places her mask on the desk with a sigh, "Have you wondered why I took an interest in you.. Well that is because we're related" she says and naruto arches an eyebrow.

"How" naruto says, moving his lollipop from side to side and dragon sighs.

"My Real name is Arya Namikaze... You see the Namikaze were originally from Lightning country.. However the clan splintered about forty or so years ago.. Our branch continued to live in Lightning but the other became nomadic" dragon explains.

"My dad was an orphan" naruto says and arya nods.

"True.. It was at the end of the war I learned about your father.. By that time our branch had been absorbed into Kumo's military machine and used to nothing.. My parents managed to get us out but" arya says but pauses, as rueful look forms.

"However Kumo sent one of their Death squads.. The previous Dragon happened to be in the area and saved me.. I was brought to Konoha and thoroughly vetted.. Hokage-sama agreed to allow me to join Anbu but it was too late to reconnect with Minato.. The Kyubi incident happened" arya continues.

"So when you learned he had a son" naruto says.

"I did everything I could to try and help.. I assigned Neko as your guard and helped train Hana.. When you joined Anbu I kept you close but I couldn't tell you who I was.. I am breaking protocol by telling you now" arya says. Naruto uncrosses his legs with a sigh, "The old man probably allowed you to tell me.. Because he want to keep me in the village.. He's afraid I'll abandon the village" he says. Arya reaches for her mask but naruto places his hand on hers, "Crafty on his part but ultimately I have living family on both sides" he muses and arya smiles. Arya slips back on her mask and dragon remerges, "Tell no one what you heard" she says.

"I won't.. Do we have any other living members" naruto asks.

"One perhaps.. However I have my doubts" dragon says and naruto nods, "How long before Rook is battle ready" dragon adds.

"Two to three weeks.. Anko and Hana will take her on some bandit clears.. Yugao will start her training after that" naruto says and dragon nods.

"You're taking this well.. You now know you had living family in the village" dragon says.

"Well having souls like Danzo and the like.. It helps calms me down" naruto says but snaps his fingers.

"Oh I need an Off The Books Mission" naruto adds and dragon tilts her head.

"Why do you need a Black Mission" dragon asks. Naruto rises from his chair and makes a shush motion, "Better you don't know.. Just know I'll be taking the Queens plus one" he says.

"Plus one being our Rookie" dragon comments and naruto smirks, leaving her office. Naruto leaves Anbu HQ and makes his way into the village, several people giving him looks but the blond ignores them.

"I should go check on Senpai" naruto thought, before vanishing.

*Konoha General*

Naruto arrives at the hospital and makes his way to kakashi's room, finding yamato inside with the former reading his orange book.

"How are feeling Kakashi-senpai.. Hello Kinoe-senpai" naruto greets and yamato glares at him, with that look.

"Sorry Yamato-senpai" naruto corrects. Kakashi sighs with a look to the blond, "Better but I'll still be down a little longer" he says.

"Senpai will need you to lead the team.. I have to return to my duties" yamato says.

"That's fine.. What rank mission can I take" naruto asks.

"Up to a C-rank.. I think they need to get out of the village.. Also be careful of Sasuke.. He knows about Itachi searching for you" kakashi says. Naruto rubs the back of his neck with a sigh, "That's his problem but I'll be careful" he says. The door opens as hiruzen enters and sees naruto, "Naruto-kun" he says.

"How's it going Gramps" naruto says. The current hokage sighs and makes his way to the blond, "Thank you for bringing Tsunade back.. Did Neko speak to you" he says.

"She did.. Jiraiya is an arrogant fool" naruto says and sighs, "But I am hurt" he adds and hiruzen frowns.

"I should get to my duties.. Excuse Sandaime-sama" yamato says and excuses herself. Naruto pockets his hands and walks to the window near kakashi's bed, "Senpai.. I want you to have the house" he say and kakashi's breath hitches.

"Have you gone to the house" hiruzen asks and naruto glances back, shaking his head.

"I'll do it tonight.. Then you can transfer the deed to Kakashi-senpai.. Call it an early wedding present for you and Tenzo-senpai or Yamato-senpai" naruto says.

"Naruto that was parent's home.. I-I couldn't take it" kakashi says.

"I couldn't live there.. It would cause bad memories.. Besides I'm content with my complex" naruto muses and turns to face him, before slipping on his glasses.

"Plus you're a student of my father.. So that kind of makes us like brothers.. So take the house Big Bro" naruto adds, before turning to mist and slipping out the window.

*Scene Break - Night Fall - Lemon Start*

Anko opens the coffin with hana standing behind her as tenten was laying motionless but her eyes shoot open and are a glowing purple.

"Good evening Little sister" anko says. Tenten's eyes slowly return to normal and she blinks, "Where" she whispers but her throat was dry. Hana dangles a bottle of red liquid, "Here this will help" she says, opening the bottle. Tenten's eyes quickly perk up and she takes the bottle to down the contents, "Thanks" she says. Anko helps tenten out of the coffin and guides her to the bed, "So how do you feel" anko asks.

"A little better but a weird" tenten says.

"We felt the same when Naruto turned us but we didn't get bit until we had sex" hana says and tenten blushes, causing anko to grin.

"Speaking of Sex.. How about we break you in" anko says and crawls further into bed, pulling off her bra. Anko cuts open her breast just above her left nipple, "Come Panda.. Mama Anko wants to feed you" she coos. Tenten's breath picks up as her lips part to show her fangs, before slowly crawling and latching onto anko's breast. Anko giggles as hana starts to strip off her clothes, before crawling in and stripping tenten of her bottoms. Tenten ignores the stripping as she drinks down anko's blood but shivers as hana starts kissing her bare thigh. The dog girl sharpens her nails and cuts tenten's shirt to ribbons and exposes her breasts, before tossing the pieces away. Anko runs her fingers along tenten's cheek to get her to stop, causing her to look up with red cheeks.

"You're so cute and innocent" anko coos, before softly kissing the younger girl. Tenten softly moans in anko's mouth and parts her lips to allow anko's tongue into her mouth.

"Naahh" tenten cries but muffled, as hana bites her neck. Anko giggles as hana pulls back but the pair share a bloodstained kiss, "Spread you legs" anko says, shifting tenten into her lap on her back. Hana starts licking and kissing tenten's right leg to move further up, "This is like the dreams we gave you" hana says, between kisses.

"Y-yes" tenten whispers but anko shifts her head, so they could kiss once more. Anko gropes tenten's breasts as hana spreads her legs, before cutting the fabric of her underwear.

"You should make your girls bigger" anko says, pinching tenten's right nipple.

"Ahh.. I-I can do that" tenten says, as hana tosses the remains of her underwear.

"Mmmhmm.. I'd say to at least a D or like Tsunade-sama" anko says.

"Change your thighs too" hana suggests, kissing tenten's inner thighs. Tenten shivers as hana makes contact with her maidenhood, "I-I'm gonna cum" she whispers.

"We'll have to work on that sensitivity" hana says, continuing to suck and lick tenten's sacred area. Anko slowly sinks her fangs into tenten's neck and it causes the younger to cum in hana's mouth.

"Fufufufu.. You like being bitten huh" anko coos. Hana sits on her knees and wipes her mouth but tenten shocks her, kissing the dog girl to knock them back on the bed.

"Wow" anko says. Tenten tastes her own juices on hana's tongue but the inuzuka heiress was not one to be dominated and explores tenten's mouth with her tongue. Tenten soon pulls back with a trail of saliva between them but sets her sights on anko, before pouncing on her and knocking them back. Hana sits up on her elbows with a fanged grin as anko and tenten make out heavily, "Oh yes.. It will be so fun.. I can imagine once Naruto.. Yugao and Kurenai join" hana coos. Tenten cries out once again as hana starts licking her omanko once again.

"Don't stop Panda" anko says. Tenten breathes heavily as her breath was visible but she latches onto anko's breast once again, lightly scraping at the harden nub with her newborn fangs.

"Nayah" anko cries, feeling hana's hand toying with her omanko.

"Cumming" tenten cries, this time squirting. Hana pulls tenten back into her chest as anko then mashes her breasts with tenten's, both starting to assault the younger girl.

"Ha.. Ha.. Ha.. We should wrap this up.. We need to get going" anko says, licking her lips.

"W-where are we going" tenten says, riding out her third orgasm. Hana licks tenten on the neck with a grin, "Naruto is letting us take you hunting.. We're gonna hit some bandit camps" she says and anko grins, their eyes starting to glow.

*Scene Break - Lemon End - Next Day*

Naruto makes his way to training ground, wearing blue jeans with work boots slightly untied, a high collar zip-up shirt with a shorter version of his dress uniform jacket. The jacket stops a few inches under his arm pits with a white and orange color scheme, also black gloves on his hands. The blond spent all night in parents' old home, going through and securing what his parents left and securing the house for kakashi. The vampire nearly broke down as he saw the room meant for him but powered through and took everything down for storage.

"I didn't think you could feel such things" kyubi says, having being quiet for some time. Naruto scoffs with a stream of smoke, "I can feel plenty of things.. Do you wish to see my many sexual escapades" he thought but the fox remained silent. Naruto sees his fellow team-7 members waiting but he could see sasuke was ticked off.

"Sorry everyone.. I got lost on the road of life" naruto says, giving one of kakashi's eye-smiles.

"Where's Yamato-sensei" karin asks.

"Yamato-senpai has to returned to her duties.. So I'll be taking over until Kakashi-senpai recovers" naruto replies and sees sasuke tense. The last loyal uchiha glares at naruto with a serious look on his face, "Dobe.. Fight me" sasuke says, shocking his teammates. Naruto stands with his hands pocketed with his face shadowed and his eyes glowing, "Alright but don't cry when you're laying on your back" he says, angering sasuke.

"Is this wise" hinata says. Sasuke activates his Sharingan and glares at hinata, "Stay out of this Hyuga.. This is between me and the Dobe" he hisses. Naruto slips off his sunglasses and tosses them to karin, "Karin go get a Med-nin from the hospital.. We'll need them" he says, pocketing his hands once again.

"Um sure" karin says and rushes off. Naruto rolls his neck a few times with a glance to hinata, "You'll be our witness.. Only call a stop when I say so" he says.

[Music: Naruto Ost - Kokuten]

Sasuke rushes forward with a heated look, "Why does Itachi want you?!" he shouts, unleashing a furious one-two flurry. Naruto keeps his hands pocketed as he dodges with a back-step, "Who knows" he says, smirking. Naruto back skips but sasuke closes the gap with a leap into a spinning wheel kick, forcing naruto to pull his right hand from his pocket to block. Naruto pulls out his left to grab sasuke's leg to toss him but sasuke slams his hand on the ground, connecting with a mule kick to naruto's chest and knocking him on his back.

"Yes you do Dobe.. Itachi wouldn't search for someone like you" sasuke shouts. Naruto kips up with a puzzled look but closes the gap into a flurry of right jabs, forcing sasuke to dodge and block.

"Arghh" sasuke cries, as naruto connects with a left hook. Naruto then grabs sasuke by the front of his shirt and monkey flips him over, knocking sasuke for a loop as he does a full rotation to the ground. Naruto kips up once again as sasuke turns on his back with a dazed look, before naruto stomps on his face with his boot.

"Does that upset you.. It upsets you that Itachi is looking at me and not you" naruto says, raising his boot again but connects with a log.

"Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu" sasuke roars, firing a fireball above naruto. The blond swaps with another log as the fireball burns it to a crisp as sasuke lands with a look of rage on his face. Sasuke clutches his left as his Chidori forms, "I'll show you" he roars, shooting forward.

"No you won't" naruto says. Sasuke closes the gap and thrusts his lightning cover hand forward but naruto brushes his aside with a serious look, before connecting with a headbutt to sasuke's face. He staggers back with tears his eyes but they bulge as naruto connects with a stiff kick to the gut, breaking his control of his Chidori. Naruto then grabs sasuke as he is doubled over and powerbombs him into the ground as karin returns with shizune. [song ends]

*Scene Break*

"Naruto-kun what are you doing?!" shizune shouts. Naruto ruffles his hair with an eye-smile, "Sorry Shizune.. Sasuke and I got a little carried away with our spar" he says. Shizune shoots him a look as she kneels to heal sasuke, while the blond shifts his gaze to hinata.

"Seems we'll have pick this up another time Hinata" naruto says. Karin hands naruto his sunglasses as hinata approaches, "Another time then" hinata says, walking off.

"So what now" karin asks. Naruto looks up at the sky with a sigh, "How about we work on your chains" he says.

"Get out my way!" sasuke shouts, brushing shizune aside. She staggers a bit but catches herself but gasps as naruto is gripping sasuke by the face, lifting him off the ground.

"It would be wise not to harm those that help you" naruto says, his face blank. Sasuke gnashes his teeth in a rage as he grabs naruto's right arm, "I don't need any help" he hisses. Naruto tosses sasuke back and the last uchiha staggers back, clutching his face in anger as the blond looks down on him.

"Contrary to public opinion.. The world doesn't revolve around you.. You're not the first person to lose someone close to them" naruto says.

"Shut up Dobe!.. You don't know what's it's like!.. Maybe If I killed someone important to you.. Then maybe could begin to know how I feel!" sasuke shouts but suddenly his whole body breaks out in a cold chill. Naruto stood with shadows covering his upper-body as his KI exudes off of him, "Then you would Never see the Light of day.. Or Maybe.. I'll kill you.. Here.. And.. Now" he hisses but suddenly Anbu surround the blond. Sasuke staggers back with a look of shock but vanishes as naruto remains motionless.

"Sorry" naruto says, seeing the scared looks of shizune and karin.

"Everything copacetic" crane says and naruto nods, causing them to vanish.

"Are you alright Naruto" karin asks. Naruto slowly nods and glances to shizune, "Sorry about that" he says.

"I don't blame you.. And since your team meeting has gone downhill.. How about I take Karin for training" shizune says. Naruto lifts his sunglasses with a nod, "Sure.. We can start on your chains later" he says.

"Sure.. See you later" karin says and follows shizune, before naruto vanishes. A few days passed and kakashi returned to his team but naruto stayed away, watching from the shadows to keep away from sasuke. Team-7 took missions but it seemed sasuke was growing darker and darker, much to the shock of his teammates. Kakashi tried to steer sasuke from this dark path but could not. As for karin she unlocked the chakra chains and could only manifest one chain but naruto was helping her.

*One Month Later*

Shikamaru stands before the new hokage tsunade with hiruzen standing next to her desk with his pipe in his mouth.

"Chunin Nara.. You've been selected for a mission.. Just after five in the morning.. Tokubetsu Jonin Izumo and Kotetsu found one Sakura Haruno near the path leading to the main gate" tsunade starts and pauses.

"Sasuke Uchiha has abandoned the village.. We believe he has heading towards the Land of Sound" tsunade continues and shikamaru gasps.

"W-what... Why" shikamaru says.

"He has been enticed by Orochimaru" tsunade says.

"Why would Sasuke be enticed by him" shikamaru asks. Tsunade clasps her hands on the desk, "The reason is irrelevant.. This will be your first mission as a Chunin" she replies.

"So all I have to do is bring Sasuke back" shikamaru says but thought, "If there are no enemies.. It shouldn't be a hassle" as tsunade looks him in the eye.

"Yes.. However time is of the essence.. Because there is a strong possibility that Orochimaru sent his forces to guide Sasuke to him" tsunade says and shikamaru internally tsks.

"If that is the case.. I will need a Four man team of Jonin and Chunin" shikamaru says. Tsunade sighs and looks down at her desk, "I'm afraid I can't do that.. Due to the invasion.. Most Jonin and Chunin are taking missions outside the village" she says.

"However we can spare two operators but you will need to fill the two remaining spots.. You will have thirty minutes" hiruzen says and shikamaru says but feels the presence of two people. Shikamaru turns to see two Anbu but recognizes one, "You're the proctor from the prelims" he says.

"Permission to remove my mask Lady Fifth" naruto says and tsunade waves her hand.

"Not just there Shikamaru.. You know me well enough" naruto says, removing his mask. Shikamaru gawks but glances to the cloaked female Anbu but she keeps her mask on, "W-what.. You're in Anbu" he says and rubs his forehead.

"Alright.. I'll grab the two other members.. We'll meet at the main gate" shikamaru says, opening the door.

"I'd advise a Tracker and Medic.. Karin is available" naruto says and shikamaru waves his hand. Naruto turns back to tsunade and hiruzen, "Orders" he says.

"Bring him back alive.. He'll be milked until his balls fall off" tsunade says and looks to the other occupant.

"We'll she be alright" tsunade says.

"Of course Tsunade-sama" the Anbu says, removing her hood to reveal brown hair with panda buns but covered by silk brocades and ribbons.

"She'll be fine.. Panda is coming along nicely" naruto says. Tenten removes her mask with a sigh, "I can't believe I let you talk me into that name" she says.

"What should be do with Orochimaru's forces.. Kill them or bring one back" tenten asks.

"Bring back at least one.. Alive or Dead makes no difference for the two of you" hiruzen says and tenten's eyes glow purple.

"On your orders" tenten says, slipping her mask back on. Naruto rolls his neck as both head to the window, "By your leave Lady Fifth.. Lord Third" he says, as both leap out the window.